Monday, September 19, 2011

Made It: Otter Pop Wraps + Tutorial

I don't ever know if what I make is really modern, but I am going to link this up to Canoe Ridge Creations Sew Modern Monday anyway. ;)

This summer we LIVED off otter pops. I don't know, we never really ate them before, but this summer... I don't even know how many boxes we went through.


One thing I found though, was that for my two boys, they are TOO cold to hold while eating. At first we went through napkins faster than a 2 year old can say napkin (ok, that's probably pretty slow) but either way it was more than I wanted to waste just to insulate their little finger tips.

the answer??? Otter Pop Wraps! (Really? who's going to want to use this now? It's getting cold outside.) :) I really did make these months ago, and had planned on posting this then too, but, I didn't. I didn't ever take my boys outside to get cute pictures of them using theirs. So remember this for next summer!! :D


These are great! I like to pick the one that coordinates best with whatever color otter pop I'm eating, but my boys have their favorites. :)




Best part: no more wasting napkins. no more cold fingers. they are completely washable. reusible. styilish. and SUPER quick to whip together. plus a great scrap buster - I'm sure you have some scraps that are just the right size!


Otter Pop Wraps
Here's how:

Find two pieces of fabric that measure 6 in by 3 3/4 in.  (you could go as wide as 4 1/2 in if you want them for bigger hands, but that's probably the limit before their too wide. Also, I wouldn't go any smaller.) Be creative and use different fabrics for the different sizes, or you can even scrap a bunch of smaller pieces together to make the right size. 

I made a bunch of them all at the same time.

Cut two pieces of batting the same size, or more depending on how thick you want it. I like at least 2 layers of the high loft batting.


Layer one piece of batting (or more if you are using more batting) on the WRONG sides of the fabric pieces and baste (or don't. you actually don't have to baste anything. But you can if you want to).
Skip the basting and sandwich your pieces like this: 
one layer of batting
one layer of fabric - right side UP
one layer of fabric - WRONG side UP
(the two fabric pieces should be right sides together)
the rest of your batting pieces

(I only took a picture of the wrap I made with one layer of batting. But this shows how to put your fabric. Just image there is a layer of batting underneath this.)


Then pin through all the layers at the corners, and one in each side.


Starting near the middle of one of the long sides, stitch around the whole thing 1/4" from the edges. Make sure you are stitching based on the fabric edges and not the batting edges. Sometimes batting can squish out further than the fabric and you don't want to not sew the fabric.
LEAVE a ~2 inch opening on the first side, and backstitch at the beginning and end of your stitching.


Trim your corners


Turn right sides out - you want to pull it from between the fabric layers. (obvious but I just have to write it as I think about it. :) )


Fold the opening edges in and then sew around the entire edge of your wrap, sewing the opening closed (sew it about 1/8" from the edge to make sure you catch the edges you folded under).



And you are finished!! :) Or you can quilt it. 

I quilted this one, but it seems to keep the fingers warmer when it's not quilted.

DSC_0402  DSC_0403

Enjoy!! :)

And hey, maybe it's not too late for this, because I was just thinking about how we eat WAY more ice cream in the winter than we do in the summer, so maybe there is someone out there that is the same way with otter pops. ;)


If you make these, hop on over to the flickr group and share your photos. :)




  1. LOVE them! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

  2. We like to freeze our tube yogurts, and like your family, my 2 year old doesn't like to hold them because it's too cold. This is a great solution! Now I just have to figure out what type of loft my batting is. LOL


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