Monday, February 28, 2011

Made it: Baby Quilt #3

Or perhaps I should say, Making It. But I thought I'd blog about this as I make it. I've already messed up three times. The first two mistakes are just going to have to turn into improves, so we'll see what happens, but otherwise it's coming together really fast!

I'm using this fabric

for the quilt pattern behind this cute little baby.

I don't have a pattern for it, but I've made one up. I think it will turn out really nice. After I'm all done, and fix all my mistakes, I think I might write up an official pattern for it. :)  Yup, I've already messed up. Twice. Well, three times, but the third was a quick fix. Mostly I didn't cut my strips wide enough. I was planning on first making this quilt using a jelly roll, but when I went to fat quarters instead, I didn't adjust the width of the strips. Plus, I didn't account for the seam allowance on the sides when sewing the triangles together. Oops. So, my first adjustment was sewing 5 strips in a block instead of just 4, and now I'll just have to add two extra strips to each row, but I think it will be fine (crossing my fingers). ;)

First step: iron and cut out ALL the fabric. I hate cutting fabric, and I hate ironing. Getting it ALL out of the way at once makes the rest of the process much smoother (enjoyable). :) Of course there is still a lot of ironing throughout, it's not so bad I guess.

(Pictures are not good. I took them at night with my phone camera. ug.) ;)

Then the fun part... figuring what fabrics I want to sew together. I cut a lot of strips and matched them with similar colors or patterns. Turns out I think there is only like 1 or 2 strips that I may wish I had put somewhere else.
Then after sewing it all... CUT it! Scary. I did cut one piece the wrong way, and had to resew it, but it wasn't too much work. Then comes figuring out how to match the triangles together. FUN again! I love colors.

I think I figured out how I want to match them, now back to the sewing machine. :) I am happily impressed with how fast this thing is coming together! Seriously! :) I can't wait to see it finished. It's definitely a lot more pastel than the picture, but I think it will be cute. :)

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bohn isn't bean without the"e"

In German bohne means bean. So naturally marrying Neil I became a
bean. But in the back of my mind I also thought, "Bohn isn't bean
without the'e'." Then the magic of family history work came into play.
Back in the year of a long time ago, the certain Bohne german man
married a women from a foreign land and that is when they dropped the
"e" from the name. Could I be any more vague than that? Really? Oh
well. I feel much better about it now anyway.
On the topic of names, Neil has taken over the naming privileges of
our girl. Which is fine since I kind of dominated with the boys. :)
Anyway, I think going off names alone, our family will be complete.
We'll have an HR to take care of all that business stuff. A JB to take
care of the dining and food. And soon we'll have an MD for the medical
stuff. Of course I am a DR too, but I guess that fits with the "mom"
aspect of it all. Names are a fun thing. And having cute children is
even more fun. :)
My very own 'Handmade'

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Have you ever heard someone say, "I don't want to go to bed because I don't want tomorrow to come."? I don't understand that. Doesn't staying up late make the tomorrow that is inevitably going to come whether you go to bed or not, that much worse? Because not only is it tomorrow, but it's tomorrow and you are more tired than had you faced that tomorrow is coming and actually went to bed in preparation for it. As I went downstairs to get a drink of milk before bed I wondered why I was still up, seeing as how I was going to go to bed over an hour ago. Then I thought of "that sentence" (I have no idea why I put that in quotations, but the fact that I did reminds me of this super funny post my sister shared with me. Check this one out too. I was dying!) and I was so confused. What do I have to dread about tomorrow? Neil doesn't have to work, period. That's all. If Neil doesn't have to go to work then it is a good day to be a tomorrow day. Perhaps Tuesday could be a bad tomorrow day, but then why do I want to make Tuesday worse by staying up late before hand? And really, a whole extra day before hand? A whole bunch of nonsense if you ask me. Anyway, I am now off to face tomorrow. Goodnight to all! :)

p.s. can I just tell you that I had the weirdest dreams last night. My family was in it, plus some people from my mission, and then what's his name from Lost - uh, Swanker. lol. I don't know. Skywalker? Skype. not Skyler, anyway, the guy with the longish hair that was in love with Juliette Sawyer was in it too. It was a vacation/travel dream and was great! We were in a nice hotel, blah blah, then it turned into a vampire dream. Super weird. I don't know where that one came from. Anyway, guess you better go check out my brothers awesome book. This. He redid the cover, revised a few of the chapters, and redid the website. Don't miss it. :) They look great!

Funny Links:

This. book link

Monday, February 7, 2011

American Crafters Round 2!!

Yup! I made it to Round 2!! Thanks everyone who voted for me! I know this round is going to be really hard with so many great crafters. The theme this week?

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow!

Wish me luck!! :)

Check back later this week to see what I come up with. :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

American Crafters Round 1 Project

Today's the day to go vote over at Nap Time Crafters!!! :) Everyone votes for your 3 favorite projects, so if one of those just happens to be mine, that's fine with me! ;) Voting is open through Sunday.

It was kind of crazy trying to finish this project with a poor little boy who is not feeling too well. Jackson is such a needy boy at times. ;) But it was fun and I'm glad to be done! It's kind of intense having only 3 days from beginning to end (including actually coming up with an idea) to complete a project! But it was fun. I'm anxious and nervous to see what other amazing stuff people came up with! 

So here are some pictures and details of what I did:

Meet the "Special Delivery Truck"

Here's my super corny description I wrote up for the details:

Don't just hand over your Valentine's Day card or chocolates or gift to your special someone, but deliver them in style with this "Special Delivery Truck". Measures approximately 8 inches tall by 12.5 inches long. The back opens up and has more than enough room to deliver whatever special items you want to share with your loved one. Filled with 100% Polyester Fiberfill, this truck delivers nothing but softness. With children around, it's sure to be enjoyed long after that special day is over. Deliver your love all year long. :)

Can I just tell you, Hunter had already adopted and taken over this truck before I could even finish it. His favorite thing to put in it so far? His Little People tractor. He wasn't so happy after I put the button on since he has a harder time opening it now. But he's already toted it all over the house.

Three days isn't a lot of time to fix mistakes, so it's not exactly how I had hoped it would turn out, but it works. So I would do it a little bit different if I were going to make another one (probably not). But it's fun. :)

Last night Neil told me I should be an squirmy truck driver in the window. lol. Perhaps I will need to add a few more details. ;)

Anyway, the top 10 move on to next week, and I think I would love to move on, but I'd also be totally fine to not. ;) It's kind of crazy. Love the other projects too! So good luck to everyone! And thanks again for this great opportunity!!! :)

So go vote!!

Voting is now over, but I am linking this project up to the linky parties this week! :) Check my side bar, or come back later (I'm going to create a little button list at the bottom of my posts so you can see right there where I linked to.)