Wednesday, March 14, 2012

W.i.P. Wednesday {3.14.2012}

I took a nice long sewing break over the weekend! It was so nice. :) I was really feeling a bit burned out from working on so many projects, but that definitely didn't last long! Want to see my new favorite WIP???


I decided to jump on the Granny Square bandwagon, but knew I would never finish a quilts worth of them. So instead I just made it bigger! Each of my blocks are made up of 9-patches, and it has a 5" boarder. I know just how I'm going to quilt the border, but NO idea how to do the center. Any ideas??? I think this will be a fantastic little baby quilt. It will finish up at about 35" x 35".

I was able to use a good amount of scraps for it... and will definitely be entering it into the Scrap Attack link party. I need to finish up a few other things for that too! (I like that they don't have to be finished quilts, just finished tops! Takes off some of the pressure. ;))

I have a bunch of squares that are already cut up that I'm thinking of making another one of these little quilts. Perhaps in yellow, grey and aqua? Yes please! :)


I really despise cutting... moan. So whenever I have to do a lot of it I figure I might as well do everything that I have waiting to be cut!

Here are all the squares for Hunters new twin sized bed quilt!


I am really excited for all these colors. The prints are good, but the colors are great. I think it will make an awesome boy quilt, and hopefully he'll like it for years to come. I'm going to do an enlarged "+" design. Each block is cut out to 6.5" x 6.5". I'm crossing my fingers I have a good variety of colors and that I can fit them all together well. :)

Starting more quilts is probably not the thing I should be doing right now, but quilts are on the brain! I have 3 quilt tops in the closet that are going to get quilted this month! I'm determined!!!!!!!!!!!! (I was going to stop at 3 "!", but that just was not enough!) :D

Anyway, I don't know that I finished anything up from last week. I guess my FTLOS quilt and stuff, but I'll show that later...

I got this awesome box in the mail today!!! Wahoo! :) I'm drooling! Want to know what it is? Come back tomorrow and I'll tell you... and I'll let you know how it can make a stop on your doorstep too! :) Don't we all love mail???!


Thanks for stopping by! 
Have a great Wednesday 
and make sure to stop by Freshly Pieced to see what else is going on this week!



  1. i love your version of the granny square quilt block. really inspiring.

  2. Your granny square is AMAZING!!!! I love everything about it. I will be taking a break this weekend. Yay me!

  3. Very cool idea with the granny square block quilt!

  4. Love the giant granny block!! I do the same when it comes to cutting fabric. It's like the longest process! So to get it all done and out of the way saves me an awful lot of time! =D

  5. What a fantastic granny! Great idea!

  6. The traveling stash!!! I want in on it :)

    Great granny square. I love that you turned it all big and such, that's really neat. I am getting my head ready to start with some form of granny squaring soon!

  7. Brilliant granny square! Love it!!!

  8. Well for somebody taking a break,you sure a have a lot going on...hahah. Taking a break for me= I can't figure out what i want to next! To many ideas, not enough time. Love your granny squares. =)

  9. A traveling stash?! I would love to get in on that!!! And your 9 patch/granny squares are fantastic!

  10. Your big granny is wonderful and all the colours so beautiful! What a great idea!

  11. I LOVE your version of the granny square! Great color combo too! Did you still use 2 1/5 squares for the nine patches?


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