Tuesday, April 14, 2015

2nd Quarter Finish-Along: My List

Yes! Can I just tell you how excited I am that I met the deadline for this FAL?! This Finish-Along event has been one of my favorite blog events for, well, since I started blogging about quilty stuff! But I don't think I've linked up for over a year and a half. I just keep forgetting and missing the deadline. Well, not this time! I put it on my calendar, so every day I've gotten a reminder on my phone to link up. And even with that, look at me... I'm still squeezing my entry in under the wire! (The proposed finished list link up ends today.) You can read all about this over at On the Windy Side.

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

Anyway, here is my long list of projects I would love to finish for this quarter! (I like longer lists better because even though I know I won't finish all of the projects, it gives me some wiggle room to pick and choose what I do finish. And I have to say, linking up always seems to motivate me to be really gung-ho and make a TON of progress the last few weeks of the quarter!!) :D


1. First up I want to finish Tommy's quilt! I've made a lot of progress on it, but then after he drew on a block with a sharpie last week, I haven't done much but stare at it. Then today I realized that his birthday is one week away!! I would love to have it done by then, so I'm going to push through this week and see how far I can get! (exactly one half of the top is assembled! and I just need to sew on the grey sections to complete the rest of the blocks. There really isn't much left to do... but "not much left to do" still takes ~50 hours. Am I right?!)

While I'm basting quilts, I'd also love to finish up some other quilts:

2. My Starry Skyline Halloween quilt. I pieced this quilt in about 4 days, and since then it's been sitting in a pile next to the computer. I bought some purple minky for the back, so all I need to do is baste it. (Which will be awesome at 6 months pregnant! lol. For some reason I baste a lot of quilts while pregnant... I think I basted 4 when I was prego with Tommy. ??? I don't know.)

3. Kaleidoscope Quilt. I made this quilt as part of Elizabeth's QAL that she hosted years ago! (at Don't Call Me Betsy). I was going to piece a back for it, but never did. I finally just bought some bright yellow minky for the back when I bought the purple for my Halloween quilt. Minky on the back of a quilt is definitely my favorite!


4. I'll also baste my Celestial Star Quilt, but I want to hand quilt it, so I doubt I'll finish it. But who knows. Maybe in a few ones I won't want to move anymore, and then it will be the perfect project!

5. Rockstar quilt for baby number 5. Here's my pattern (coming super soon!!!) and layout that I want to do. I'm thinking either my Sandi Henderson prints, or probably my Heather Bailey. Mabel's baby quilt is in Heather Bailey's Nicey Jane prints (which I LOVE) so I kind of want to do something different, but we'll see. I need pull my fabrics for it, and get the right solids for the yellow and the magenta color. Anyway. I guess this doesn't really count as an entry since I don't have my fabric pulled, but maybe it does? I'll list it anyway. :)

Other projects:

6. My last Handmade Birthday Club gift from last year. :( Moving last May really threw me off, as did morning sickness. Slow and steady wins the race. If I'm lucky I'll have it mailed by her next birthday. joke. I'm almost done! I think I just love it too much that I don't want to finish it, so I can keep looking at it every day on my table. ;) I'm horrible. ;) (Sorry, only a peak until I finish it up.)

7. Coin pouch for Jackson
 & 8. Coin pouch for Mabel. They both want a little pouch to carry their money in so they can bring it with them to the store and buy toys... every time we go shopping! (They don't have that much money - but they like the idea of it!). :) They picked out the fabric they want, and I've drawn up the dimensions I need to cut out, but that's as far as I've gotten.

9. Riley Blake Challenge project. I'm going to follow Cristy's Craftsy class: Pain Free Foundation Piecing, and try some paperless paper piecing, using my Rockstar pattern. I'm really excited about it!!

10. I cut out a Charlotte dress for Mabel quite a while ago, but haven't gotten around it sewing it up. Which is silly, because it's so fast! So hopefully I'll find an extra minute to get that done. :) I really love this with the band of mustard yellow!!

11. I started these leather moccasins for Tommy last month. I wanted some practice so I could make some nice ones for the baby girl. But sewing through two layers is proving rather difficult, so I'm taking a small break. I hoping I can figure out what is going wrong and get these finished soon. Tommy loves shoes!!! So I'm sure he'll love these too.

12. AND I will be finishing this little rainbow pencil project! Either into a mug rug or a pouch... I haven't decided yet. :)

And... I think that should be good for this pregnant lady. ;) Crossing my fingers that my nesting tendencies kick in extra early!! ha!

What are you working on and/or hoping to finish up soon?



  1. Beautiful projects! Tommy's quilt looks amazing!

  2. so many awesome things! I can't wait to see them finished :) And you might get a little giggle when your parcel arrives :)

  3. That's a lot on your plate. All good stuff - Tommy's quilt has such a wonderful flow.


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