Monday, December 12, 2011

Giveaway Day! Giveaway #2

***This giveaway is now CLOSED! Thank you everyone who entered! The winner will be announced soon!***

Yay! It's giveaway day!! I think this is one of the most exciting days in blogland!! :) And I'm super excited to participate this year! I think I got a little too excited, because looking through my stash of supplies, I found a lot of things I want to giveaway! ;)

I have two different giveaways, for two different categories, so make sure to check them both out. And make sure to visit Sew, Mama, Sew! and get in on the action of everyone's giveaways' too!

  • Giveaway 1: Fabric, zippers, all supplies needed (except glue) to make 4 mustaches on a stick!
  • Giveaway 2: Crafting Supplies: Lots of ribbon, some sticker designs, alphabet letters, and 2 cans of flowers (over 100 flowers)!

Look at all this goodness!!

Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaway Day! #2

13 rolls of ribbon, each is 4 ft long. 2 cans of flowers (over 50 in each), with 3 shapes and colors in each. And some plastic letters and some crystal sticker designs.

To enter the giveaway leave a comment telling me:

Do you make new years resolutions? If so, what are you planning on working on for next year?

Ok, I think I am asking this more to get ideas on what I should be working on. I haven't thought about this too much. But off the top of my head, I want to be more organized  with my life! And I want to go to bed early!!! (I really need to be better at this one!) :)

This giveaway is open for international entries and closes on Friday December 16th at 6 pm MST. I will then choose a winner using random Please make sure you leave your email address if you have a no-reply blogger account, if I can't get ahold of you I will pick a new winner. Sorry!

Make sure to check out the other giveaway here on my blog, as well as all the giveaways linked up at Sew, Mama, Sew!

p.s. While being a follower is NOT required to enter the giveaway,
I do LOVE everyone of you! ;)
(and I'll be sure to come follow you too!)

Thanks for stopping by!!!
 Merry Christmas!



  1. Thnak you for the lovely giveaway : ) for the new year I would like to loose some weight and I am with you I need to be more organized as well

  2. I HAVE to get my basement organized - we moved in June and it is a mess down there. I have dreams of creating a craft area, but I would be happy to just unpack all the boxes :-)

    Thanks for the great giveaway!

  3. I'm not making resolutions this year. I did last year and got carried away and ended up with a list of about 50. But things chance and over the year some of those things were no longer important to me or no longer interested me. I am going to try not to get so stressed out though!

  4. I usually make too many grandiose resolutions for the new year. I'll probably work on getting the house organized, developing more self-discipline, and reading the books I own.

  5. LOL - I make and fail miserably at my resolutions every year :) I'm going to resolve to make more time to 'create' this year - precious, set-aside blocks of time just for me :)

  6. I need to work on being more healthy and losing weight. We'll see how it goes!

  7. I have tried to make New Year's resolutions in the past but always fail. So the last several years I resolved to not put the pressure on myself.

  8. I do make new years resolutions. For 2012 it will be:
    - losing my pregnancy kilos, at least 10 kg.
    - getting back in shape so I can walk 42 km in june
    - spending alot of time with my husband and newborn son

  9. I do make a resolution. This year I'm going to start getting up earlier so I can have some alone time for coffee and talk with my husband before the day starts.

  10. Well, I would like to work out and lose weight; but I won't resolve to do that because that's just another way to fail ;). Instead, I'll resolve what I did the past two years:

    - to get rid of (by trash/recycle/selling etc) one item a day.

  11. mine never stick... i will try to make one to lose weight, but i'll probably not keep it up. oh well.

  12. My NYR is to join a Video Hire shop again and watch more movies. I know it sounds weird and shallow, but I think we need some down time in our house! You know popcorn, fizz, snuggly quilt, people you love on the sofa??? Yes that's what I'm talking about!

  13. I want to run in a race. I tried last year and got prego so this year I'm trying again!

  14. I don't make resolutions because I know I'll just forget to keep them, haha!
    msagala1 at gmail dot com

  15. Nope, no resolutions for me. I always avoid making resolutions so I can never disappoint myself by failing at them. :)

  16. Oh goodness, we would be a mess if we were friends. Or maybe it would be perfect. Who knows? lol I am always trying to get organized and get up earlier! 9am is early for me. lol. I don't make new year resolutions, I make them every day!

  17. I don't usually make resolutions. I do hope to work out more, but i'm not making any promises. :)

  18. my resolution is to start and finish my first ever quilt for my daughters big girl bed (which she'll be in by summer I think) and I always clear out my facebook friends - everyone I no longer talk to/or am entertained by.

  19. I don't usually make resolutions, but did last year which I failed totally at, to loose weight and get fitter! I need to try again this year.

  20. I always make resolutions, the only one I've kept is when I stopped biting my nails.
    This year I will cook a "new" meal every week. We are stuck in a rut and I have plenty of cookery books, so we'll keep the usuals but once a week try something different.

  21. No, I dont't make new years resolutions.

  22. I don't make resolutions because I don't like the guilt when I don't keep them! :) christina112358 at gmail dot com

  23. I don't like making new year's resolutions. I like to make changes throughout the year, and try to improve myself every day.

  24. my resolution is to become more self sufficient,to make more things from scratch - i'm excited about the new year!

  25. I don't often make resolutions because I'm not great at remembering and following through. For next year, though, I'm resolving to be more purposeful with my playtime with my sons.

  26. I love the giveaway. I don't often make new years resolutions but I think next year I want to start making a better daily schedule. I feel like a chicken with my head cut off most days.

  27. I don't make true new years resolutions but one of my goals in the new year is to organize my house and try to keep it organized.

  28. Thank you for the chance! I just became a new follower :) I usually make resolutions but don't always follow through - though one I did work on was eating better, and I want to make that one again this coming year.

  29. I love your giveaway. I could use all of it. I make new years resolutions but I have never kept to one. My New Years resolution this year is going to be organizing my craft area and keep it organized.

  30. No! no resolutions. Well okay maybe a little bit. But I hate calling them resolutions. It rubs me the wrong way how resolutions are doomed to fail. I generally decide to spend a year focusing on something. One year reading 60+ books, another posting a photo a day, this year I'm taking up quilting.

  31. Thanks for having the giveaway Diane! I don't usually make resolutions, but after a year with health issues and major loss of income, I've decided to focus on gratitude instead of fear...

  32. I try not to make new year's resolutions, because I'm so bad about keeping them!

  33. Thank you for the great giveaway. I do not normally make resolutions, but I will be heading back to school in Jan. So I will be working on my studies instead of crafting after my kids go to bed at night. :)

  34. I would love number two,so lovely goodies,thanks for chance to win it.I don't make resolutions but I would love to learn to knit,have another baby,go on vacation,move...

  35. My New Years resolution is to be more productive with my crafting and less distracted by facebook!!! ;-)

    loops at loop-da-loop dot com

  36. I never make New Year resolutions because I know I'll never keep them!

  37. I try to clean up our house/chequebook/fridge/bookshelves as a sort of new year's resolution each year. I like to start fresh.

  38. Being more organized is definitely up there for me too! Another goal for me would be to get up to the mountains more. I miss hiking and this year I never seemed to have much time for that. I want to make time next spring to get out and hike!

  39. I am with you...more organized and to get to bed early!!! I've been finding myself falling asleep on the couch...waaaaay too often lately!!! Thanks for the chance! :)

  40. I don't usually make New Year's resolutions - but good luck to those that do! J - cried2dream(at)gmail(dot)com

  41. Not normally, but last year I was my blog and I'm happy to say it has been very much worth it! :)

    Thanks for the fun, I'm your newest follower too! :)

  42. I don't usually make "new years resolutions" but I am working on not procrastinating!

  43. Getting more organized is on my list too, and eating healthier.

  44. No resolutions, but I hope to make a dent in the pile of quilt tops on my sewing table

  45. My husband and I are both going to try and get healthy in 2012. We hope to motivate each other!
    I love all of the ribbon! Thanks for the chance to win!

  46. I don't make New Year resolutions.. but one year I did, I promised myself that whenever I spoke to my mum on the phone, I would end the conversation with bye, I love you... But she was uncomfortable with it.. who knew! So now I just say bye!!!

  47. tried for years- didn't work- just work on things throughout the year- feels better that way :)

  48. the biggest thing I want to work on is getting more organized and not letting my house get so messy.

  49. Doesn't everyone say that they want to work on their weight? I've recently started working on that and have lost 14 lbs. So I'm going to make it my New Years resolution to lose the remaining 10. But I'm probably not going to actually start until New Years because there is way too much good food around Christmas to nibble on hehehe

  50. I do make resolutions but am not so good at keeping them. This year? To try to live int he moment! Thanks for the great giveaway, that looks like hours of fun!

  51. Nah, I really don't make new years resolutions.

  52. Well, I would love to make a resolution to not buy anything for sewing unless I need it. I'm so guilty of just shopping because I have a coupon or some other dumb reason. =(

    Thanks for another lovely giveaway. I'm now following your blog and you can find my blog at, though I am not able to participate in the giveaway this December.

    Merry Christmas!

  53. I don't really make new years resolutions, cause they are the same every year. Get more organized, keep the house clean, and sew more. Thanks for a chance to win this great giveaway! :)

  54. i always crafting resolution is to stash bust ..i really want to buy some new things but i must stash down first! and id also love to start spinning my own yarn in the new year :)

  55. I don't make resolutions, per se, but I do always set some goals or areas I want to focus on. For next year, I'm really hoping to spend some time enjoying crafting and getting back into playing music!

  56. I don't really do resolutions, but I do set goals. Same thing, really, but for some reason the word change makes me take it more seriously.

    To keep running, and perhaps raise my race distance to 10k.

    To design at least one good design of fabric on spoonflower.

    To do at least one summer craft show type deal, and three fall/winter.

  57. I'm hoping to finish more WIP's this coming year!

  58. I don't generally make resolutions but about a month or so ago, my friend and I made a vow to add one dollar to our asking prices of our handmade goodies.
    We get bogged down in our frugal corner of the world and we would like to make money off of our designs and this seems to be a reasonable vow.

  59. I don't make official resolutions, but I'm hoping to do a bit more clothing sewing this next year and more hiking this summer.

  60. I want to work through my fabric stash as much as possible :)


  61. I think my resolutions are always the same:

    Grow in my relationship to God
    Get organized

    I doubt I'll ever reach those two goals to my satisfaction. ;)

    Thanks for the chance at this giveaway!

  62. I don't so much made resolutions. Starting a new year doesn't do much for someone who works best under deadlines. :D

  63. Memorize more Scripture. Thanks for the giveaway! Merry Christmas!

  64. Nope, don't make resolutions any more. I just try to take one day at a time.

  65. I would want to finish all my WIPs.

  66. Thank you for the giveaway! I do not usually make resolutions, but what I am currently working on to change is being more organized. And eating healthier and exercising. So far I am succeeding in both...One step at a time.

  67. thank you for the give-away. i tend not to make resolutions.

  68. I too hope to get more organised. With my time and also with the house and cleaning.
    This is a beaut give-away. x

  69. I don't make new years resolutions - I think Im a constant work in progress so I just keep at it year-round!

  70. Love all the flowers n 2011 I fulfilled all my resolutions except one to finish writing a book so I would want to do that next year and also lose some weight :D

  71. I make them then break them!

  72. Not any more. Now I just make short term goals of things I want to achieve or change in my life.

  73. I quietly made a non resolution to myself, but did.t manage to keep it, so will try again next year - to not buy any more craft products unless I need something to finish of a project using what materials I already ahve on hand.

  74. I am not a big New's Years Resolution type of person. However, this year I am committing to keeping a better handle on my finances. I plan on doing this by using the envelope system!!

  75. This new year is going to be really special for me. Am expecting my first baby at the beginning of the year. Currently on strict bed rest I can do nothing but plan for the new arrival. Once the baby is here I have resolved to make quite many cute and useful things for my babe. :-)

  76. I don't really make them because I don't really stick to them.

  77. Oh wow - what a great giveaway. Look at all that gorgeous ribbon :) thank you for a chance to win it all.

    I make resolutions and then they seem to dissapear - maybe I'm allergic? So from now on I am making loose suggestions that are quite do-able. Like conquering zippers. Or hoarding less stuff.

    Thank you for a great giveaway.


  78. I don't do New Years Resolutions anymore. I have my goals but that is something on my own time and my own pace and something for me and not because of a new year; which makes it much more easier to accomplish.

  79. I need to get back in shape to run our local marathon in May; and, I really need to get organized and run our home more efficiently. Recently had boy #4 and my house is a mess :(

  80. Oh I try not to make new year's resolutions

  81. I've stopped making New Year's resolutions, because I never keep them.

  82. Mine is to lose the baby weight!

  83. I do. I have a weight loss goal (I have a nursing infant, so that weight is coming off nicely.) And I'm thinking about donating more sewing items. Like making every 10th project for charity ... still considering. Thanks!

  84. I usually make resolutions later in January. Usually things like make more time for crafting :)

  85. My goal is to sometime in 2012 to get pregnant.

  86. My resolution HAS to be keep up with doing dishes. That is the chore I hate the most. Thanks for the giveaway! robyn(dot)geddes(at)gmail(dot)com

  87. I don't usually make resolutions but I'm always into self improvement, right now I'm trying to be happier and let to of stressful situations!

    nancebagance at yahoo dot ca

  88. My resolutions seem to stay the same year by year, eat well, exercise, finish unfinished things etc. Sometimes I make progress in these areas, other times not. Maybe I'll come up with something completely new and different this year - like I'll take one major trip out of country - now that would be fun! Thanks for entering me in your giveaway.

  89. Every year my new year's resolutions seem to be the same. Get more organised, learn to do house chores without nagging, finish cross stitch projects before starting others, answer mail regularly, read more books. Well I never manage to accomplish all of them. So if you have found any ways tell me too.

  90. My resolution would be to give myself more time to craft and sew....

    What a great giveaway!

  91. Thanks for your generous giveaway!
    My wish is that I would get caught up on all my sewing projects... I hope to eventually open an etsy shop, but I have so much to do before then!!!

  92. What a great giveaway.

    My resolution is to give more than I receive.

  93. My resolution is to find more time to spend with my son.

  94. Same resolution as last year..lose this baby weight lol my son is 17m now!! Hahaa

  95. I make general resolutions. I used to make a long list of them, but not anymore.
    I want to do a better job of cooking at home this year, and I seem to always be striving to be balanced in the different aspects of my life.

    Thanks for offering a giveaway!

  96. I don't make new year's resolutions, but I do try to remind myself regularly to make time for my kids and to have patience. I'm also hoping to develop some more sewing skills (garments!) in the upcoming year.

  97. I don't make resolutions as I know I would break them, instead I set goals for me. last year I said I wanted to double the amount of quilts I make and donate and I did, This year I again want to double that total...

  98. Fun blog! I do make new year's resolutions although whether I keep them is another story. My two resolutions are 1) make more time for relaxation and 2) lose 10 lbs.

  99. Wowsa sista - lots of comments. Simplify is the goal for me.

  100. I just bought a 10 year journal and plan to keep it up every day!
    steeplechaser29 at yahoo dot com

  101. I would love to finish at least a couple of the projects I have laying around the house. (A Christmas stockiong, an Advent calendar, a lap quilt, a wall-hanging....)

  102. One year my resolution was never to skip flossing!

    This year, to get back in the workforce.

  103. I don't generally make resolutions, but I've got the usual standards in the back of my mind every NYE - be better with my money, lose a little bit of weight, eat better.

    But maybe I'll just resolve to craft more in 2012! :)

  104. I make a list of all the changes and accomplishments (big and small) from the year that's wrapping up. Then I make a list of hopes and goals for the year to come. Haven't made my list yet this year, but I'm sure it will include things like finding new dinner recipes, exercising more, and making more time for things that I love (like crafts!).

  105. What a wonderful giveaway! I don't get too stressed about resolutions, but I do like to think about changes I would like to make. This year it is be honest with myself and present in life, living it instead of hiding from it.

  106. I'd like to organize my sewing life more so I can get optimum work done...I think I need to reduce my internet time before I can start doing that! Thanks for a fantastic giveaway!


  107. I do make them, and this year, resolve to put my health higher on my to do list.

  108. oh heavens - what an amazing treasure trove this is!

    my resolution is to become more healthy so i'll be around a long time for my two (very young) daughters.

    thanks for the chance to win! we would have SO much fun with this.

  109. My New Year's resolution for 2012 is to try out a new technique every month for the year, so just think of the fun I could have with the contents of this giveaway!

  110. What a lovely giveaway! I'm not not making a resolution this year as am expecting a baby in January so will just be taking each day as it comes :-)

  111. My new year resolution is to spend more time sewing and to open another shop on Etsy just for bags, totes and purses.
    Thanks for the chance!
    ap_lemos at yahoo dot com

  112. I want to sew more! And finish the twin bed quilt for my son that I've been working on for about 2 years!

  113. Yes, I do make New Years resolutions. But I usually only start thinking about them until after Christmas! ;-)
    So ... I do not have put too much thought into it yet but it will have to do something with time management, organizing things and such ... maybe what to focus on next year ...
    I try to come up with a very specific resolution so that I really can work on it. It has to be something like "I wanna do X 5 times a week ... OR I wanna work on Y at least twice a month" or something like that. Otherwise New Years resolutions will not work for me as I will just ignore them. :-)

    Thanks for the chance to win,

    Ms Muffin

  114. Great giveaway, i love ribbons!! I don't make new years resolutions anymore because they are too easy to break (at least for me!). I do hope that i will eat a little healthier, exercise a bit more, and maybe finally learn how to knit!

  115. I do not make new years resolutions. I strive to better myself everyday.

  116. I ordert some nice fabric these days to make a patchwork bag for my knitting stuff. Hope can get this as soon as possible to finish it early.
    Love your giveaway and thank you for the chance to win.

  117. My birthday is Saturday, so this would be such a great birthday present!

    I am making New Years resolutions to be healthy. Although, I make those resolutions every year, and it never seems to work.

  118. Nope, don't make any new years resolutions over here. Just a constant WIP

  119. My husband and I usually open a bottle of wine and sit down to write resolutions. Individual ones and family ones. Its interesting to look at the years past.. and see what we have or haven't done!

  120. With two little kids its difficult to make any plans and every day , hour , minute is a surprise. So I just try to make the best out of it.

  121. usually to stay more present and to get more organized!

    thanks for the giveaway!

  122. I do not make any resolutions, cause I never keep them anyway...

  123. I need to eat more healthily and exercise more! Haha.

  124. I'm not a resolution-maker, but I am hoping to find more time for making thing in the new year.

    winterwrens at gmail dot com

  125. I have started to eat healthier, and hope to continue that into the new year. I also want to make more time for crafting and sewing.

  126. I resolve to be more organised and not sooooo messy. I have gotten better at this but still need to remember that 'everything has its place' and not every place has a thing.

  127. I make lots of resolutions - but tha's usually what they stay...
    though I will try to finish more projects next year and start less.

  128. I do make New Years Resolutions because it seems like a good time to think about going forward in a better way. I want to be more positive and more aggressive in doing and learning the things I want to do.

  129. I don't have new year resolution...just wanna be happy !!!

  130. I want to lose weight.
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  131. I want to have more structured days so I can get more sewing done!

  132. Going to bed early, that's a good idea... that I am not doing right now!!! I don't usualy take new year resolution, I like to change things everyday of the year trying to be a better mom, a better girlfriend, a better professionnal and a better crafter!! :)
    Thanks for the giveaway + merry Xmas!

  133. Lovely giveaway! I dont really make resolutions, but I do need to lose a few post baby pounds.

  134. I want to try to take more pictures and figure out how to use my camera better!

  135. thanks for the lovellllyyyyyyyyy giveaway!!!!! i hope to live happier, healthier and more patiently in 2012!!!

  136. I don't make new years resolutions. I tend to be more successful with short term goals.

  137. I plan to give up smoking.

  138. I have been trying to knit a pair of socks for 2 years now. I resolve that, in 2012, I will finally knit a pair & give them to my sister for her birthday or Christmas (whichever's closest when they're finished).

    Thank you!

  139. I will be working on picnic blankets for my kids that I had planned on making for Christmas but didn't get to. And a resolution is to put away all my tools, patterns etc after each project.

  140. I do not make resolutions. I have found instead that I just choose to say "its a new year, lets make the best of it, and allow God to change me" (instead of trying to change myself).

    Thanks for this give away!

    chibidani at gmail dot com

  141. I too hope to get more organised...Thank you!

  142. I do make them and this year it will be to lose weight! I need to .... been a long year!

  143. No resolutions here, I'm perfect just the way I am ;)

  144. Mine is to evaluate my wardrobe and make my voids

  145. I tend to set new goals in January - this year I want to make room in my life for exercise, I spend a lot of time outside in the summer, but in the winter I tend to hibernate and sew, which doesn't quite get my heart rate up! :)

  146. I'm going to commit to unpacking and organizing my sewing supplies in 2012!

  147. I need to figure out how to get some things done around the house and yet spend time with my little girl before she grows up even faster!

  148. Im not.. I am just going to try and do what I want to get done

  149. I do and it's usually to loose weight and to be kinder

  150. To sew more clothes than I buy - gulp!

  151. I don't usually make resolutions, but weightloss has to be addressed this year, so I dare say that will be mine!

  152. I don't really make new year resolutions, but I need to loose some weight.

  153. Sometimes I make resolutions. This year, I have one already. I am getting rid of things I don't want or need and making room for things that mean more to me. It is very emotionally satisfying in a way that's hard to put into words. Thanks for the giveaway!

  154. I don't make new year's resolutions. I instead make resolutions (ok, better termed, goals) each month. My January resolution will be to master a certain complicated waltz on the clarinet.

  155. Well, to buy just the craft supplies I do really need. But in fact. I do REALLY need them all...Thank you for both your giveaways.

  156. Super giveaway, I hope I am in time- I am not sure with the time difference...

    I never nake New Year resolutions as I wouldn't keep them, and why set myself up to fail?

    I shall be following you!

  157. No new years resolutions here! Thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  158. I don't make new year's resolutions because I can't keep them!

  159. thank you for the amazing giveaway! my new year resolution usually is to spend more quality time (as opposed to passive we're-in-the-same-room-doing-different-things time with my kiddos

  160. Use one notebook for all your lists, information that you need to keep track of, etc. It is very helpful in keeping yourself organized.

  161. I want to go on a 100 mile bike ride. That doesn't help you much for organizing. Hmm, I'm also looking to get basket/boxes for my shelves so my WIP's can sit in them instead of looking like abandoned, crumpled plastic bags.

  162. this year i am going to try to stick to a few projects at a time so i can finish them

  163. I need to work on being more healthy and losing weight.

  164. I don't make them because I end up breaking them-this year I have vowed to do more crafting/sewing.
    I love to accumulate projects but somehow never get around to them hummm(procrastonator?)
    Thank you so much for the opportunity;)
