Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Winner, Winner Chicken dinner.

Where does that saying come from anyway? I don't know. But it's making me hungry. :)

Ok, it's about time. I am so happy to announce the winners to the two giveaways. I always feel bad that I can't respond to everyone's emails, but I sure did enjoy them all! :) Thank you to everyone who entered and to all my new followers! I hope you come back often and enjoy what you find!

The first giveaway was for my 2 year blogiversary. Thanks everyone who linked up some of your past projects! I sure enjoyed looking at your projects! I also enjoyed reading about all of your favorite childhood memories. I wish things could be that simple now as they were then. :) Thanks for sharing!

so with 12 link ups and 181 comments, The winner of the Lou Lou Thi charm pack is...

who said:

Congrats and thanks for following Marcia W. :)

The second giveaway was the Quilting Gallery's Blog Hop Party. Can I just say that fall is my favorite season, and all of your comments are making me really anxious for fall to get here! This will be my first fall in Iowa, so we'll see how that is, but I'm definitely excited for hoodies and warm cozy blankets and sewing as well. :) And of course walking on all the crunchy leaves (that has been one of my most favorite things to do since I was a kid! There is just something about that sound.) :)

The winner of the Chicopee charm pack and "My First Alphabet" PDF paper piecing pattern (which was waiting for some last minute additions and should be ready by the weekend - have to make sure it's perfect! ;) ), is...

(for some reason my comments wouldn't load past 200 so I had to change them to full page instead of embedded, which makes them look ugly like this. I went to the page 201-400 and found 13 (which is 213). :)

Congrats Terry @ a quilting blog! 

I have emailed both the winners. Thanks everyone for playing along! :)



  1. Congratulations Winners!! Great prizes :)

  2. it comes from the movie "21" - if you havent seen it, watch it, all about using math to cheat at cards -- congrats to the winners!

  3. Thanks so much Diane...I'm so excited to have won!! Congrats to Marcia W as well and thanks for the great giveaway!


Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

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