Wednesday, April 16, 2014

What I've been up to...

One thing I'm learning, with having four children, is that life is constantly shifting. I think things were a little easier when I only had three, and they were all fairly young, with their needs all bundled into one simple package. But now that my oldest is finishing up kindergarten, and school here in Florida seems SO serious and intense, my bundle of "needs" that I have to meet each day has expanded dramatically. On the other end of the spectrum, the simple baby stage is over. the end. Little Tommy is no longer a baby. He isn't walking just yet, thank goodness, but he is trouble with a capital T. He is fun and happy and a bundle of joy. But he is also sneaky and cunning and HAS to get into anything and everything that he shouldn't. As soon as he spies anything forbidden, he is there in a flash. If he sees me coming he moves even faster, or snags whatever object he's after and "runs" away. Trouble I tell you. I was spoiled with my two, well-behaved, middle children. I think this guy is even worse than Hunter was. ha. So yes, my demands of mother have grown exponentially in the past few months. It's fun, and I'm learning, and with the Mr. working long hours all the time, it is also exhausting. Life is wonderful in it's crazy ways.

As I have been for the past three years, I find my outlet in creating, sewing, quilting, and pattern writing. It's such a blessing to have such a fun and rewarding source of individualism. I don't know how I would mentally survive without this outlet.

So... here's where I'm at creatively right now:

I have one quilt pattern that has been kicking my butt.  BUT I have had some great and patient testers, and with some good feedback, I think I made some good headway this morning. I started all over from the beginning. I realize I got too wrapped up in all the technical stuff, that I skipped right over the simplicity of the instructions. Hopefully, I'll be able to perfect it this time around. I really can't wait to share it and get it finished up.

I have a list of other quilt patterns I want to get written up as well. I'm hoping my brain isn't going out, and that they won't give me as much trouble, as they really are a bit simpler in technique. A few I already have the fabrics for, which means serious business about getting these done. Catnap by Lizzy House, Simply Color (or Style, I can't remember - the second collection by V. and Co.) with some blue ombre fabric. :) and a few more...

In my frustration with the above mentioned quilt pattern, I've returned to paper piecing patterns in full force. I have one new pattern that is  being tested right now, and I am really loving it!! If all goes as planned, I'll be releasing it on Monday. I think it will be fabulous! (This one I'm keeping a secret) :)

I have another pattern that I've already created, and just need to finish quilting my pillow top for. Wanna see the design??  (These are both four blocks together.) I actually came up with this one as I was prepping for Sewing Summit last year. I will be releasing all the patterns I created for the class soon. I also want to put together an ebook, that goes over all the material plus more. I feel so bad that people didn't get more out of the class than we all hoped, me especially. I think it was a mix of running out of time, and everyone being so tired from the fun weekend. I think it would have been better had the class not been the last class of the day on the last day. But I still want to help people learn how to do it!! I'm just not sure how to go about it. Anyway...

I really love the lattice design that it creates in the background.

 I'm thinking of calling this one Flower Patch. What do you think?

And then I pulled up this old one from a few months ago,

Last night I came up with this variation, using the same pattern.

and two more this morning, which are basically the same as the first, just coloring in the centers.

What would be a good name for this pattern? I really love the design in the second option. My husband says that the yellow crosses looked like buttons to him.

We've also been trying to go to the beach and the pool when the weather has been nice. And trying to keep up on too much homework for a 5 year old. *roll my eyes*.

And on a super fun note, I am participating in a few blog hops hosted by some amazing people. I am really looking forward to it. Stay tuned in the next few weeks to find out more...

So what have you been up to?
What do you do when life starts getting the best of you?



  1. I LOVE that first option! Very visually striking design. I hope you make it into a pattern!!

  2. Hello Diane! Id name it Starburst! I love the pattern! I cant believe they send homework to a 5 year old! Is it daily! My kids had homework on Fridays. During the week, only reading. Time flies and they grow so fast! You will crack up laughing remembering those moments. Happy Easter!

  3. Oh Diane you really have your hands full.
    I love the designs you are creating. specially the last two.
    Happy Easter.

  4. I feel like I have my hands full with just one little one, I could just imagine what you go through with 4! The patterns look really awesome!


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