Thursday, November 29, 2012

From blank pages... Linky #13

It's almost December! That means Christmas is almost here!! Have you started your Christmas sewing yet? I have, and have not... craziness! That is where my life is headed again. :) Anyway, what's on my mind this week is reorganizing my fabric! I have most of it sorted by color in big rubbermaid containers. Then I have a bin just for my favorites, plus a pile over there of more favorites, oh, and that other pile. All those extra piles are things I hardly ever dive into. I have this problem of collecting favorite fabrics and then not using them because I don't want them to be gone! I'm afraid I won't be able to find them again!!! I need counseling. ;)  Anyway, I am thinking it's time to just sort it all out! (except maybe a select few that I want to use for projects, or those super special fabrics.) Otherwise, it ALL needs to start mingling... and maybe that would help me destash more fabrics that I'm not ever going to use.

Here's an example of my blue/purple bin. :)


and here's a pile of favorites! Can you tell what they are?

ew. there are some fabrics on the top that just need to be put away. top left, not one of my favorites. lol.

Oh, and my Heather Bailey/Amy Butler/Denyse Schmidt bin. I like to call it collecting... not hoarding. ;)


Otherwise I'm working with these fabrics to finish some more activity books and an Etsy order (she requested purple. Glad I have at least some good purple prints. Definitely lacking in purple. Yay! :)


this is actually two different bundles put together. One will be blue, one aqua.

I think everyone always says this, but I can't believe that another week has gone by already!! I just went back to see what I shared last week... sadly my cowl has been put to the side. I need to get a good travel pouch to put that in so I can carry it around with me more and get it finished! Maybe it will have to wait until our long road trip to Texas for Christmas. :D So excited to visit my sister in Dallas! (Oh! That reminds me I need to get ahold of all you sewing buddies down there and see if we can meet up for lunch one day or something!!! FUN!) :)

We also have a church Christmas party/talent show on Saturday. They asked if anyone wanted to display something, they could do that too. Someone suggested I display my quilts... so that might be fun! If I ever get around to calling the gal, I think I will. :) I'm kind of nervous about it though...

What are you working on? starting? Thinking about? Do you have a big Christmas list? I'll have to complete mine and share that for next week! I'm actually rather excited about it! I'll just have to tell my sister not to read my blog for a month. :)


Be sure to grab a button and add it to your blog post, or just link back! Let others know where you're linking up to! :)

from blank pages... linky party


  1. Oh I'm drooling over your fabric! Lovely, and I can never seem to find enough purple either! Not that I use it very often, but there doesn't seem to be that much of it that I like, either way I need more purple too.

    And I haven't even let myself make that list for Christmas sewing yet!!! I'm scared to look at it.

    Sounds like a fun Christmas party! We're having ours the week after and then I'm planning the one for RS the week after that (gosh I didn't realize how soon that actually is....).

    Going to finish my post to link up with you!

  2. I really focused on picking up purples at a Black Friday FQ sale at my LQS and still feel like I need more. I have some of Kate Spain's Cuzco set aside for a specific project. Her purples are amazing! Since my LQS ordered it, I hope I'll be able to stash it.

    Thanks for the linky party. Being a new quilter and blogger, it's a nice place to come around each week! :)


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