Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Quilting for a Cause

I mentioned that Marika is looking for some help to make a quilt for someone. I was chatting with her today about it and got the idea to start up a flickr group exactly for this purpose! It only took about 15 min to put together, plus sending out a lot of invites, but it's up!


Basically, if you are making a quilt for someone and would like some help, join the group, start a discussion letting us know what you're wanting to make and what you need, and perhaps some info on who it's for. Then anyone willing to help can comment and help you.

If you like to sew blocks, then join the group and as people post quilts they want help with, you can sign up for as many or as few as you'd like! It's a nice alternative to a quilting bee since there isn only the commitment you sign up for. And I like that there is the potential of knowing exactly who all the quilts are for, since we'll be able to share stories, rather than just handing them over to Project Linus for instance (which is still so awesome, but you don't always know who it's going to).

Anyway, I would LOVE LOVE love it if you stopped over and joined the group! And if you would help spread the word! I know there are a lot of people out there that love to quilt and donate blocks, but I don't know everyone and would love your help. :)

Thanks a million!!



  1. love this idea - next time I post I will link back to you. Thanks!

  2. Happy to join! As soon as I get a chance I'll put up a post about it too :)

  3. Great idea! I'd love to join but just won't have the time for a little while, but I'll definitely put up a post about it and perhaps join once things calm down! :)


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