Saturday, August 30, 2014

Shop Your Stash Weekend!!!

This weekend is an overload weekend of sales and coupons.
DON'T GIVE IN!!!!!!!
Instead, shop your own stash!!!!! Put down your phone. Run away from your computer. Use this holiday weekend for a vacation from technology!! Don't put yourself in temptations way!!! Be strong! I believe in you! I know you can do it!!! Pray, a lot.
Because NOT doing is seldom enough, here's what TO DO:
Open your stash. Take out every piece of your fabric, one at a time. Unfold it. Admire it. Pet it. See how beautiful it is. Fold it up and put it away. Take out another piece of fabric. Unfold it. Admire it. Be overwhelmed with contentment for what you do have!! SEARCH for that contentment. Feel awesome for what you have!! Find those hidden beauties that you forgot you had.
Play. Make bundles. Think of projects you can make only using your beautiful bundles you just put together. Practice putting together color combos. Practice combining different values. (See my Celestial Star QAL post on color and value). Learn about color and patterns. Sort your fabrics in a new way.
Take pictures of what you already own, your favorite prints, your amazing bundles. If you do get on IG, close your eyes and share your pictures using hashtag #ShopYourOwnStash. And only browse that hashtag this weekend!! Let's celebrate what we already own!!
Make destash piles. Yes, if you find a fabric you aren't loving anymore, set it aside. After the weekend, do a destash! I will help you if you want!! Make back some of the money you spent, pay off some debts, buy some postage for the "Nothing Allowed Penpals" group. ;) (more info coming soon)
You can do it!! I believe in you!! You are not alone!! If you struggle, contact me!!! I'll be your support!! Don't do anything until you hear back from me!!! (And I'll be waiting until all the sales are over to respond. J/k, I won't wait.) :) let's do this together!!!!
I give you permission to not by anything. I give you permission to take a vacation this weekend from buying anything. I give you permission to be free and feel the strength you have inside!!! It's in there!! You shared your stories with me, openly and privately, and that shows me you have strength, and desire. WE can do this!! You are not alone. It's OK!!
Lots of love!!!

You can read all of the posts in this little mini series of ideas in these places:

Hi. My name is Diane, and I'm a fabric-addict.
So Many Thoughts + Thank You! + "Nothings Allowed Pen Pals"
Shop Your Stash Weekend!!!
Nothing's Allowed PenPals +


  1. You are so right. I almost bought fabric last night because I felt that I didn't have what my swap partner likes and I was feeling pressured that if I didn't buy it right now I wouldn't get it on sale. But then I took a really good look in my baskets and I actually have a lot of what I think my partner would like. So I'm not buying! :)

  2. This is so true! I've hit delete on a lot of sale emails. I've bought way too much lately. I have to learn there will always be more and more new lines to tempt us! Great post, thank you :)

  3. Thank you so much, there was a shop that had 25% plus $5 off International shipping and they have Heather Ross prints and there is a Heather Ross swap going on, but I would need to buy some of the fabric, and then I am looking and I am like I don't need this fabric, I need to read your post again and so I come over here and you have written another post. Thank you.

  4. Awesome, thank you! All you independent fabric stores, don't worry, I love you. I'll be back at some point, but it's an I love me weekend :)

  5. this is a great plan -- I've got several swaps I have signed up for recently and i need to get started by pulling from what I have rather than running out to get more.

  6. I DID it! I made it through the weekend without buying anything. I really need to sew from my stash. Thank you for your encouragement.


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