Monday, May 5, 2014

Crayon Mug Rug Pattern and Giveaway!

If you are wondering what happened to my pencil mug rug post... I took it down. That pattern is no longer available, as I didn't realize how closely it resembled another pattern that is out there. So just forget about that one. and I apologize. ;)

I would like to introduce you to my newest pattern, Crayon Mug Rug!

This is not just another paper piecing pattern, but rather, it is a pattern on how to create a mug rug! There are step-by-step instructions, including step-by-step diagrams, on how to:
  •  paper piece the pencils
  •  assemble the top
  • self-bind using the backing fabric
 Crayon Mug Rug finishes at 10 inches x 6 inches

The pattern also includes:
  • a coloring page, to help plan your  colors before cutting into your fabrics
  • pattern pieces for pencils and borders
  • cutting templates, to help minimize fabric waste, make piecing pencils easier, and are a great tool for fussy cutting.
  • A poem to share with your mug rug (see below).
My favorite part of this pattern:

 There are 3 crayon tips that you can choose from! They are fully compatible with each other, so you create a collection of all New Crayons, add in a few Used Crayons, or show which colors are your favorite with the Worn Crayons. Every mug rug will be totally unique!

This mug rug would make for the perfect teacher gift! Teacher Appreciation Day is tomorrow (May 6th), and it is almost the end of the school year! There's plenty of time for end of year teacher gifts!!!  Also great for friends, mothers, artists, children, fathers, etc. This is just a fun pattern all around! Crayons always seem so playful and happy to me! I wish real crayons came with such great wrappers!

Here is the poem that I wrote for Hunter's teacher, to go along with the mug rug I made her for Christmas. (Because I wasn't sure if she would know what it even was. haha.)

Being a teacher takes a lot,
Dedication and work, it never stops.

Your tummy growls, your mouth is dry.
You wish you had a snack nearby.

Now you have the perfect spot,
A mug rug holds a drink and lots
of cookies, treats, and crackers too.

A little gift to say,“Thank You!”
- Diane Bohn

I included a copy of the poem, substituting teacher with mother, father, friend, as well, because I think they are all applicable.

You can purchase the Crayon Mug Rug PDF pattern 

on Etsy and Craftsy.


Would you like to win a copy of the pattern???

Use the rafflecopter below and I will pick a winner by the end of the week.

I hope you have a wonderful week!
and good luck! :)


  1. That is a tough question; only because I've had so many wonderful teachers in my life. I'm going to go a little out of the box though in my answer - I would say my Grandfather. He was the stable "father figure" in my life, and I learned a lot about what a "man's" role could be. He also taught me how to enjoy slowing down, the value of a hobby, the joy of making something yourself instead of buying it, and how important patience and respect are to life.

  2. I homeschool, so me! Kidding! Mine was my Global Village college professor

  3. My favorite teacher was my math teacher Mrs. Baum. She was willing to help us with everything. And because I liked math she helped me find fun was to do it!


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