Saturday, August 18, 2012

I'M GOING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YES!!! I will be at the Sewing Summit!!!!!!! WAHOO!!! I talked to my hubby this morning, and he told me a much better way to approach my dad. My dad flies A LOT and has a lot of miles. Plus he is the best dad ever!!! Neil just said to ask if he'd donate some for me. :) I have the best hubby ever!!!

So forget this mornings post. But know that I am going to be the happiest girl there. lol. :) I can't wait to finally meet all of you!! :)




  1. Oh I am so happy for you! That is fabulous! Kiss your smart husband!

  2. The people around us are amazing!! Good job Neil!

  3. oh congrats! how exciting ... make sure you take tons of pics and show us all the fun you have!

  4. Yey!! I'm glad you'll get your weekend, you deserve some YOU time! :)

  5. YEAH!!! So glad you are going and I can't wait to meet you!

  6. yahoo!!! congrats! so excited to meet you!

  7. Lol I just commented on the last post. Guess I should have been looking closer!
    Congratulations! So glad to hear things worked out =D

  8. Are you serious!!!! This is wonderful news congrats!!!! I am beyond excited to meet you dear friend :)

  9. I'm so happy that you found a way to make it work and hope to get to meet you.

  10. Yay! So glad that you're able to go...can't wait to meet you! :)


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