Monday, March 12, 2012

Running on Empty

I am officially in burn-out mode. :p 

It's funny that I have beautiful flowers next to my sewing machine... that still smell so good. And yet I haven't sewn a single thing in the last 3 days. lol. That hasn't happened much in the last few months! That's all. It's not all bad though... my living room got a face lift - rearranged, and with some finishing touches yet to be made, it will look pretty nice in there I think! :) So I guess I'm not in totally burn-out, I've still been super busy with plenty of other things... mostly just house things that have been on my mind for a while. 

But now I need to get busy and finish up the rest of my swaps and bee stuff. I just don't have much of a desire to right now. And then onto quilts again! Yay! I'm hoping to finish up 4 quilts this month! Is that even possible??? 3 of the tops are finished, and one is for the do.Good Stitches group from last month - I just need to make the last 4 blocks and piece the blocks together and it will be finished as well. Another is my Kaleidoscope Quilt from the QAL at Don't Call Me Betsy from last summer. Another is Mabel's quilt - I want to finish it up by her birthday in May! :) And then the other do.Good Stitches quilt... oops. I feel so bad that I've been so slow finishing that one up. sorry! 

Anyway, I think I'm finally done with my swap addiction. At least for now. My list of things for me, along with other goals I want to work on are coming back to the forefront again. It's kind of nice to cycle through these phases, but hopefully I'll be able to find some better balance down the road so I can always enjoy it all! ;) 

I feel like my blog kind of goes in circles, so it will be interesting where it goes from here. :) I've been trying to update my tabs, and organize it a bit. I'd also like to start being more consistent with my Sewing Basics posts. I have soo many pictures and things that I just need to put together for those. I'd like to do more tutorials and such too. Anyway, I guess I'm just kind of giving you a heads up that I won't be constantly updating swap goodies anymore. Though it sure was fun! I'm sure I won't be able to stay away for too long. lol. :)

Happy sewing everyone!
or whatever else you're doing!


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