Monday, October 26, 2015

A Happy almost Halloween coupon!! and what I'm up to...

Happy almost Halloween!! I usually really love Halloween!! I love decorating, carving pumpkins, halloween candy, making costumes, etc. But this year I have been avoiding the topic. I think I'll dress up as a sleeping mommy this year! oh wait!! I'm basically already a sleeping mommy. Or at least I wish I were... sleeping. ;)

Anyway, I thought a coupon and a little giveaway would be fun way to kind of get me in the mood.

Save 15% with code: HALLOWEEN15
expires 10/31/15

Would you like to win a FREE pattern of your choice? 
  • Leave a comment and let me know what you and your family are dressing up as for Halloween. 
  • If you don't celebrate Halloween, let me know what your favorite holiday or time of the year is.

In other news....

I'm working on a new pattern this week. I hope to get it out to testers by the end of the week.

Space Gem

I'm going to really make my son a quilt with this pattern (I always say that...). He's getting too tall for all his quilts and blankets, so naturally I need to make him a new one. And I'm really going to this time.

Anyway, this block will be a fun one for spotlighting focal prints. The center square that is on point, will be one solid fabric! (which means the assembly of this block is a little trickier, as apposed to constructing it as a 4-quadrant block. It was a tough decision to make, but I'm excited! I'll show you more soon...)


because I honestly can't just work on one thing at a time, I'm going to make up some Halloween fabrics and print them on Spoonflower. I want to make a "Happy Halloween" banner like this "Happy Birthday" one I made a while ago.

But I haven't found just the right fabric for it... we'll see how this goes!! I'm really excited to finally try some fabric designing!! :)

I am still planning on turning this banner into a pattern, or perhaps kits. I'm just waiting for the right time to squeeze it in.

I hope everyone has a fantastic week!!! 
Don't forget to pick up those patterns you've been eyeing!!



  1. We are dressing up as ourselves - grandparents - granny and papa! The grandkids love the idea.

  2. No Halloween celebration for us; we live on a rural road, at the end of a very long, tree-lined driveway that would be way too scary for any trick-or-treaters. We never get any kids at our door. Which means, of course, that when I buy Halloween candy I have to abandon any pretense that it is for anyone but me. ;)

  3. I've traveled from my home in MA to my daughter's in NM. I do this every Halloween time. This year I'm making an ice cream costume, a girl garden gnome, and a banana costume for the grandchildren. My daughter will be a minion to go with the banana. I stay at the house to supervise the Halliween tunnel the whole family makes together. It's a huge undertaking but lots of fun and they make it better every year. Hundreds of people come to their neighborhood. There is a haunted house around the corner another neighbor puts on. I don't make a costume for myself. But I enjoy making costumes for the family!

  4. We are not going anywhere this year so we will not dress up but last year we went as hippies! My husband is bald so he wore a large black afro wig and it was pretty hilarious!

  5. We are not dressing up this year and we never get trick or treat-ers where we live. Sad, I know. I will celebrate by making Chili that night. It's sort of a family tradition that we always eat Chili on Halloween. :)

  6. Happy Halloween!! My little went as a good witch fairy. I feel a bit on with the whole trick or treat thing since every day we tell them: don't take lollies from strangers and then it is ok because it's Halloween? Anyway we just did our street where we know all our neighbours so that is ok I guess. Hope you get some rest

  7. Should there be another persuasive post you can share next time, I’ll be surely waiting for it. custom website development company


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