Saturday, June 22, 2013

June is Pillow Month

At least for me it is. I've been having themed sewing months lately, and not on purpose. It just happens. In March I made bags. In April I made clothes. May, I don't know that I sewed anything. And June it has been pillows! I finished my liberty pillow and blogged about it HERE. If you follow me on Instagram (IG) then you've seen peeks of two more I'm working on and will be sharing next week (one on Monday for the Kate Spain blog hop - be sure to come back and check it out!) and the other I'm hoping to blog about on Wednesday. :)

That is not all... I also made the hubby a pillow for Father's Day! :) It was a last minute idea and I just went with it. There are some kinks to work out if I were to perfect it, but I actually kind of really like it. :) I think I should make him a quilt to go with it, since he doesn't have one of those yet. Anyway, here it is...

His favorite color is red, and I really love Denyse Schmidt fabrics.
I think they lend themselves to being manly fabrics quite nicely. :)
The pillow finishes at 15 inches square (I think. I didn't measure it after completing it). 

I installed a zipper in it, which I am really loving zippered pillows!!

The back is just a kona blue-grey. I'd have to check to see what color it is.
(Don't mind the yellow marker stain on the couch. The joys of children...)

I didn't have a pillow form for it, so I stuffed a down pillow into it. haha. Good thing those pillows are so squishy! but it makes for a rather hard pillow. I'll get a form one day. :)
I really need to practice up on my stitch in the ditch skills. not awesome.

My sister and her two children came and stayed with us this last week. We had such a great week!! One of my favorite things about them visiting, is that my niece is super crafty and loves to sew! We always sneak in at least one sewing project while she's here. This time I taught her how to quilt and she made a pillow! She even did the free motion quilting all by herself!! She's a natural!

Her and her pillow. I really love it!!
look how well all her points match up!

Close up of her quilting. Awesome for her first time!!

They bought some of my fabric that I wanted to destash and I sent her home with some extra batting. I'm hoping she'll go home and get her quilting on! I can't wait for their next visit. (I'd love to start making quilts with her!)

So all-in-all June has been an awesome month! I am in love with pillows now and can see many more in my future! I was joking with the hubby that since he loves pillows and I love to make handmade gifts, he'll have hundreds of pillows by the time we die. lol. :) I guess we'll be at no loss for comfort! and perhaps have many a pillow fights in our future. :D

Do you tend to have themed sewing months too? Or do you tend to keep it random all the time? I'm wondering what I'll be sewing next month. :)

I hope you're having a great weekend!
 And be sure to come back next week for more pillows!



  1. Ya! Last month was wallet month for me;) I love the red pillow!! I will make my husband a quilt if you make yours one. A kind of incentive to get it done? I keep saying to myself, my husband deserves a quilt by me. It is such a personal gift and I keep saying to myself, why haven't I made him one yet????

  2. Oh and I finished my sewing machine cover using your pattern via your giveaway. Check out my blog. I just posted about it today.

  3. Very manly pillow indeed :) Makes me think of ties for some reason... maybe it the triangles that kinda look like the knot.

  4. Must be something in the air this June, I've been on a pillow making bent too! I started by making one and I've ended up making three (and I'm not sure I haven't got another one in me too!).


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