Monday, August 30, 2010

Made It:: Erasable Activity Books

I originally posted these on my old blog (that's why the blog address is on there).
You can see the original post here.

I've made a couple of these and I love them.

This is the first one that I made:

With Tic-Tac-Toe, the Dot Game, Trace the Letters, Draw my Face and a blank page for whatever. Hike is now getting old enough to start enjoying it, though still too young to really get the concepts of the games. It's still fun though. :)

I made another one for my nephew for a Christmas present! He was so excited about it! My SIL told me that he used it for hours when he first got it, and now they keep it in their church bag and he uses it every Sunday! I was glad to hear how well it is holding up, and how much it's being used when she told me that. :)

These are great because with a washable crayon, everything comes right off and you can use it over and over and over again! You can also use a dry erase marker on them (though I can't guarantee that it will always come off. You know how sometimes on your white board the color starts to stain? well, I'm sure at some point it might turn out like that. But the washable crayons haven't had that problem and it's been used for almost a year now.)

They measure 6 inches wide by 6 1/2 inched tall

I have this one in my shop:

I've changed up some of the pages a little. This still has Tic-Tac-Toe and the Dot Game, as well as Draw My Face, and a blank page. But instead of the letters I made up a squigly line page. Did you ever do those art exercises in school where you start with two lines and then have to come up with some kind of picture, and everyone's turns out different. I thought that would be fun because every time you use it, it will be different. That's what this page is for. And yes, that is one less page than my first version. On the back page there are pockets for crayons and a mini eraser. It has a simple Velcro closure.

The best thing about these... they are small enough to fit in your purse or bag and take anywhere! Hate waiting at the doctors office with nothing to do? Pull out your activity book! Take it to the dentist, the checkout line at the grocery store, that boring movie, church, road trips (though not for the driver), use it on rainy days, while waiting for your kids after school, for your kids waiting for you after school, and the list goes on. No waisting endless amounts of paper, or finding more space to scribble on once the page is already covered. And you'll always be distracted in style. :)

These might make a nice shopping list, or other quick note notebook. We'll see. (they are kind of labor intensive. It's definitely been a process coming up with them. But they're so much fun that I can't help myself. :)

...and I'm about to make some more for my shop in September.

Do you want one?
Or know someone who wants one?
If you let me know I can let you pick out the fabric before I begin.
(include your email address so I can contact you.)

Do you have any suggestions for what other pages I could do?

Thanks for all your comments! :)

p.s. I'm linking up....
go ahead and check out all the buttons on the side bar... I linked up to a few more sites as well! and really, they're all great! :)


  1. Those are such a clever idea! I will be sure to check out your shop! Happy Monday!

  2. So cute and creative, I love it! And what little kids wouldn't love that too? We'd love if you came and linked your project up to our fabric linky party today!

    PS My second little boy is crazier than my first was too...and it is trouble!!

  3. great idea! well done :)

    (came from quiltstory)

  4. this is a great idea! How much will you be selling them for? they'd make great Santa gifts

  5. This is a great idea. Do you use oil cloth for the writing surface?

  6. What a cute idea. Love it! Thanks for linking up.

  7. CLEVER! I am hosting a Thursday Linky called Thrilling Thursday. I would love for you to stop by and link up!
    Thrilling Thursdays @Paisley Passions

  8. Thanks for linking up! I hope you will stop by and link up again next week :)

  9. that's such a great idea! coming by from fun to craft.

  10. Oh I am completely in love (love love love) with this. What a brilliant idea. Darling. Thank you, thank you for linking this up. I love it.

  11. gave you an award at my blog


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