Friday, March 8, 2013

My ABCs! A New Paper Piecing Alphabet Pattern

Well, it's finally here! I'm really excited about this pattern! This is the same font as the LOVE letters I put together for Valentines Day (but improved), and hopefully soon, there will be a lowercase set to go with this! :) And maybe some numbers and punctuation marks! (one thing at a time...) You can find this pattern on Craftsy, and Etsy. And did you know that Etsy now has downloadable files??? So when you purchase a PDF pattern you no longer have to wait for it to be emailed to you!! LOVE!!! (I have been secretly waiting for them to get this feature for a looooooooong time!)


I really love this pattern and I LOVE how these letters are so chunky and thick, compared to My First Alphabet, which is rather slim. As soon as the lowercase letters are finished I want to make an alphabet quilt with these, as well as an ABC book, using the letters plus I-spy blocks that have items that start with each letter. I've already started some of the uppercase letters and picked out all my fabric colors, it'll take a while, but I'm REALLY excited for it! :)

D is for daddy's who make the day so delightful. #fromblankpagespatterns #myabcspattern #fieldstudy @annamariahorner I love how the feathers turned out in this!  Final pull! Too bad I need to finish up other commitments before I can start... 
 I have more letters finished, but no pictures.

I did ask Nicke of Kiss Kiss Quilt, to test this for me. She is fantastic!! She gave me a lot of great feedback, which helped me improve the pattern even more, but even before that she had some really nice things to say, and I'm confident that anyone will enjoy this pattern, no matter your skill level. :)

Here are some of the things she said, along with my questions for her:

thank you so much for letting me test this pattern for you. i am really in love with it.  

- Overall thoughts and impressions of the pattern: does it seem too complicated? are the directions clear? are there any parts that are confusing that either need to be improved or better explained?  

i really enjoyed using this pattern.  it was very easy to use.  the directions were very clear and concise.  i tend to be a bit of a glance at the pattern and just figure it out as i go kind of girl, but i really took my time and read through the entire thing before i started...

- After testing some letters: what did you think of the process? Is this a pattern you would come back to and use again? General thoughts about piecing your letters, etc.

i love the simplicity of the pattern.  paper piecing is very relaxing to me and i thought the pattern was very easy to use.  i really liked that you numbered and lettered each section.  having the B and C made it much easier for me.  b for background fabric c for color.  it helped me keep it correct as i was piecing the letters together.  i would and will definitely use this pattern again and again!

:D Thank you Nicke!

And of course, here are some of her photos of what she made...

All photos courtesy of Nicke Cutler

I LOVE the polka dots!! :)

You can find this pattern on Craftsy or on Etsy!

Again, I can't thank you all enough for your support and awesome feedback with my patterns. I have such a blast making them, and am always so tickled when someone buys one. ;) It's been such a fun adventure and I hope that it will continue for a long time.

Have a great weekend!


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