Sunday, September 4, 2011

do. Good Stitches: September Blocks FINISHED!

Yay! It feels so good to have these done early! I think it also helped that this is my month to pick the block pattern. :) But either way, it's good motivation to always knock them out at the beginning of the month. Here are my two blocks!

do.Good Stitches - Harmony Circle - Sept Blocks

I'm sure I'll take more/nicer photos later. Lately I've been a only-sew-at-night-when-it's-dark kinda gal, so most of my photos aren't so great. But I will get some more before I sew them all together! I can't wait to see all the other blocks people put together! There is already one in the flickr group! Yippy! :) It will be fun to get all the other blocks and assemble them together... it's my first time working with other peoples blocks. :) I think I could get used to this. :)



  1. Love your idea Diane, can't wait to make mine! It's going to be such a cheerful quilt all together.

  2. Love your bee blocks--and congrats on a speedy finish! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!


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