Monday, October 31, 2011

Happy Halloween: Trick or Treating to Graves Disease

Today was so much fun! Can I just say that I never thought it could be so much fun taking your little kiddos trick-or-treating?!!! Hunter is just the right age that he is so awesome at it, and I don't know which of us likes it more. :)


We quickly pulled some old costumes out of the closet today... Hunter was a skeleton, and Jacks an army guy. I don't think I've ever thought so little about Halloween. Usually I love it! Anyway, it worked out perfectly!

Mabel was a cute little butterfly! A neighbor so kindly gave us this costume about a month ago.

My mom had found the halloween bags that I used when I was a little kid and gave them to me. I loved seeing my kids use them! They are the perfect bags! I can't believe how much candy they got!!! We only went to houses around our neighborhood that we knew, but everyone was so generous! I can't wait to dive into it when the little ones aren't looking. ;)

It was impossible to get pictures of everyone together!


she can ALMOST stay sitting up by herself. :)

Happy Halloween!!!

oh, and it's official. Today I found out that I do in fact have Graves Disease. I think it's only fitting that I found out on Halloween. Doesn't it sound like a halloween type disease?! ;) And now the adventure begins. :}



  1. Your kids look VERY cute Diane. I'm so sorry about your Graves Disease. But at least they know what it is and I hope you can get it under control.

  2. Cute, cute kiddos! I'm sorry about the graves disease—I just wanted to reach out as someone else who's had it (I had my thyroid destroyed by radioactive iodine about 4 years ago) and if you ever want to chat, feel free to email.


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