Thursday, May 3, 2012

Embroidery with Mom

My mom came over today during nap time and taught me some fun stitches. She is the master of beautiful pillow case embroidery, among many other wonderful projects. I'm so glad she came over because even the simplest stitches I improved by leaps and bounds in my attempts of making them look good. Yay! :)

Here is what she did:

I may or may not have taken a not so great picture on purpose, or not. :) I'm not telling.
...but even with a bad picture her stitching is still WAY better than mine. 

Here is what I did:

some of it definitely needs more work, but I think I didn't do too bad. 

I'm hoping to get some good practice and ideas for embroidering a little Summersville for my key fob for the RATZ Swap! :)

now to decide on which square to use. All of the designs are so wonderful! :)



  1. I think your stitches look great!! I would love to learn first hand some of the tricky stitches...I just stick to the basics for now...

  2. I think your stitches look great!! I would love to learn first hand some of the tricky stitches...I just stick to the basics for now...

  3. Great stitches! I love the leaf.
    Woo Summersville! =D

  4. I just fell in love with your mom AND that fabric.

  5. what a clever idea diane!
    are you going to match the color or contrast? cant wait to see
    i think you both did wonderful jobs on your stitches.


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