Thursday, August 30, 2012

from blank pages... #6

This week I have taken a bit of a break from the blog (obviously) as well as sewing, as we are getting ready for something new in our family. Hunter starts preschool next week!! I can't even believe it! I have mixed emotions about it, but ultimately we are all so excited! We ordered him a new backpack from Amazon. He didn't want me to take his picture with it yet, so here is dad sporting it around. ;)

Dad sporting H's new Spiderman backpack. He wouldn't let me take his picture with it, so I had to get one somehow. :)

I still need to fill out all that dreaded paper work (blah! my least favorite thing ever!), and get a few other supplies. His open house is tonight, well, like right now. So we're heading over that way as soon as the dad get's home. :)

For the past 4+ years I haven't had a schedule I've had to live by, besides church every Sunday, so I'm hoping I can adjust easily and get him there on time everyday! lol. Isn't it usually the child that has a hard time getting ready on time?! This will be good for all of us. :D

 Ok, so I guess that is my new beginning or start for this week! How about you? What have you been working on? Started? or are excited about?

Please remember a few things:
  1. Please ONLY link up posts that talk about the beginnings of a project, new or old. It can include finishes too, but I want to hear about the process of starting too. It can be something you haven't even started yet too. What are your ideas for that beautiful fabric you just bought?
  2. Make sure to link back to this site in your post. Grab a button form my sidebar, or just link back some text.
  3. Visit the other bloggers sharing their projects and leave some comment love! :)

Please make sure to do these things. I have some random posts linked up before, and plenty of links that didn't mention participating in this link up. Kind of a bummer.... so please make sure to start! :) (then I won't have to feel like a meany and delete your linky. I promise these aren't hard things to do!) 

Don't forget... Friendship Quilts Blog Hop starts MONDAY!!!!!! Wahoo!!!!!!! :)



  1. Hahaha I had a feeling that wasn't your son wearing the backpack! Gosh I feel I need to start something up soon. Will be re-sketching my quilt design soon so a possible link up before the 2 days end =D

  2. Oh exciting!

    We definitely struggle to make it to preschool by 9am - and my son only goes two days a week! We'll be in for a shock next year when he has big school every day!


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