Thursday, September 20, 2012

from blank pages... #9

from blank pages... linky party

Another week gone by already, isn't that how it always goes?! everything just races by too fast! Well, I do have something new to share this week... a new old project. I used to be part of the Harmony Circle of the do.Good Stitches group. I had to drop out due to time constraints, and boy do I miss those wonderful ladies!! SO much fun! My last month in charge was February when I created the Candy Land Quilt (click for tutorials).

do.Good Stitches, Feb quilt layout

LOVE this, but I never did get my blocks made. Until now. yikes. sorry ladies! Rachael finally emailed me and gave me that kick in the butt that I guess I needed. (It always has been on the top of my list, but I guess I just kept skipping over it...) So, I haven't taken any new photos, except of finding scraps... fun. I LOVE using my scraps! Makes me feel like it's worth keeping them around. lol. ;)

Searching my scraps to finish up my candy land quilt. I'm so so late on this... 4 more blocks. 4 more blocks.

I noticed with the blocks that I received that there are so many that are lighter/more pastel colors, and so many that are a big darker in value. I decided to keep the lighter ones in the center and the darker around the outside. I think it will look fantastic when it's finished and hope I can blend my blocks in well enough! :)

I have my strips sewn already, just need to finish with the white. They really are so easy to make... I've just been so lazy and have had no desire to sew lately (what is wrong with me?! lol.) But it's been good to get me back on track... I hope I can be ready for sewing summit!!! :D

Anyway, I am so excited to quilt this! I've known what I wanted to do before I even started on this quilt! Some straight line echo quilting and some pebble quilting... I think this will be a fun one. :)

So now it's your turn...

what projects are you starting on? or beginning again?

Just a few things with the link up:

  1. PLEASE make sure to link back to this post in your blog post! Let others know where you're sharing your projects so they can come share theirs as well! :) You can also grab a button from my sidebar.
  2. Make sure you are talking about some kind of beginnings in your post. If I can't figure out how it ties into this theme, I'll have to delete your link. no offense.
  3. stop by others posts and leave some comment love! :) 

Linky will be open until Saturday night! :)



  1. Love the layout for the Candy Land quilt! Now that you've posted it on here, you know we'll be checking in to see it finished. Bit of motivation? ;) Can't wait to see it!

  2. Such a cute quilt! Can't wait to see it done.

  3. Really pretty scraps you have there, I'm excited to see the finished piece!:)


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