Monday, August 1, 2011

Sewing Basics with Diane! {Trimming Corners}

This post is a part of a series of posts on general and random sewing tips and advice, as well as some other crafty tips now and then. You can find the complete list of Sewing Basics here.

Have you ever sewed something right sides together, and when you turned it right side out, you had bunchy ugly corners? Well, here is my mini tutorial on trimming your corners, so when you turn them right side out, they are beautiful and smooth... no more bunchy corners! :)

1. Make sure your corners are sewn at a good angle. If your fabric is cut at a right angle, have your seam be at a right angle too. If you sew too far before turning, do some backstitching so that when you turn your fabric to sew down the other edge, you are starting at the correct distance from your fabric edge to help eliminate pointy or misshapen corners.

2.  Make your first cut as shown. Keep it close to your stitches, but not so close that you cut your stitches.

3.  Next trim the side back angling out to the edge of your fabric. Repeat with the other edge.

4.  and your ready to turn!

5.  It helps to have a crotchet hook, or a bone folder, or some other pointy thing (chopstick, pen with the lid on, or sometimes I use my scissors - closed of course) to help push out the corners.

see how the crotchet end is the perfect size to poke out the corner?! I like a J or K size as well, but couldn't find it at the moment, and this smaller size works just as well.

I also like to use the crotchet hook, or what ever tool you use, to help push out the edges/seams, and then I finger press them flat. This helps eliminate any extra fold over where your seams meet, and definitely makes it easier if you are planning on ironing it as well. :) (sorry no pictures here)

    There you go! Perfect flat corners every time!! :)
    (guess I should take some pictures of perfect corners! I guess I forgot about showing the finished results! :) You can share your perfect corners in the flickr group if you'd like! :) You can find it here:


    1 comment:

    1. Using a crochet hook for helping to press seams open is genius! I can't believe something so small makes so much sense.

      Thanks for sharing the tip. I'm going to go read through the other ones right now!


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