Thursday, August 2, 2012

from blank pages... Linky Party! Week 2

from blank pages... linky party

Thanks everyone who linked up last week! I LOVE seeing new projects, and old projects, and most of all, awesome ideas for projects to come. :) I hope you will keep joining me!

**side note before I start: I found all my bee blocks!! WAHOO!! They were ALL I could think about for three days! What a relief when I finally found them. The movers had put them in a tupperware of my husbands stuff... random place, but I'm SO glad I have them now. I can finally think about other things again.  ;D **

Did you know that I have two new sponsors for my linky party?! Yep! Kellog's and The Olympics! heehee. I don't know if you've been watching the Olympics, but we have in the evenings! LOVE the swimming and gymnastics. It's so inspiring to see what these young people can accomplish. Anyway, the other night while we were watching this commercial came on. I'm sure that angels started singing in the background, because this was made for me. A match made in heaven. lol. Ok, so I don't really have sponsers, but they did write the PERFECT add for my link up. I think I'll just share this every week. You've got to watch it:

So now that we are all inspired to celebrate our beginnings, let's begin with the party!

Here's what I'm beginning with this week...

These are Stack & Nest Quilted Blocks from Elizabeth of Oh Fransson! She shared this tutorial on Sew, Mama, Sew! years ago and I've always wanted to make them!! I love how stiff they are and cute, and I want to have some. Besides, I love cute buckets! ;) (I know I use a lot of "!" all the time, but I need to point out that some of those "!" in that last sentence are part of their names, I am not THAT excited about those names. though maybe I should be, they are pretty awesome. lol.)

I don't know if I'll make all of them, but at least one. One day. I'll share it with you when I do. Perhaps tomorrow. (Yeah, make sure to come back tomorrow!! hint hint. Quiet Play's Practically Paper Piecing Blog Hop started yesterday and I'm on the list! Go check out the line up here.)

So these are my inspiration!

Now it's your turn! I can't wait to see what you want to make! :)
linky closes Saturday night at midnight.

The Rules:
1. Write up a blog post sharing your inspirations for a project, sketches, ideas, etc. Anything that shows the Beginning of your project... what you have put on your blank pages.
2. Be sure to share the button in your post and link back here so others can join in the fun.
3. Comment on another participants post. We all love comments! :)

follow the rules or you will be disqualified! j/k. This week EVERYONE will receive a gold medal who links up! :) Thanks so much!

If you come back and notice your link is missing, check and make sure you are following the rules. (like linking back! Let's share the love.) And then link back up!

from blank pages... linky party



  1. What a great idea for a link party. I just started a new (and HUGE) project which I'm so excited about. This just adds to the excitement.

    (it's link #2, Giant Squid!)

  2. What a fun idea. I so wish I could share my project, but its a secret...=D

  3. Love those fabric baskets - I've been thinking of making some to store my scraps in. But alas,it's just thinking, haven't gotten further than that.

    Oh and exclamation marks! I love them too! I often have to edit my posts to take out about 5 (million) so I don't use up my quota for the whole day hehehe


Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

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