Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Perfection. Is it overrated???

Is perfection stopping you from trying? I'm not referring to your own perfection. I'm talking about the perfection of others.

I absolutely love seeing the amazingly beautiful quilting that people do on their quilts, or others quilts, if they do it as a job. Usually the most amazing quilting is done on a long arm machine,  and sometimes it's all quilted automatically - taking out all human error. But no matter how it's done, that doesn't lessen the talent and work that is put into the beautiful workmanship.

But I often notice thoughts in the back of my head telling me that if I can't quilt as beautifully as "those quilters" I shouldn't even try. I should stick to using my walking foot and quilting straight or wavy lines. 

I hear the thoughts, but I never listen to them.

Right at this moment I'm quilting a gift for someone. And I will humbly admit that the quilting is far from perfect. My lines aren't spaced consistently even, my stitch length varies, a few times I went too far before turning. And as I notice my errors or grumble at my mistakes, the voices creep in and get a little louder... 

But I'm still not listening. I'm putting my foot to petal and quilting on! I don't have an awesome long arm. I don't spend all my time quilting. I probably could use some practice before jumping into a real project. 


But really??? I am a mom to four kids. I would like at least a semi-clean home. I would like to actually finish projects, send people their gifts, and move into something else. 

So I am sorry to say world, I am saying no to perfection!!! I am going to do what I can, at the ability level that I'm at. I'm going to keep trying. Keep doing. Keep making. And continue to do things I'm not any good at!! Because one day, as I keep trying, and doing, I WILL BE GOOD!!! And it will be AWESOME!! 

But until then, I hope that no one will judge me too harshly. And if you decide to compare my work against another's, please keep in mind that I'm a different person. At a different place in my life. With different talents and abilities. 

And as I enjoy and admire your work, I promise to do the same!! So no matter where you are at, in whatever you are doing, know that I will clap and cheer you on!! Because more important than being good at something, is TRYING something!!! So be sure to remember that when those voices of comparison creep into your mind when you're doing something new, or hard, or something you may not be good at, AT LEAST YOU'RE TRYING!! And that makes you the most awesome of all!!!



  1. I have learned that we are our own worst critics. I worry about selling my stuff because it isn't "perfect." However, others think it is. Your stuff always looks great.

  2. Great sentiment. It's hard sometimes to feel excited when you view all the amazing work and technical perfection of quilts on Instagram etc. I get inspired and fall in love, but then worry that my own quilts fall so far short. But he'll, I don't compare myself with Olympic athletes when I run, or five star chefs when I cook. Why worry that someone else is better, that's inevitable, right? Your quilts always look awesome to me. And mine look great to the recipient. Thanks for the reminder!

  3. I've always said no to perfection! Otherwise is never get anything accomplished or try anything new. Plus without imperfections, it wouldn't even look handmade!

  4. I struggle with this for every project. Blogland is very intimidating, and I have to remind myself that everyone started somewhere. I've just started putting my own work into a blog and would love to sell something I made - some day. I'm still stuck in "it doesn't look good enough to sell". I just keep plugging away. I'll get there.

  5. Your words could have come out of my mouth a few weeks ago as I was quilting my last quilt wondering if it would be good enough to gift. I decided that it is "good enough" as I made it with love and if that's not enough, then nothing is. :-) Thanks for your post.

  6. Awesome post.Thanks for reminding me to just keep swimming

  7. So true! There is so much beautiful work out there that sometimes it is difficult not to compare my stuff with it - but I have accepted that my stuff is far from perfect but my family love and use my quilts. And they don't notice the imperfections that I can see. Too often we are our own worst critics and I hear the saying 'better finished than perfect' and decided that would be my motto.
    And anyway no one can be good at anything without practice and so I just keep going and hope to improve

  8. While I'm waiting for perfection, I'm learning and having lots of fun creating quilts and bags for loved ones! So glad to read your take on perfection too!

  9. Thanks for the little talk. Sometimes I wonder why I machine quilt. It sometimes looks like it is not working. But every time I try I get fewer wrinkles and fewer larger and small stitches. But in the end it looks nice. Just keep on trying and one of these days I will say to myself I think you got it.

  10. Thanks for the little talk. Sometimes I wonder why I machine quilt. It sometimes looks like it is not working. But every time I try I get fewer wrinkles and fewer larger and small stitches. But in the end it looks nice. Just keep on trying and one of these days I will say to myself I think you got it.

  11. I don't think I ever get daunted by other's percieved perfection but I am still a perfectionist myself. I will rip and rip to get things just right, or at least as right as I know I can get them. I won't use certain techniques when sewing for others because I know they are still at what I consider the practice stage. That said nothing I make is ever perfect, in fact is anything anyone makes ever so? Does it bother me, well no it doesn't because I know that like almost everyone else I am doing the best I can and I am more than happy to share the best and keep working on the worst so that one they they too will be in the best category.

  12. Amen! Sometimes I have to take a break from social media just to get away from it. But then I try to remind myself that people are taking photos of the best. They aren't going to take a close up of their "problem spots". Sometimes it's just the image that's perfection and not the whole quilt. We all need to be proud of our best!

  13. Love this honesty, thank you! And I am really enjoying the new look here! Great job!

  14. you are good, and it is awesome :)

  15. Amen! As my mom reminds me, perfection is and can be overrated! To me, each time I quilt, I get better but to be perfect ...after only a few years, well, that doesn't leave any room for growth!


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