Saturday, December 8, 2012

Hello and Welcome! A New Car, and some Winners!

First I want to say hello and welcome to all my new followers!! Thank you so much! I hope you will stop by often, take a look around, and enjoy what you find here! :) I sure love *meeting* new people online and finding out who all the wonderful people are out there that I haven't met yet! So I hope you'll leave a comment once in a while and say hi as well! :)

If you've been waiting to find out who the winners are to the Sew, Mama, Sew! Giveaways, you are in luck! But first I have to tell you about our weekend! Whoa. What a weekend! Last night we went to my husbands work party. What a hoot! The white elephant gifts that a few people brought were quite extreme... and then two people brought eReaders! I snatched one of those up as fast as I could, but unfortunately someone then snatched it from me. :( they were nice. ;) This morning we took off to Cedar Rapids (about 1 hour and 45 min drive) and bought our first car! What an experience. I learned a lot about buying cars, and luckily had some good help and pointers from my brother-in-law, but I'm still not a pro by far. The kids did fantastic!! (esp since they had no lunch and no naps. The salesman told us a few times that we were the most patient parents he's ever seen. HA! It was a miracle!!) :) Anyway, we now have a nice Town and Country minivan. yep. we are now minivan parents. I never thought the day would come. Ok, I did, but not this soon. I hope we like it forever! I am so tired though! (we left at 10:30 am and got home at 9:30 pm. It was a long day.)

So with that being said, (I just had to share our exciting news!) let's get onto the winners! Thank you all for your wonderful comments! I LOVED reading about all of your memories and traditions! I love this season! Whether you celebrate Christmas or not, I think there is something special about this time of year. So thank you for sharing your special moments with me. :)

The winner of the Lizzy Dish charm pack by Lizzy House goes to...

(I did use random generator! I just got out of my dashboard before I took a screen shot of it and then the numbers disappeared when I went back.)


The winner of the Michael Miller Clown charm pack goes to...


Mary Ann

Congrats Kimberly and Mary Ann! I will be sending you an email for your addresses!

I hope you all are having a wonderful weekend! :)



  1. Wow what a weekend! Congratulations on the new car! Buying a car is so stressful and so good that you're kids did so well!! That's what I'd stress about the most! Hope you get to relax now!!

  2. Congratulations on the new car! and Congratulations to Kimberly and Mary Ann!

  3. Congrats to the winners and congrats to you on your new car. We didn't get a mini-van until we retired. You're way ahead of us!


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