Thursday, February 25, 2016

My Shop is MOVING!

Due to some recent frustrations with my Bigcartel shop, as well as some added benefits with Shopify, I have decided to move my shop!!! It is a big, and I mean HUGE, undertaking, but it will be well worth it! And I'm REALLY excited!!

My NEW shop site is:

There are a lot of features I want to implement and use on Shopify, which will take some time to get it all up and running. I'm hoping to get it finished by the summer, crossing my fingers. I have put a lot of time in to moving all of my patterns over, and they are all now available in my new shop. But I'm still working on getting my own domain, so I hesitate to plaster it all over the interwebs before it's official.
BUT I do want to close down my Bigcartel shop as soon as I can, so I'm going to go ahead an announce this so you can download your patterns before I close up shop!!   

Updated to add: If you purchased patterns through Craftsy or Etsy, this does not affect you! You don't need to worry about downloading your patterns. They will always be available to you.


So... If you still have active patterns on Bigcartel, I invite you now to go download them and save them on your computer! I do have record of all purchases, so if you don't get them saved before I close shop, you can contact me and I will help you out. But PLEASE don't read that and think, "ok, then I'm not going to bother downloading my pattern!" It takes a lot of time away from my family to send out patterns individually, so I think if I get overrun by the masses, I might just ignore my inbox - not that I will, but I hope you will help me out and be responsible for your purchases and the money you have spent.

I sure do appreciate your support, for purchasing my patterns, for your friendships and encouragement! What started out as a small side project to help my family while my husband was going through school has turned into a growing business!! I find myself pinching myself at times, thinking "I'm just little ol' me! How did this even happen?!" I'm completely overwhelmed and grateful!

I feel like this change, and the changes to come, are a huge move for me in my life. I've been sitting on the fence for the last year or two trying to decide if I'm an official business, if I actually do *work* from home, or if it's still just a *hobby*. I've been contemplating if I'm really a *quilter*, or if this is just a phase I'm going through in life and wondering if I'll move on to some other hobby in a few years from now.

But what I see in the near future definitely seems to cement my place in this great quilting community! I want to shout to the interwebs, "I'm OFFICIAL!" lol. "I'm also a huge dork!" ;) But I'm really excited! And it feels good to have a set direction, and to no longer be teetering back and forth.

Some changes I'm hoping to implement sooner rather than later are
  • Offering my patterns in printed form
  • which leads to offering wholesale patterns to quit shops
  • more quilt patterns, rather than just paper piecing patterns
  • more sewing patterns for projects and patterns I've already written up but haven't published
  • redo my older patterns and bring them up to par with my improved pattern writing style
  • remake all my patterns to provide better examples and better photos (though that doesn't really affect anyone so much as it's just something I really need to do).
  • I'd love to get into embroidery and hand stitching patterns
  • and more
Anyway, those are just some of the things I'm looking into and working on. The first two are definitely top on my list! And I'm hoping to squeeze in time for everything else. My planner is going to become my best friend! (I'm so much more productive with a written plan!) ;)

Anyway, so if you want to check out my NEW SHOP and let me know what you think so far, I'd love your opinions! As well as let me know if you see any problems that I missed.

I'd love to move my blog over  there too... so much to do. Anyway, I'll still be selling my patterns on Etsy as well as Craftsy, but this will be my big link to site from now on. :)

and that's it!
Thanks again!
and don't forget to download your patterns! I'm going to close my bigcartel shop by next week so I don't have to pay for another month. So don't delay!


If you're interested in setting up a shop on Shopify, be sure to check it out!

Blog post contains affiliate links.


  1. I don't know how you do it all with five kiddos! I only have three and can't seem to accomplish as much as I'd like! Can't wait to see what else is in store from your creativity!

  2. Please let me know if you move your blog ~ I love it and your patterns. I've been buying your patterns through Craftsy. Will you still be selling them there?

  3. I also have several patterns in my Craftsy place. Will I still be able to download those, when I'm ready or do I need to get them before you close? poladydwd(at)yahoo(dot)com


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