Friday, August 24, 2012

*Picture-Perfect* Polaroid Block Swap

I made it just a day or so late for this swap. But sweet Debbie was kind and let me send my Polaroid blocks anyway. Thanks! She definitely needs the "Best Swap Mom Ever" award for all the work she's putting into this group! Basically everyone makes any number of Polaroid blocks, sends them to her, then she mixes them all up and sends back to each person the same amount of blocks that they sent. These were really pretty quick to make and I think a lot of people ended up making more than they had planned on. My condolences go out to Debbie! She is going to have quite the task to accomplish. If airline tickets were free, I would totally fly out to her and help her sort them! (I like the challenge). :) You can read all the details for the swap here, and the tutorial that we used here. (GREAT tutorial by the way!! So fast and easy, I definitely recommend it!! Thanks capitolaQuilter!)

Anyway, here are the blocks that I made. I decided to go with 60, plus an extra 5 for Debbie to keep.


I am planning on making I-Spy sleeping bags for my kiddos. I think these Polaroid blocks will be a great addition to them! I can't wait to see the ones that I get back! I am still working on collecting some more I-Spy fabrics, so it may be a few more months until I actually get to the sleeping bag part. :)

the bottom center one is my favorite!! I almost kept it! lol.
I also love the forks on the bottom right.


Sorry, this post is too late for anyone to join in. I don't know if there will be another round, but maybe someone else could put one together if more people want to do it again. :)



  1. I'm so glad you got a chance to participate in this one!
    I love this swap. Can't wait to get blocks back in the mail.

  2. Looks like a fun swap! Love the fabric you used

  3. Uh, I'm pretty sure I chose your fav blocks as some of my five gift blocks! ;-) They are so fun! Glad you joined us!

  4. Gorgeous blocks! Did you get in on Jennifers I-spy swap? I think another is going on in Flickr too =D

  5. Glad you liked the tute and squeaked in on the swap. I totally want to hop a plane and help sort too! Those retro utensils are so much fun.

  6. Ooh what a fun idea! Love those little blocks!

  7. That looks like so much fun! Love the blocks!

  8. Wow - what a cool idea! I have never been involved in a swap but it is more and more tempting!


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