Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Did You Know???

I feel like things have been super crazy around here lately. Or at least behind the scenes. I feel like my blog is kind of crazy too! SO much going on! :)

I figured I'd just do one post as kind of a catch up for everything that you don't want to miss!


Did you notice that there is only 1 day left to sign up for the Covert Robin??? You can sign up here! Over 70 people have joined in, and this is going to be one awesome party! I love the idea of everyone swapping great homemade gifts and then guest blogging once the packages arrive!! :) Not only will you receive a great gift from your secret partner, but everyone will also have the chance to win one of 8 great prizes!! Being a co-host, I get to giveaway one of those prizes!! Want to know what I picked???? :D

I'm going to put together a charm pack of Denyse Schmidt's Hope Valley line! Yummy! Apparently I'm a little obsessed with this fabric right now. ;)

Source: etsy.com via Diane on Pinterest

You can find the rest of the prizes here or here, with a few more yet to be announced! :)


The Cash Envelope is finally over... BUT THE GIVEAWAY HAS JUST BEGUN!!
(I think the Sew Along wasn't that exciting, but the tutorial is up, and that is what I was going to do anyway. Oh well...) :)

The GIVEAWAY on the other hand is pretty exciting! Do you know who joined in to give away more fabric??? Sew Fresh Fabric!! They picked this lovely bundle just for you!!

So pop on over to the Giveaway post and see how you can win it! (This bundle is for anyone who participated in the sew along = links up their cash envelope, you have until March 10th!) But there are other prizes you can win even if you didn't sew anything! :) Just think, if you're the only one that makes a wallet you've got this fabric is in the bag! lol.

I'm really grateful for ZipitFresh Squeezed FabricsSew Fresh Fabrics, and YNAB for donating prizes as a part of the Cash Envelope Sew Along Giveaways! A big shout out to them! Make sure to stop by their shops/website and give them your support for their friendly generosity! :)

Did you notice my post the other day about adding Bloglovin', Networked Blogs, and Google+ to my sidebar so you can follow along when the GFC goes away. I kind of had a panic moment! lol. Well, here is the best info I found about it. I did link my profile to google+ so you will be able to see my updates if you follow me that way. :) I'm just curious what "Followers" will be like? I'm hoping I don't lose all of you who are so kind to be my followers! :) (Every time I get one more I cheer and tell/call/text my hubby to let him know! He is kind and always replies, "Awesome! Way to go." lol.) Thank you for brightening my day!

Well, I'm off to meet my last two deadlines for the month! (So glad there is still one more day! lol!) :)
I feel like I am forgetting something, but I guess it will just have to wait. ;)


Monday, February 27, 2012

Cash Envelopes Finished!

I finished up my envelopes! (Last week was definitely a bit exhausting working on these and the Sew Along! Kind of glad the busy part is over.) :)

Want to see them?!?!

Here is my first one, using all Denyse Schmidt fabric. yum. :)

gotta love zippers!

the front

inside pockets - 3 card pockets and a DL pocket
these pictures are really horrible. sorry.

6 zippered pockets that fit money perfectly!
(if only they were FULL of money!)
They also have clear windows that you can place your labels in to help keep track of which pocket is for what.

back pocket for checkbook, shopping list, etc. 
They also have big pockets in between the pink fabric and the cover - might be nice for coupons. :)

Here is the second one.


you can see the category windows a lot better in these pictures

pockets are lined with heavy-weight interfacing to help them keep their structure.
They are WAY better than the envelope I made over a year ago!


I love them differently, but equally the same. I will be a bit sad to give the second one away, but hopefully someone will love it as much as I do. ;)

I made two of them as part of the cotton conversion tutorial of Walter & Veronica's oil cloth pattern. It's such a great pattern, and these really do turn out great! I'm excited to get some cash in them and start using them!

The Cash Envelope Sew Along is just finishing up if you want to check it out here
(The Link Up party and giveaway are open until March 10th! Don't miss it.)

I know I shared my envelopes in the other post, but I wanted to link this up to Canoe Ridge Creations Modern Monday, and Quiltstory's Tuesday thing (if I remember this week) so go check out what others have finished up! :)


Cash Envelopes Sew Along: Share your Envelopes & Giveaway!

This Giveaway is now Closed

This post is part of the Cash Envelope Sew Along, tutorial segment.
You can read more about this here, along with all with the list of all other related posts.

If you are just joining us, or find this at a later date,
 we are using the pattern from Walter & Veronica. You can find it on Etsy or Craftsy.
A great place to find great zippers at a great price is Zipit on Etsy (use coupon code "fromblankpages" and receive 15% off your order), 
and pick up some great fabric from Fresh Squeezed Fabrics or Sew Fresh Fabrics and you will definitely be saving in style. ;)

Please share any of your photos in the from blank pages... flickr group!

Alright, NOW it's time for the Linky Party and Giveaway! Sorry for the delay over the weekend... so many deadlines right now and not enough sleep er, time. :)

I finished up both of my envelopes! What do you think?
(I'm hoping tomorrow is sunny so I can get some better pics) :)

Wallet 1


made with all Denyse Schmidt fabrics




I love the structure of these with the interfacing. And the style and size. Everything fits great!

Wallet 2





If I made them again I would make the covers just a little bit wider, but then again maybe not. I think they turned out great! This is such a great pattern made by Walter & Veronica! Thanks again!! :)

Now I want to see yours!!! Be sure to link them up here! :)

But before we get to that...

 The Giveaway!!

Here's how it will work:

 I have three prizes.
The first is a free-for-all for everyone who enters! (Linky entries start the counting at 1, then the numbers will continue over to the comments)
The second will be picked from those that link up a wallet in the Linky Party!
The third will be picked solely from those that leave a comment on this post.

You don't have to have made a wallet to win, but it does give you extra entries! 
It is a Sew Along afterall. ;)

Prize 1:

YNAB, aka You Need A Budget, is giving away a free copy of YNAB. 

Never heard of them? They are more than just a budgeting software. They have a whole new concept and methodology of budgeting! I love their system. You can read more about it here in their free pdf format of YNAB.

Another thing that I love about YNAB is that they have free live webinars, with great support for helping you to understand the system as well as succeed with your budget! Anyway, if you are looking for something new, check it out. You might like it. :)

The winner of the Link Up will receive...

A wonderful fabric bundle from Sew Fresh Fabrics!!! 

The florals are brand new from the Stockholm line from Robert Kaufman, just arrived yesterday. 
The dot is an Amy Butler classic Full Moon Polka Dot 
(1) 1/2 yard of the red floral, (2) Fat Eights of the other 2 prints

I think Sew Fresh Fabrics was were I bought my first fabric on Etsy. They are wonderful! and always have such a great selection!! You can't keep from drooling when you visit their shop. haha. ;) They contacted me last week about adding some fabric to this giveaway and there was no way I could say no! :)

***I will pick one winner from everyone who links up a wallet to win this prize.***

The third winner will win... 

DSC_0265 DSC_0266

Wallet # 2!! 

Yup! You will win the beautiful wallet that I made to help put this tutorial together! You will be famous! lol. :D (If no one wants it let me know and I'll keep it! haha.)

To enter the giveaway you get one entry per item:
  • Link up the Cash Envelope Wallet that you made in the linky system & then leave a comment telling me you did so (which also gives you an extra entry for the 1st and 3rd prizes!).
  • Leave a comment on this blog telling me your method to budgeting/saving money - what works for you, or what hasn't worked for you :)
  • Follow me via Bloglovin' or Networked Blogs (since google friend connect is going away?) and let me know that you do

The linky will be open for a long time, but the Giveaway will end 
Saturday March 10th @ 10:00 pm MST.
This Giveaway is now Closed

Excited?! :)

Start linking up!


Keep on Following Along!

I've heard some chatter about Google Friend Connect going away. I'm not sure what that means or what is going on. But I also see everyone switching over to Bloglovin and Google + among other things. I don't know what is best, or what works. But I jumped on the bandwagon and you can now follow along with me in a few different ways! :)


Follow from blank pages...

Google +
Maybe it's working??

But I'm on there. And I made a page here: https://plus.google.com/u/0/108858397216424454432/posts

Networked Blogs

Do you like how I'm following my own blog?! haha.

You can find all of this on my sidebar too. :)

I hope you will keep following along! And I am still planning on doing a Followers Giveaway! So stay tuned.... it will be in March sometime. Maybe for my birthday! ;)

And the Cash Envelope Linky Giveaway is going up today! Promise!! :)


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Our Story: Scrapbook Sunday {2/26/2012} ...or The Sunday Post

Follow my blog with Bloglovin
I made another Scrapbook Page! I'm going to try to keep this up along with a little family journaling every Sunday. :)

DS M 2-22-12

I am particicpating in Jessica Sprague's Photoshop Friday. Trying to learn some digital scrapbooking techniques, as well as spruce up my photoshop skills. :) This is my first week! So far so good! (It kind of bugs me that all the videos are in PSE, and that I have to search around for how to do it in the full version of Photoshop. (She does list the different approaches, so it's not so bad. But still.) Anyway, maybe it will help me remember it better... or not. We'll see. :)

You can read more about our life here. :)

Happy Sunday!


Friday, February 24, 2012

Ready for a Giveaway?!

Well, you just might have to wait a little bit longer. 

isn't she cute?! :)

But it will be worth it!! This giveaway just got better! :D
Get your cash envelopes ready! The Linky Party Starts tomorrow! (and hopefully I'll have the rest of the giveaway details by then too!)


Cash Envelope Sew Along! Day 3: Zipper Pockets!

This post is part of the Cash Envelope Sew Along, tutorial segment.
You can read more about this here, along with all with the list of all other related posts.

If you are just joining us, or find this at a later date,
 we are using the pattern from Walter & Veronica. You can find it on Etsy or Craftsy.
A great place to find great zippers at a great price is Zipit on Etsy (use coupon code "fromblankpages" and receive 15% off your order), 
and pick up some great fabric from Fresh Squeezed Fabrics and you will definitely be saving in style. ;)

Please share any of your photos in the from blank pages... flickr group!


Have you seen Ice Age 2? If you have, you'll know what I mean when I say that I have been having BAD sewing JUJU!!! (I blame it on skipping yesterdays post.) Today as I went to finish sewing my wallets everything went wrong. First I realized that my idea of putting zipper ends on my zippers was not going to work. I had to unstitch a bunch of stuff. Then I zipped the zipper pull thing right off my zipper! It took me an hour to get it back on! (I didn't have any more zippers in that color so I couldn't trade it.) It worked out in the end, except that it zips closed on the wrong end... I ended up just zipping it in the other direction and that did the trick. Then I broke a needle when I turned my machine back on after a sewing break - the needle always goes back to center position when it's turned on, and I had my zipper foot on. I put a new needle in and instantly broke that one because I still didn't change the needle position before trying to sew. Then I forgot to put my vinyl windows on my pockets before sewing them together.... and I think that's about it. It was not a good day at the sewing machine. BUT I am happy to say that I have one wallet finished, and enough pictures of the other to finish up this tutorial!! :) Then I have to take a break to finish up a few other projects before I finish my second wallet. Which is probably a good idea anyway so I can get a break from the curse of the wallet! :O

Anyway, how are your wallets coming along? Has anyone started sewing yet? If not that's cool... because I have a few changes/suggestions that I want to make to previous posts, just if you want. :) But everything still works, so no worries if you've already started. :) (Mostly I think I would just make the cover a smidge larger. But I do also really like it how it is. It's hard to tell.)

Today is all about Zippers and finishing!!!

Pieces Overview:

Style A, with single fabric pockets:

Your pocket pieces with the fusible interfacing fused on (it's not in this picture.) And your zippers.
6 pieces of fabric and 6 zippers.

If you are doing Style B with multi-fabric pockets:

12 pieces of fabric, 6 zippers, 6 fusible interfacing (which has NOT been fused yet. and don't cut it smaller.) Ignore the zipper ends (those small pieces of fabric).

Oh! And for either style, your vinyl windows for labeling your pockets in the different categories (not pictured here.

Basically we just follow the pattern, so I will show you a few tips that I have, and do a run down of the order. Otherwise you're basically finished! :)

Style B Pocket Assembly:

I'm going to start with Style B, because once you do the first few steps everything is the same after that. If you are doing Style A, just skip down to the next heading.

First arrange your fabric in the order that you want it to be in your wallet.

Here is mine. I wast the orange flowers in the front and so on.

Next pair up your fabrics with the fabric it will be connected with. The front and back fabric go together, the two in the center, and then the last two.

You can compare this with my first photo to see how they relate.

Next, sew one of each of the fabrics together. If you have a directional print, so them so the UP direction is going out towards the edge that you are now sewing.


Press the seams open and fuse the interfacing onto the back.


That's basically it! Now you have pieces that are basically the same as the Style A.

Sewing on your Windows:

To find the placement I fold my pocket in half and crease to find the center. Then measure down 1 inch from the edge.


I place some fabric under one side of my sewing foot. It helps so everything will still slide. A small piece, or some tissue paper/kleenex, works great because you can easily adjust it while you sew so you aren't actually sewing through it. Sew around three sides, leaving the top open. These are great so you can categorize your pockets and know which monies are for what. :)


Repeat this process with all 6 pocket pieces. If you have directional print fabric, sew it on the top of each piece, with the fabric in the correct orientation for the print to be right side up.

Attaching the Zippers:

Originally I was going to do zipper ends because I think they look really nice, but they don't fit well. When you use zipper ends you need to have the end of your zipper come in about 1/4" from the edge of your fabric, and for this project it makes the opening too narrow. But you can still do it if you want. :)

First, lay your fabric so it's going in the right direction, with the window closest to the zipper.


Then flip the fabric up so it's on top of the zipper, with the window still closest to the zipper, and the edge of the fabric lined up with the bottom edge of the zipper. Pin it in place.


Now sew the zipper on. If you have an extra long zipper like I do, it works well to have your zipper pull way out so you don't have to worry about sewing around it. When you are done, flip the fabric back over and press it flat. Then do a small stitch across to secure it to the zipper. (This also gives it a nice finished look.)


Next take your next pocket piece and place it at the top of the zipper, with the window at the end opposite the zipper.


Flip the fabric over and pin in place just as you did before, but with the fabric edge lined up to the top of the zipper. Make sure your window is now at the bottom, furthest from the zipper.

see, no window.

Repeat the process of folding it back and doing a top stitch.
Now open your zipper so it's open inside your pocket area.


Hold the two loose ends together and stitch over them to keep them attached (and so you don't pull your zipper off like I did after cutting off the extra.) :)

You can sew it more than this to keep it more secure.

Now you will attach your next zipper in the same manner to the top portion of your top pocket piece.
*** If you want your zippers to alternate, which is really nice, then make sure that the second zipper is going the opposite way. I don't think I have them like that in this picture... because I messed up. But it'st he best way to go. :)

see the zipper at the top

Fold back, press and top stitch.
This time when you go to sew the fabric on the top half of the zipper, instead of adding a new pocket piece, fold over the bottom pocket and sew it to the top of that zipper.

*****The only thing you want to pay attention to here if you are making Style B, is that your match up your fabrics AT the zippers like this:


Repeat with the other 3 pockets.

Finishing the Pockets:

Once your zippers are all attached, lay them flat, folding at the zippers and pin (pinning is especially helpful with Style B so you can make sure your fabrics line up in the right spots). OPEN AT LEAST ONE ZIPPER!!!


Then sew down the one side.
(so you can turn your pocket right side out)


and the other side


So you aren't constantly getting little strings in your pockets, finish off the edges with a zigzag stitch.

Turn it right side out. Push the corners out. Repeat with the other pockets and you should have three pockets that look like this:

and now for the Big Finish:

Line up your pockets, making sure your zippers are alternating if you wish, and center them over your wallet cover.

Now carefully sew right down the center going through 3 pockets and the cover. Make sure to backstitch at both ends.

And you are finished!! :)





It is definitely thicker than my first attempt, but I REALLY love the stiffness that it has with all the interfacing. A lot nicer. If I were to change something I would make the cover just a little bit bigger - so I had more room to do some top stitching around the edges, and so that the pockets didn't stick out so much. Otherwise it's great!! :) I love this pattern!

Thank you Walter & Veronica! And thank you for letting me host this Sew Along!
I'll be back tomorrow with a finale post and the link up for the last giveaway. :) Thanks for sewing with me! And be sure to share your photos in the flickr group! :)

P.S. if something doesn't make sense, or you still have questions, PLEASE ask or let me know!! I try to over explain things, because there is nothing worse than getting to the middle of a pattern and going from step E to step Z and not having any idea what is supposed to be in between. That's why this might be long and boring, but it might also make it confusing. So let me know if you have any tips or advice on how I can improve the process as well. :) Thanks!
