Thursday, July 9, 2015

3rd Quarter Finish-Along Projects

Since the 2nd Quarter on the Finish-Along with Adrienne of On The Windy Side just ended, that of course means that the 3rd quarter is just beginning. There are a few days left to link up your projects for the quarter, so be sure to stop by and check out all the details.

2015 FAL at On the Windy Side

Here is my list for this quarter. As always I like to be ambitious and have a lot of things on my list, as well as give myself options to pick from.


1. Christmas quilt. I already have 1 if 4 blocks finished and I think this will be a quick finish since the blocks are 40 inches big!! But I can't share any details besides this until later. :)

2. I would love to finish this triangle quilt that I started one year at the Sewing Summit. I am loving this combination of prints! I'm about half way finished with the top, but haven't worked on it since living in Iowa almost 2 years ago.

3. This Kaleidoscope quilt has been on my list for years now!!! And I finally took the plunge and started unpicking it. I haven't been happy with how I put the colors together for the blocks, so I'm going to redo it. Because I honestly think I'll LOVE it if I fix it, but if I don't it'll be a ho-hum quilt. And who wants that???

I had the top pieced in September 2011. Rolling-my-eyes that's a long time to have this thing sitting around not being used!

This is how I am going to put the blocks back together:


4. I'll need to put this quilt higher on my list, because if love to enter it into the Quilt Con show!! I finished the top of my Celestial Star quilt last summer as part of the Celestial Star QAL, but that's as far as I've gotten. I have decided to hand quilt it and finally purchased an Aurifil color card so I can pick out just the right colors for each block. I'm so excited!!!

Would you recommend 12 wt thread or 28 wt? I'm thinking maybe 12 wt for the bold designs and colors, and 28 wt for the more subtle filler stitches.

5. Winter Holy table runner. My only hang up with this is picking what to put on the back. Otherwise this will be a nice quick finish. :)

6.-10. The kids sleeping bags. And yes, they are definitely each their own entry. So far I've made more progress on the girls bags, but I've made progress on all of them nonetheless.

Can I tell you something though?! The monotony of these blocks is killing me!!! Lol. Chain piecing 250 blocks (for 5 sleeping bags) feels like the most boring thing I've ever done. My brain is slowly dying. I need to remember to put on some audio books or something whenever I work on them!! Lol.

Here are my five piles of blocks and fabrics for each sleeping bag.

11. My Dusk mini. I love this so much!!! I need to smash down the center and get it willed so it looks better than this hanging on my wall. ;) this will be a new pattern, hopefully coming soon. Though I made some design changes to reduce that center bulk, which I really like but am also a little bummed about - just because I live all the points in the center. But it'll still be good. :)

12. As I was cleaning up my crafty area I found this pillow I also started at Sewing Summit but haven't finished stitching. So I'll add it to my list too! I want to do some really fun stitching all over it, so it might take a while. We'll see. But I LOVE this Park Slopes print from Erin McMorris, from one of my favorite collections.

13. Surprise project will be finished I think by this quarter. Here is my fabric pull, ok, a new fabric purchase to make it in! This is April Rosenthal's Best Day Ever collection, and I've had a fabric crush on it ever since I first saw it! The colors are amazing and this picture really doesn't do it justice. I want to add her newest collection to the project as well but it doesn't come out until August.

14. Surprise project number 2 will also be finished super quick. I have my pattern all ready for the fabric to arrive.

ok, I won't add this project as I really don't have a photo for it. But I'll keep it here to remind me of it. :)


Other sewing projects I would love to finish:

15. I cut out 2 mini sheets for Mabel but need to insert the elastic around the corners at the bottom and they'll be done.

16. This Charlotte dress for Mabel. I should hurry and finish it before she outgrows it.

17. Some leggings I cut out for Mabel. Yep, they are the same fabric as the sheets AND the dress. lol. What can I say? It's really comfy fabric!

18 And 19. These coin pouches for Jackson and Mabel.

20. My baby! Lol. Too bad she doesn't count! I had a little scare last night that she was coming already, but thankfully not. Another week or two will do her well. ;)

I also found a few other projects that I might as well add to the list. Why not put ALL my wip's here so I can get an idea of what I have left to finish. And maybe I'll decide to finish them before adding anything else to my list!

21. This honey cowl that I worked on all the time in the car while we lived in Iowa. Because when we were in the car, we were in it for a long time! (for example, Walmart was a 45 minute drive one way. Everything was far away!) Despite that, I am not a knitter and not very fast, so I'm only about 1/4 of the way finished. I would like to finish it. One day.

22. This AMH pillow. This is a pattern I made, but I really didn't do a good job picking out fabrics. It's WAY too busy! Which is too bad. I've been playing around with different quilting ideas to see if I can't make it pop more. So this is turning into more of an experiment, more than anything. And will perhaps become a pillow one day if it works out. :)

23. A few years ago I was in a bee group where we made blocks for each other. I have this stack of blocks that I received and never finished the quilt. I think this would be pretty quick to make, since it's simple strip quilting. I just need to remember I have it and get to it.

ok. now that I list those finds, I can think of a few more to add to the list like, My Giant Granny Quilt, my Cathedrals Quilt. And about 3 more that I have fabric pulls ready but I just need to start. Oh my.... I think my list is getting a bit out of hand! lol. At least I did finish up 3 actual quilts last quarter! (One wasn't on my list).

I have until September 30th to get these finished! (When the 3rd Quarter Finishes link up opens). Wish me luck!

How about you? Do you find it helpful to list all your projects in one place?



  1. Eeep! Your Celestial Star quilt is a stunner! Good luck with your list!


  3. I have way too many WIPs, so I find it overwhelming to list them all (I actually made a list and had to throw it away). Now, I just keep the current projects (the ones I'm focusing on) out and I find I can relax and work slowly and steadily in the moment, instead of focusing on the end result. Oh my, I don't know how you accomplish so much with so many little ones to care for. Impressive!


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