Monday, September 10, 2012

FQBH @ Mon Petit Lyons

Friendship Quilts Blog Hop @ from blank pages...

It's Monday! And you know what that means?! The Friendship Quilts Blog Hop continues with Courtney over at Mon Petit Lyons. She has a beautiful pouch with some awesome details you will definitely be inspired by! 


LOVE the highlighter colors! How much more 80's could you get?!
Go stop by to get a closer look! :)

If you are new to the Friendship Quilts Blog Hop, you can find ALL the details HERE. Including the entire line up, sponsors and prizes, and how you can enter to win some great stuff! And be sure to start searching for your favorite pictures from the 80's, because you'll get a chance to share yours as well! :)

p.s. Guess who else blogged about this fun blog hop? Lee of Freshly Pieced. That's right! She is going to be one of the judges! I sure hope you'll join us in making something fun for someone awesome and link up with us (starting Sept. 21st)!

Hope you all have a wonderful Monday! :)
ok, I know Monday's aren't usually wonderful, so to help out,
here's a laffy taffy joke for you (I LOVED these as a kid - during the 80's) ;)

Q:What are parents that you can see through?

A: Transparents! bwahaha!



Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

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