Friday, November 16, 2012

DQS 13!!

Sign ups are open now closed for DQS 13. I think I got in and I am really excited!! I was going to blog about this to tell you to go sign up, but they closed sooner than I expected. So anyway, I guess I will write this a little differently. ;)

I am really excited about my mosaic this round. I really love making inspiration mosaics! I love the beauty of what others create, putting a bunch of these beauties together, and staring at them dreaming about what someone might send me that is inspired by them. :)

DQS 13 - Insipriation Mosaic

I'll put more details in the mosaic, so just click it if you want links and other info (like to whose pictures these are).

I had such a great time in the last round of this swap, especially since my partner was Whitney! (she is AWESOME! love her!) And I really had a great time with my project. I can't wait to see who I get this round! :) I haven't participated in a swap since the spring, so I'm kind of excited to be joining in on a few for the next few months. :) (don't worry, the send out dates are all after Christmas, thank goodness, so hopefully I won't go too crazy trying to get them done.) :)

This is what I made last time (yes, before I sewed the pieces together, but the other pictures I took just don't do it justice. I would love a whole bed quilt made out of this. :) )
you can find the pattern for this in a 12" finished block here,
or an 18" finished block here.
my mini is 18".

Based off my advice in my Let's Get Acquainted post I will say that since this round is closed, I highly recommend stopping by the group and joining anyway. Keep an eye out for future rounds. They take a mix of newbies and oldies, which makes it great if you haven't done many swaps before! Plus it's just an awesome group if you have done lots of swaps before! :) If you are new to swaps or flickr, make sure to add some sewing photos to your flickr stream... it always helps when people can see somethings you've done, especially if you're new to flickr. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to share some fun stuff that's going on around here too! :) 
Hope you all have a great weekend!!
I will be twiddling my thumbs until Sunday morning... :/



  1. I am excitedly waiting and hoping on this swap too.
    Your mosaic is very inspirational.

  2. Oh so exciting! I'm hoping to put my mosaic together this weekend. I love sifting through my fave's. I am always surprised how "me" my mosaic turns out each time - without even trying certain themes seem to show. :) Have fun this round!!

  3. Love your mosaic for DSQ#13! How exciting that another round is starting! I can't wait to get started!


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