Thursday, January 6, 2011

db By Design: The Shop is Up and Running, Improvements and Announcements

Yes, I am happy to say that I am back into crafting mode. :) It has been a nice break these last couple of months, and much needed as well. But I am happy to be back at it again.

I have relisted a few items, as well as some custom items in my etsy shop. Made some awesome improvements to a few items, have a couple of patterns on the way (one sooner than another, but they're coming), and finished up a couple items that have been waiting by the side lines.

Here's a peak at what's new:
Erasable Activity Book
I have about 7 more of these sitting on my desk waiting to be finished. Here is the first one, and it is finished and listed! :)

I am really excited about the new pocket on this one! Instead of having individual pockets for the crayons or markers (Which it is impossible to make them the right size for both at the same time), I made one giant pocket on the back page! I love it! It is velcro closure, so nothing will fall out. And now you can carry any other trinket along with you (or more than two crayons or markers). :)
You can find this here.

I've noticed that I've gotten a few searches for a British flag handbag on my site, and decided to whip up another one of these cute bags! :) 100% receycled t-shirt, and everything on it is made from the one shirt. I love the pocket inside that is made from part of the collar. :) 
You can find this here.

Camera Bag
I relisted my custom order camera case. But now it is even better. Improvement number one from my first case is the key ring in the second picture. Just thread your camera strap through there and you don't have to worry about dropping the case in the snow or loosing it when you want to take a picture!
Improvement number two and three (pictures to come): VELCRO. :) Instead of the button closure it is now secured with velcro. (We actually lost our button a while ago, and since velcro is a lot longer lasting and stronger, it was the only way to go.) After talking to my dad about his boring black case that he likes for his camera ;), I also decided to add a velcro loop to the back (optional) so that you can attach the case to your belt of bag strap, or where ever. And since it is also velcro, it's easy to attach to things that don't come undone (such as your belt that you would have to take off and thread through the loop).
Improvement number four: a small pocket in the front that will fit an extra SD card. It will blend in pretty well, so it shouldn't effect the overall design and appearance. It will also have a little velcro to keep it closed and the contents secure.

I will have pictures coming soon of all these great things. :)
You can find the custom order here.

I am also currently working on a pattern for the simple camera case (Though it won't include the instructions for the back loops or the pocket). But it will still be nice! We love our simple camera case! :)

I also added a custom listing for this beautiful Children's Afghan/Lap blanket. :) I can't believe it's been so long since I first took these pictures! My boy is getting so big!

You can find the listing here.

I just feel so crafty, and when I saw this picture, I knew I couldn't wait any longer....

Yup. That's right! Number 3 is on the way! We're trying really hard to stop calling Jacks "Baby" since soon we really will have a baby again, but it's kind of hard. ;)
And thus the reason for being so sick, and so absent in the past few months. 
We're super excited! :) We find out in less than a week what it is, and then it should be here by June 1st! Crazy how the time flies! :)

Happy Crafting!


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