Thursday, January 17, 2013

A LOVE Story

Here's what I've been working on for the last two days. I get on these kicks where I start something and just go. go. go. until I'm done. It's nice to finish it! But life gets kind of crazy in the mean time. I am pretty excited about his one though, and I think you will be too. Here's my story in pictures:

LOVE process mosaic

Do you want some LOVE too? 
Hop on over to my Craftsy store and download your FREE pattern today!! :)

Pattern comes with uppercase and lowercase letters, as well as simple instructions on how to combine them.

Here's my tip if you are doing lowercase ONLY. Cut out the letters, then...


Cut the top off 1/4 inch from the *b line. This is your new 1/4 inch seam allowance.



Then color it in just to make it look the same as the other SA's. (at least for me this helps me not be confused about what this space is for.) :)



DON'T do this if you are using a large letter L. *b is what makes them all the same height. :)


(the patterns actually don't add have the last background piece after the e's. just so you aren't confused.)

I hope you enjoy this pattern!
I'd love to see what you make with it!!!! Really. I would LOVE it. ;)



  1. Thank you very much for your "LOVE" ;D

  2. Thank you for sharing the LOVE.. xoxo Happy Valentines, but I am sure I will be by before then..


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