Friday, March 23, 2012

Giveaway Week: "a Very Merry Unbirthday to You!"

That line is from Disney's Alice in Wonderland, just fyi.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

giveaway week

This has definitely turned into a late night party post!! To be truthful, I will not at all be upset if no one enters this giveaway. I would be VERY happy to keep what I have for you tonight. :D But of course, you can enter if you want... but only if you really love it! lol. ;) My little man was having a rough day today... so he got some a lot of extra attention today, which means prep time was put on hold... but alas! here we are. :)

This week has definitely been awesome!! I'm so glad you've all stopped by! I love meeting and getting to know you all better! and hope that you will stick around even after the party is over. I can't wait for things to slow down just a little so I can come stop by and say hi in your neck of the woods (=on your blogs). ;) Especially to those of you who have recently had birthdays, or will soon, Happy Birthday to you too! :) and to the rest of us, a very Happy Un-Birthday!! :)

Quick Tangent: Ok, one more thing I kept thinking of this week as the emails have been pouring in: Have any of you ever visited It was kind of a big deal back in college and we would be constant visitors as we were in the computer lab *trying* to work on projects. heehee. Anyway, StrongBad has this email segment and always has some silly song he sings at the beginning. This week reminded me of this one, "When a email comes to town, you know, you know, it's like a rainstorm. in your browser." lol. This probably really isn't funny to anyone. but it makes me chuckle inside. :)

Now onto the good stuff!! :)


I decided to change it up a little. This whole week was fabric and more fabric, which apparently we all love. ;) But I did want to give a little something from me as well. I've been having so much fun making little pouches for my recent swaps and really wanted to make one more.

the back
I think this is my current favorite quilting style. Love all those squares!

I used the "x and +" block style, but just moved it over a little so the "x" was in the center instead of the "+". I think it frames it rather nicely for the front of the pouch. I really like how Megan of Canoe Ridge Creations did her recent pillow with solids in the center, and decided to go that direction, making it a little less scrappy.


All the prints are Amy Butler.

even the inside fabric.

I made a few adjustments for the inside which I think turned out well! On my other recent pouches the fabric on the inside was always a little bit baggy. Today I sewed the liner with a generous 1/4" SA and it fits so snug and perfect in there! I am so happy with it and hope you will be too.:)


Sometimes I look at her fabric and think that it's kind of crazy. But I can't stay away from the intense saturated colors! Love them! The solids in this are both Kona's... I'll have to look and see which ones later. :)

This little pouch finishes up at 9"x9".
I lined it with fusible fleece so it has some nice structure and softness,
but I wouldn't say it's at all bulky.

I could definitely keep making these! Perhaps I will! I could add them to my Etsy shop! (shop name: From Blank Pages) :) Have you stopped by there? It is struggling. lol. I haven't made anything new for it for quite a while now. I need to give it a little TLC. Though perhaps a good clean out would help motivate me. Do you want to help out?! heehee. If so, I've set up a coupon just for you! 
You can enter in "fbpUnBirthday" and receive 15% off your order. I think I just might leave this open indefinitely... but this is the only place I'm going to advertise it. ;) 

Ok, this is turning into a show off post rather than a giveaway post. so let's get back to the important stuff. :) What's the point of having a pouch if there is nothing in it??? So I will also be adding a few secret goodies/supplies to travel along with this so it is not lonely when it goes out to it's new home. (such a sad thought. :(... ) j/k. :) I'll show some pictures of the extras on Monday when I announce the winners! I love surprises! :)

Just so you know, all the prizes for this week are 100% from me to you. No sponsors or re-gifting allowed. Just because I really wanted to. :) So thanks for entering! I hope you have enjoyed this week as much as I have. :)

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Leave a comment telling me your most embarrassing moment! haha! :) (I love having you say something specific instead of just a random comment! it keeps things interesting. lol. and let me tell you, I LOVE all the unique things you've shared with me! You all are awesome!) :)
  • Follow my blog and leave a comment telling me that you do.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

 You can find all the giveaways from this week in this post.

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!



  1. I don't know that it is particularly embarrassing but the first thing that came to mind was this time in second grade when I got in trouble at lunch for dropping a boy's change (a dime) into his dessert (blueberry cobbler). I had to go sit at the naughty table, which was a little desk that faced the wall! Awe, poor seven year old me! Lol

  2. I also follow you! It is a lovely pouch - ive just taken up English paper piecing and I am in need of a pouch to store my supplies in instead of a tupperware container! Thanks for the chance to win, and happy birthday!

  3. I have a ton of embarrassing moments, but the most recent one is terrible! I found yesterday morning from my lovely boyfriend, Tom, that I was tooting in my sleep the previous night. Tom and I have been best friends for about twelve years and have been dating for almost four, and I can tell you that I have never purposefully passed wind in front of him! I could have died when he told me. ;)

  4. I am a happy follower of your blog. I love the pouch. It is beautiful!!!

  5. I'm a follower & love your pouch. Beautiful work!

  6. Most embarassing moment? Last one I can think of was being at a family event of my husband's (in laws we don't see often), and calling one of his aunts by another's name--for hours. Wasn't till the next day my MIL said something about how nice it was to see me spending time with Aunt Anne.Duh, I called her Aunt "Joan" all day. (She didn't seem to mind too much)

  7. I'm a follower...cute pouch...thanks for the chance to win!

  8. When I was a kid my brother and I played in a coal box my mom and dad had this would be around 6-7 years old. When done we were covered from coal dust from head to toe. My mother is while not a nice individule. She would not let us inside dirty so she made us strip naked in the back yard and she hosed us off and made us scrub tell all the coal dust was gone. Mean while my sister and 3 of her friends sat on the back porch giggling at me and my brother. Only good news is a year or so later we moved and I never saw those girls again sigh not a moment that I like to remember

  9. Hey Diane, thanks for so many chances to win all those wonderful things! My most embarrassing moment happened not to long ago when I attacked a guy in a coffee shop. Coming back from the bathroom I thought he was steeling my jacket not realizing that my mom had moved us to the next table. I swear his jacket looked like mine! *blushing now*

  10. I am also a happy new follower. That pouch is lovely!

  11. embarrassing moment- I still remember at school I wore a wraparound skirt to a fashionshow, after trying on clothes I must've only done up one button, cos one of the cool girls came to tell me everyone could see my knickers :(

  12. Most embarassing thing ever!!! Walking round the supermarket and I stepped on something! I looked down to find yesterday's knickers hanging out of my trouser leg!!!

  13. One day in step aerobics class my foot hit the step wrong and I just fell to the floor. Didn't get hurt, but with mirrors all around the room everybody was able to see my graceful move.

  14. I signed up to follow your blog. Your pouch is beautiful! Thanks for offering all these great giveaways this week.

  15. I am a happy follower - and LOVE this pouch! The colours are so spring and cheerful and happy. You are a great sewer and photographer. Fingers crossed for me :) !!!!! Thanks for the chance.

  16. I've had so many embarrassing moments in life. Once, my boyfriend and I visited a restaurant and the manager who welcomed us in, asked me if I was pregnant. I was wearing one of those babydoll type dresses where it flows down. I was by no means fat, I just happen to be really blessed on top. I guess it's not a flattering choice if you are top heavy. Anyway, needless to say, I don't wear those kinds of dresses anymore. And unless you know for sure someone is pregnant it's probably not the best idea to tell them they look like it.

  17. I tweeted it:!/IamLilyMunster/status/183523326239576064

  18. I follow your blog via email.

  19. I follow your blog and really want this pouch :)

  20. Most embarassing moment... ok, swim class. I got my first bikini and let's just say it wasn't too good at holding everything in the top when swimming laps. My friends, instead of warning me, just laughed their butts off until I'd look down and notice why - punks. So embarassing... thank goodness we were swimming in a group so it was only them that saw the few oops moments. I was in 8th grade I believe... mortifying :-p

  21. I had to sing Feeling Groovy solo in front of my grade 8 class as I mouthed it while we first sang as a class and got caught!

  22. This embarrassing moment is disgusting but my second most embarassing moment isn't much better, so here it goes! My college's PR department made me go to this scholarship dinner, because my scholarship was from a US Representative. I had a horrible headache that day, but I went because it was important. Halfway through the dinner (the Rep never showed up by the way!), I suddenly felt very nauseous. I walked as fast as I could across the basketball court. I ended up getting sick before I even exited the court and then outside the bathroom. I raced out of the building, MORTIFIED, and ended up projectiling in front of the entire college band that was entering the building. I am sooooooooo glad my donor never showed up.

  23. Most embarrassing moment - unexpectantly running into a great aunt at an out-of-town football game. I was so surprised, I couldn't remember her name and had to ask! Thanks for the giveaway!

  24. As a high school senior, I drove my Mom's VW Bug two hours to a scholarship interview. As I pulled into the parking lot, I realized: (1) it was staff parking only; (2) there was no other outlet; and (3) that every space was full. As I tried to get the car turned around, I accidentally crashed into a parked car. Of course, the VW bug crumpled like a tin can leaving no damage to the other car, but lots of sad debris around its bumper. Sooooo... before I go into this ultra-important interview, I have to track down the person whose car I hit and confess what happened - not to mention telling my parents :-(

  25. Tweeted the giveaway, too!!/AlphaBecky/status/183540177346625536

  26. My most embarrassing moment was arriving at my sorority house in college and realizing I'd walked the whole way back from campus, after a trip to the ladies room, with the back of my skirt tucked into my tights. Your etsy shop is darling, I love those two quitls. Thanks for a fun week!

  27. When I was in college just outside of Chicago a looong time ago, a couple of friends & I took the El downtown & then took a bus. I'd never been on a city bus before & didn't know what I had to do to get the center doors to open when I wanted off the bus - dumb & naive child. Saw the chain pull above the door & figured I'd pull that & the doors would open. So when we're approaching our stop, I get up and stand at the top of the step-well with my toes hanging off. When the bus stops I pull the chain, the horn honks loudly, my shoe heels give way, I fall forward into the well, catch myself with both arms across the railing on each side, & luckily the doors open at the same time so I don't slam my head into them. I hop off the bus & turn around & see everyone staring at me out the windows. Thanks for the chance to win your lovely zip bag of goodies.

  28. I'm a happy follower. Thanks for the giveaway. Happy birthday!

  29. Hmmmm, I do lots of embarrassing things so it's hard to choose! Once I half fell asleep at my boyfriend's house and a glob of drool came out of my mouth in front of his whole family, and they all saw. Classic.

  30. Alright, so this is kinda "TMI" but I ADORE the pouch (but not as much as your Happier Tree quilt!!--L♥ve!!) so here goes everything for the win!! I went to a black-tie dinner & casino night at the Shedd Aquarium (in Chicago). Being December, it was cold and the million+ stairs leading out were icy. I started to fall backwards, but luckily my date was right behind me (on our FIRST date) and I was able to grab onto him with my left hand behind me, halfway down to falling on my butt. As I turned back, I saw the look of pain on his face and then realized that I had latched onto his testicles to catch myself. Needless to say, I let go, fell very hard onto those icy steps, and did not get lucky that night.
    hope you got a laugh out of that one! Happy Birthday!

  31. I'm a new follower--why not? I like to be around fun, silly people and you're a hoot!!

  32. So much embarrassment, but I'll pick my "date" one. I was saying goodnight to my date at my front door. When he left and I closed the door I turned around and saw it...a piece of cat poop deposited on the steps just where he would have been looking. Never heard from him again. My cat didn't like him anyway...can you tell?

  33. One time I called my brother-in-laws new wife by his first wife's name. I was mortified.

  34. I am also a follower via GFC. I hope you have thoroughly enjoyed this week.

  35. I was at a comedy show (with LOTS of other people, in a theatre) and the people on stage asked for someone in the audience to shout out a three syllable word, but I shouted "dog" - and everyone heard and I couldn't figure out what was so funny! I'll never live that one down.

  36. I'm a follower and that is a beautiful pouch! Anyone would be lucky to win it!

  37. One of my most embarrassing stories is this: on my first outing as a new, breastfeeding mom my huaband and I went to the mall. Wjen it came time to feed my daughter we sat in a common area wirh couches and chairs. I was struggling with my nursing cover, pads, and positioning my daughter to latch with out flasking any boob or side tummy. I was trying hard to play it cool but was sweating I was so nervous. My daughter was not helping and it looked like I was wrestling a puppy under my cover instead of nuraing. Then an elderly couple sat across from us. We recognized them from other times at the mall as the wife had had a stroke and regularly said hi to every one she saw quite loudly. As they sat down she looked at us and yelled hi. I was in too much an embarrassed panic to do much more then smile to her. She then started to yell hi at us over and over again, drawing large amounts of attention at our seating area. With my boob out, post c-section tummy exposed and my infant daughter flopping around on my lap, I just burst into tears and vowed never to leave the house while nursing again.

    Three years and two kiddos later, I'm still in here. Just kidding! But I did pray to die rifht then and there. Lightening? Heart attack? Anything. And now I'm thinking I might hope I don't win because then you're goinf to post my most embarrassing story if I do. Ha! Really if I win I don't care. That bag is super sweet. And I do embarrassing things all the time.

  38. I once called a good freind of mine's baby girl a boy (she had twins and I mixed the two up) - she was even wearing pink socks! I was embarrassed!

  39. I follow your blog and I love the things you make. Thanks for the giveaway(s).

  40. Once when I was with two of my sisters in town (yup, small place so you just say in town), and I thought I would scare my youngest sister. So while she was in a store, I went out and hid between two buildings with the intention of jumping out to scare her. While in hiding, I heard footsteps coming and as she got close, I jumped out and yelled.
    Turns out I scared a little old lady and my sister was walking a few feet behind her. I felt rather silly, but the old lady was pretty amused to say the least.

  41. I once was checking out at the grocery store when I noticed that the checker was looking at me funny. When I got in the car, I found out that I had forgotten to take off my face cream before leaving the hosue. Oh well...

  42. I think I have successfully blocked all truly embarrassing moments from my memory (I'm sure there were many, especially in my youth)! I just know I will never wear a wrap skirt again because of one blowing open in the wind! Happy un-birthday and thanks for the chance to win!

  43. I'm a new follower and am enjoying your blog. I hope to try making a pouch soon - I'm a little intimidated by the zipper. Thanks for the chance to win!

  44. Oh dear - my most embarrasing moment... Which one shall I pick? I guess it would have to be when I called a lady Joowhaneeta at a job interview when in fact her name was Juanita (pronounced Waneeta). I was only 18 and I had never seen that name before but I sure know how to pronounce it now and no, I didn't get the job!!!

  45. I already follow your blog - and enjoyed this very merry unbirthday hop.

  46. Embarassing moment from when worked in the corporate world... I'm waiting for the elevator as are a group of executives...the one woman in the group, the Senior Executive Vice President for Sales and Marketing, looks down at my feet and says, "Do you know that you have on one blue and one black shoe?" My reply (I didn't look down) was simply "No." Once I returned to my desk I did check, and the rest of the day was self-concious.

  47. Peeing my pants at school when I was in Grade 1. The teacher just wouldn't look up and answer my hand when I was frantically waving it to ask her if I could go to the bathroom. Oh the things we do to children in the name of discipline....

  48. My embarrassing moment happened at when I was at work! I was talking to the girls about something and turned around to point out what I was telling them. Not realising a guy was standing behind me, so when I turned to point I ended up poking him in the bum! I said sorry, very quickly....he said it's ok and I turned round sharp and said no more!!

  49. I'm a follower of your blog! Thanks for the giveaway! The pouch looks amazing!

  50. one day i wore a cream top to school and i thought alot of people kept staring at me. its when i went in the washroom irealize my top was see through. thank god i had a

  51. Thanks for the great giveaway. I once went shopping with my now husband, he went into the changing rooms to try something on, then sent me out for another size, unbeknown to me he switched cubicles while I was gone, so I flung the curtain open on a poor unsuspecting stranger when I returned!!!! ;o)

  52. I think the recent one is driving my car without turn off my car light after I'm back from lunch. I get noticed by my colleagues and they laughed at me.

  53. Tweeted -

  54. My life is full of embarrassing moments. When I was ten or so, I was showing off on my bike in front of a cute boy, I took a nose dive and got road rash all over my face and legs.

  55. When I was eight or so, a friend and I were chasing through her house as our parents visited. I was running from her, towards a sliding glass door. You know those vinyl clings people put on the sliding glass doors? So you know they're closed? I saw that cling. So I ducked. My mom said I bounced a good five feet off the door when I hit.

  56. When I was in college I went running down the stairs because my boyfriend was finally home from a long tour overseas. I saw him at the bottom and decided to jump the last three steps and land in his arms....I smacked my head on the overhang and knocked myself out. We spent his first day back in the US at the hospital.

  57. I totally follow your blog now. And I'm super glad. 'Cause in a short time I've learned you're awesome (Strongbad is my fave. I'm still mad at the boy that stole my Trogdor shirt)

  58. ..and embarrassing, so many!! One of the worst was when I was 15 and said 'boner' instead of bonza to my older and much cooler boyfriend!! Bonza is also an uncool word but it had been doing the rounds at my school and had seeped into my unconscious--but would have preferred to have said that instead :p

  59. Most embarrassing moment???Hmmm....Oh, I know the time I was at a teacher's workshop...and accidentally tucked the back of my skirt into my tights after a trip to the bathroom!

  60. I am a follower on your blog!

  61. I posted it on my FB wall. (kimberly rennie)

  62. I followed you to see Strong Bad box!

  63. In high school I had a small hole in the but of my jeans, the pocket got caught on the back of the chair and the whole ass ripped out of my jeans. Super embarassing to have your butt hanging out in front of everyone!

  64. When I was about 10 years old, I was shopping with my Mom, Dad and sisters. Dad and us girls were waiting for Mom to check out, so we went outside to wait for her. We had walked down the sidewalk a bit, and saw a second set of doors that had "For Emergency Use Only" painted on them. I wondered , "What would happen if you used them for a NON-emergency?" And, the more I though about it, the more curious I became.. until I could resist no longer, and pushed the door latch-- instantly setting off a very loud alarm in the store! :-0! I hurried away, and tried to look nonchalant and innocent. The store managers and guards came and looked around, tested the door, and then finally went back to their other duties... I was not only embarrassed but scared silly!! LOL I have to admit, though, that to this day, I am *still* tempted to push a door that has a label or sign on it stating NOT to--- wonder what that says about my personality...? Don't know that I want to know! LOL

    Thank you for the giveaways, and Happy Birthday-- among other things! :-)

  65. I am a new follower on GFC! Thank you for the extra chances to win! :-)

  66. I tweeted about your giveaways!!/GwenWindham/status/183962742934339584

  67. My most embarrassing moment was ripping my pants on the chalk tray in 5th grade.

  68. I follow your blog! Happy birthday!!!

  69. Tweeted!!/birdie00000/status/184002114249428992

  70. and my most embarrassing many to choose from...ok, a first date after a terribly long work day, I took a whole lot of articles home with me to read before going out, fell asleep on them, woke up, realised the time, rushed out for the date and did not realise for the first half hour that the print from the article had transferred to half of my face. The date actually worked out ok, once I scrubbed my face in the restaurant's rest room, but the memory lingers....

  71. I am a follower!!! And I loved Homestarrunner!!!!

  72. My most embarrassing moment?? Tough to pick one... I was in college and had these cute capris that were on the thin side. They must have gotten snagged on something, and the whole back seam ripped wide open when getting up to leave a class. Thankfully, I lived on campus and someone lent me a jacket to tie around my waist, but I sure was mortified!

  73. Too many embarrassing moments to pick from! My worst is a repeater.. I do this at least twice a year.. in front of my in-laws.. I call my husband by my brother's name! Most have finally figured out 1. I don't have a boyfriend and 2. My brain has a name short-circuit because sometimes I call them someone else too!

  74. I'm sharing your give-away on my FB page

  75. I follow (and love saturated bright colors, just like you)!

  76. A recent embarrasing moment: Asking for "penis pie" in the deli, by mistake. I was super embarrased, the dude behind the counter was also embarrased and it was really awkard (it was not in my native language obviously).

  77. When I was in the 8th grade spelling bee, I misspelled "embarassment" (sp?) :)

  78. Happy Birthday!!!! :-)
    Embarrassing moment? I'm pretty low-key - but recently (ok, last week) when my 2yo and I were visiting a friend at the hospital and one of the nurses (in the Lobby) yelled across the lobby to not let my son stand on that bench "He could fall!"
    haha - thanks lady. Its pressed up against the window, he won't fall! And he's 2 for crying out loud! He climbs on everything!

    Thanks for such a great pouch-giveaway! love it!

  79. Embarrassing...hmmm...not the most embarrassing for sure, but most recent: Went to see the Hunger Games on Sat with my sister, mom & a couple of friends. There is a part where something jumps out of the dark, my mom screamed her head off! lol It was kind of embarrassing mostly because my friend who was right next to me thought I screamed too! No, my mother is *that loud* I cried at two parts during that movie. One was from laughing so hard at my mom!

  80. Gosh, oh gosh...LOVE that pouch! Most embarrassing moment. When I was 6 I took an airplane to visit my grandpa. He picked me up, along with his girlfriend. On the trip, I used the bathroom and saw a box that said 'Napkins - Take One'. So I took three (lol) and when I got there I gave them to my grandpa's girlfriend, Lorraine, and said "I got you a present - they were giving them out free on the airplane". LMAO. This was 1968. She was soooooooooo embarrassed. But, witch that she was, she made sure I was embarrassed, too :/

  81. hm, something embarrassing - i was 6 in a dance show tapping to "going to the chapel" and my shoe flew off my foot hitting the chapel at the back of the stage.. i proceeded to finish the dance in my stocking and run to the chapel at the end to get my show.. to this day i hear the song and cringe! haha

  82. I'm a follower. :)
    The pouch is gorgeous! Thanks for the giveaway!

  83. My most embarrassing moment occurred when I was in the 5th grade. I had my period and needed to change my pad. The teacher was angry at our class and had forbidden any bathroom breaks. I was too embarrassed to tell my male teacher why I needed to go to the bathroom. I ended up soaking through my pants onto my chair. I was absolutely MORTIFIED, and to this day I still shudder when I think about it.

  84. I am a follower. That pouch is amazing. I love all of your prize packages, and you have given me some great ideas.

  85. How to pick the most embarrasing? One that haunted me for years was when I was 17 and had to do a urine sample. They didn't tell me there was a door in the bathroom to put it in, so I carried the cup down the hall. The nurse almost yelled at me about it.

  86. Embarrassing story would have to be sewing into my finger while FMQing and needing assistance to take the foot off, unscrewing the needle and pulling the needle out. Wait, is that embarrassing or just gross?


Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

If you have a no-reply account, be sure to leave your email address so I can respond to you.