Tuesday, June 30, 2015

So much for that goal...

At the beginning of the year I had a goal to blog more. I wanted to blog at least once a week, as well as blog all my finishes for the year - in at least a monthly blog post. Well, I obviously don't have to report on how bad I'm doing at those goals...

I am quickly realizing that as my kids are getting older, the dynamic of our family, and my role as a mom, is changing. a LOT. Those spare minutes for blogging, business stuff, etc. are disappearing, and as my goals change and grow, I've really had to minimize what I put on my plate, whether I've wanted to or not. But it's good. Just an adjustment! And I know when baby number 5 gets here (in less than a month!!! oh my!) That this will be exemplified tremendously!! I'm not sure I'm ready for that... lol.

But I still want to keep track and share the things I do. So while I am getting around to tutorials and blog posts that I'd like to share, I want to at least keep up with the minimum.

In an effort to catch up, I'm going to post all my monthly finishes this week! (At least I'll try. Because did you notice it's already Tuesday and I'm just now getting this posted??? I started this blog post on Saturday. lol.) I'm sure it'll be a bit of a blogging overload, but maybe if I catch up, I can start over and stay on top of it. We'll see though... ;) Luckily I have been keeping track of my finishes, I just need to upload photos.

My other motivation for catching up is that the 2nd Quarter Finish Along linkup opens closes soon (July 6th 11 pm PST) and I need to report my finishes for the quarter! And hopefully I'll hurry and get a few more things done too... That's usually how it happens, and that's why I love this blog event!

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

How about you?? Do you like to keep track of what you make on your blog? (Mine is definitely my quilty journal.) Are you a little behind on sharing your finishes, too? If so, do you want to join me this week? I'll add a link to my posts and we can do a "Week of Finishes" event. I did this a few years ago, so grab a button, and we can share together!

from blank pages...

Until then, here's a few new things I have been working on. Because what's a blog post with no picture???

I've been planning and scheming this project since last fall: Sleeping bags for my kiddos!
The tops will be 50 over sized Polaroid blocks, with 5 different shades of kona cotton around them. Each child will have their own color, so we can keep track of whose they are. Might as well make 5 while I'm at it (even though the littlest girl won't be able to use hers for a few years... That's 250 blocks! We'll see how long this takes. ;) The inside will be minky, and I'm going to make a pocket for a pillow insert. Hopefully they turn out awesome! ;)

Here is block 1 of 250. So far, I love it! I've been doing a lot of chain piecing lately, but with the heat wave (in the 100's over the weekend - and we don't have a/c, I am refusing to turn on the iron. So once I get the first piece sewn on this project might have to wait until the weather cools... or I could iron outside. haha.)

Playing around with these gorgeous reds from Heather Bailey's Gingersnap and Clementine collections. I don't usually love reds, but these are so delicious!! This project is secret though... so hopefully be the end of the year I can share. :)

Binding!! Finishing up the binding on Tommy's quilt! Hopefully this will be in the list of finishes for this week, especially since it's on my orginial 2nd Quarter FAL list.

This is a new favorite I have on my wall already, though it's still just a quilt block. I need to figure out what to do with the center............... maybe adjust the pattern to reduce all the points that go to the center, though I REALLY love it as is. Dilema's. 

So here's the fun stuff I HAVE been making time for. ;) And if our upstairs stays cool enough for long enough, hopefully I'll get my first Finished blog post up later today.

I hope you are all staying safe, cool, warm, dry, whatever you need with what the weird weather is doing in your area! (What a crazy year!!)



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Looks like lots of progression to me! Love that last block....let us know how you solve all those points going together! I did a paper pieced quilt recently with lots of points like that. A friend told me to trim appropriately, press with iron and then if it's still a problem, wet the intersection with water and hit the covered area with rubber mallet. Repress. I didn't tried it though, sin

  3. I once commented to Jen Kingwell that I had such a hard time with many seams in the center, and she said "why do you think I applique a circle over so many of mine?" LOL!


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