Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Coupon! plus Us

I have LOTS of things I want to blog about... but time is something I don't have a lot of. I decided to do a quick Memorial Day Coupon for my Etsy Shop. 10% off your order! use code:

Just so you don't miss it. ;) So HURRY and go buy everything so I can have some money to take advantage of all the great fabric sales going on! Ha! ;) 

I wish you all a VERY wonderful weekend!! :)

And just so you know I am still alive, here's a picture of me and the Mr. We went on our first date in a LONG time (second since we moved to Iowa, if you don't count all the double dates and work dinners we've been to.) It was fun. :)

Out first date in a very very long time! Love this shaggy man! And I am so grateful for good friends to babysit for us! Thank you! :)

And yes, we do still have the cute little baby boy. :) He is growing!! Too fast already. I can't believe it's already been a month. I really do feel like he'll be off to college way too soon. I think I'm just dreading the day when we won't have a baby in the house anymore. I love them when they're small. :)

#icantbelieveitsalreadybeenamonth. she helped me take his weekly photo, 3 days late. Then he pulled out a handful of her hair. He had a very pleasant look on his face after that. #paybackforallthefingersinhiseyes

And here's a little peek of what I'm sewing... so loving this one!

Progress. :) #fromblankpagespatterns

Ok, now I need to go save the baby from the sister. What a pair. :)


  1. Oh the pic of the kidlets is too cute!! Love what you're working on!
    And dating? what's that? My husband and I need to remember!

  2. Love your new project - looks amazing :-)

  3. had to pop over aand say, cute pic, but the last one is the way cutest.. I love those poses of babies and siblings.


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