Friday, February 3, 2012

My Scrap Attack Block

I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out what block I want to use for my Paper Piecing Bee groups group.  (I'm so sad about dropping out of the [3x6] Sampler Bee, but I think it will be good to have one less thing on my plate right now. Maybe I'll do it again later...) Anyway, yesterday I came up with a block design and decided to test it out with my scraps.


It's still a work in progress, but I am really liking it. I didn't really have a plan when I started with the first segment, but then decided to do a warm/cool contrast with it. I definitely want to make a small quilt or wall hanging with this! I think it's going to be cute! :) (or maybe pillows?!)

Did you want to see my scraps?!


I keep them sorted by color, and am currently going through them, sorting them by size and getting rid of what I'm not going to use (like the pieces that are too small for anything). I sort them into 1"-2.5" pieces, and then 2.5"-5" pieces (they have to have at least those dimensions square, so a really long piece that isn't 2.5" wide stays in the smaller stack). It makes it a little easier to find pieces I know I can use for certain projects. I also have a bin for pieces less than 1" that I could use for ticker tape or applique pieces. Rachel, at Stitched in Color, did an interview with Badskirt Amy about her scraps, and I absolutely love what she said about what she keeps and tosses. Why keep pieces you aren't going to use?! I got a bunch of fabric I got from my Stepmom, but some of it I don't know if I'll ever use... now I have one more thing to look for when sorting my scraps. 

I do however like to keep some scraps around for practice blocks, or if I need to run something through my machine after I've oiled it, etc. Perhaps I'll just have a bin for using strictly for trash scraps. ;) - but not let it get too full of course! I am totally on a clean up and clear out mode lately! (My resolution of getting rid of something everyday/7 things a week, and been very successful! The people at the donation center are going to get to know me very well I think! So far we've dropped stuff off every other week. Keep that up and I think we might just become best friends. lol.)

Don't forget to check out the Scrap Attack flickr group, if you haven't already. There are some great projects going on!!!



  1. LOVE it- it's gonna be so amazing!! It already is and it's only half of a block :)


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