Monday, June 10, 2013

End of the Year + Teacher Gifts!

Hunter finished up his first year of school a few weeks ago. He really loved preschool, and as far as I'm concerned, he did amazing! He's grown, matured, and learned so much. I'm so proud of him!! :)

Here are his first and last day pictures :)

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Isn't he the cutest?!!! I love this picture!

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Last day of school.
He definitely looks older. (bittersweet)

I am so a last minute person. I wanted to make teacher gifts, but of course I couldn't decide on anything until his last day! Why do I do this to myself??? lol. Anyway, with a only a few hours to spare, I got started.

Can you say last minute? #teachergifts. I hope they like them! #ihavenoidea

I decided to make each of his teachers a little coin purse. I used the same pattern that I made for the UR Priceless blog hop last year. I think these are so cute!! I was a little weary as to how the Denise Schmidt fabric would turn out, but Hunter really liked it so I went with it. I am so glad I did because it's my favorite!! I absolutely love it!

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I even had some time to make some Oatmeal Craisin cookies, put them all in a clear bag and ran off to pick up Hunter and deliver them. I forgot to get pictures with them open, so you can see the inside fabric. Oh well. I sure hope they like them! (I was running late so I didn't get cute pictures of them in the bags (the purses fell over. lol.) But I tried, and I like the concept anyway. :)

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Hunter actually started out the school year at a different preschool in another town. We had to stop going there for personal reasons at Christmas time, but lucked out getting him into the preschool that is just a block away. I still need to make his other teachers some gifts, they were so amazing!! And I'm still a little bummed we couldn't finish up the year there. But both schools are amazing and I can't really say that one was better. It's just how it happens. :)

So now it's summer, and things are going a lot better than I had anticipated. :) Hooray!

Did you make teacher gifts?? What did you make?
Happy Monday!!
(Can you believe I blogged again, already?!) :)



  1. What a good momma you are, making teacher gifts! They are awesome and the teachers will absolutely love them. Both of my kids have male teachers this year so not so conducive to handmade items, so I usually go with Starbucks gift cards. :)

  2. These gifts are awesome. I am a teacher and very few parents in the UK would do this so I think you have been very kind. I hope they like them.
    Where did you get the purse closures lovely shape.

  3. They are so gorgeous, such lovely and thoughtful gifts! I was a teacher and our end of school year is at Christmas time (I'm in Australia) so I got a lot of gifts, but mainly chocolates. Very few where someone had put a lot of thought in. Just lovely!

  4. Wow your purses are gorgeous! I've made my teacher presents too, although I only have to deliver one this week, the others have another 5 weeks! :o)

  5. Beautiful! I'm sure they will love them.


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