Sunday, November 6, 2011

Little Quilt - Sew, Vote, Swap Group

Last month I participated in this swap group and it was SO. MUCH. FUN! There are a few guidelines, but pretty much you make whatever you want! Then the group leader, JanBran, posts all the pictures so you have no idea who made what, you vote on your top favorites and whom evers quilt got the most votes gets their top pick, etc. it works out pretty well I think. I still haven't received mine so I have no idea what I'm getting! The anticipation is driving me crazy! Lol. But I'll post it when it arrives!

Here is the quilt I made which sew.whitney received, and said she likes it! :) she had left the nicest comment on the original post of the picture so I was so happy when I found out that it was going to her! :)

Little Quilt - Sew, Vote, Swap Group Little Quilt - S,V,S Group closeup Little Quilt - SVS Group, Back

The other thing about this group is that there is one more round of it going on this month, and it's Christmas themed! Yay! I really want a cute Christmas quilt to hang up. And the size guidelines are smaller, so it wil be easier to make it up quick. Check it or if you want to join! It's really fun! (and kind of nerve wracking). ;)

I'm linking this up at Canoe Ridge Creations' Modern Monday... go check it out! :) 


  1. What a fun little quilt! And that swap sounds verrry interesting! ;-)

  2. This is beautiful! I love that swap idea as well, with my luck i'd be last pick though hahaha

  3. Oooh, this is just wonderful. So original. Love the sun shining through the trees!

  4. Such a cool design! That type of swap sounds like a great idea, too. Excellent work!

  5. What a great quilt!! Love the fabrics and the pattern. And love the concept of you swap, sounds like a lot of fun! Well, fun if you get a nice quilt like the one you made :)

  6. So fun! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!


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