Sunday, May 24, 2015

Happy Memorial Day Weekend!!! And a Coupon!!

Happy holiday weekend!! I am super excited that the Mr gets work off tomorrow!! :) Days of are a good thing around here! So far our weekend is full of cleaning and building a sandbox. :) And of course I am so grateful for all those who have given their time, energy, lives, and sacrificed so much to make our country what it is today!

To help celebrate I have a coupon that is good on Etsy as well as in my shop!

Use code: MDAY15 at checkout
Expires Monday at midnight PST. 

What are your plans for the weekend?  Whether you are in the U.S.A. celebrating? Or somewhere else just enjoying your weekend? 


1 comment:

  1. Just downloaded my first alphabet and couldn't stop sewing the first letters... A wee girl will now receive a lovely bag with her name on it! Thanks Diane.


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