Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Calling All Testers!!

I've been pretty quiet on the social front of, well, everything, but I've been a busy bee behind the scenes! I have some really fun and exciting things going on, and I can't wait to share!! :)

But until that day comes, I wanted to do a shout out for anyone interested in helping me test my patterns! I have created a private Facebook group, that I'm hoping will be a great place to ask who is currently available to test patterns as they are ready, as well as chat and answer questions, discuss errors and other things in the patterns, and be able to share with the other testers what you are working on! One of the hardest parts about testing, in my opinion, is not being able to share what you are making! So hopefully this will make the process more social and more fun. :)

Anyway... here's some details:

  • Patterns to be tested include, but may not be limited to: 
    • foundation paper pieced patterns
    • quilt patterns
    • oversized quilt patterns using templates
    • embroidery patterns

  • Guidelines for the group:
    • Please do not share what you are working on outside of the group UNTIL the pattern is released, or I say otherwise. 
    • Along those same lines, what is shared in the group stays in the group, no matter who is the creator. 
    • Joining the group is not a commitment to test a pattern, it is simply an agreement that you will follow these guidelines, and that as you are available you can sign up to test patterns as they come.
    • You will honestly consider you availability and  ability to test a pattern before committing to test. If something comes up, you will communicate the change before I send out the pattern, or as soon as possible. If you already have the pattern, please communicate with me about your needs. Life happens! I've been there! I understand! I'm here to help! But simply signing up to get a free pattern will not be tolerated. Also signing up and going awol, for whatever reason - valid or invalid without communicating, will lead to being removed from the group. Please don't misunderstand this!! I lOVE ya! I'm grateful for you! But if you are expecting to join to get a free pattern and ditch out, you can also expect to receive a bill. (Not kidding.) ;) 
    • You agree to give feedback for the pattern you are testing. I will send out specific questions to go along with the testing, but some examples are: grammatical or other errors (miss labeling of templates, etc) in the pattern. Skipped steps, or unclear instructions, other things you don't like or find confusing, things you do like about the pattern, etc. 
    • By submitting photos to the group, you are granting me permission to share photos on different social media outlets, that may include but not be limited to, facebook, Instagram, my blog, my shop, etc. I will ALWAYS give credit to the maker and link to your/their account. 
    • You promise to not copy, share, sell, redistribute the patterns you receive in anyway. They are for individual use ONLY!  After the pattern is released, you may sell items made from the pattern on a small handmade-by-you-only scale, but may not include the pattern itself.
    • In an effort to keep opinions honest, I cannot pay you for your time and effort. I DO appreciate you more than you know! And you will receive the final copy of the tested pattern, plus a coupon. GREAT testing will not go unappreciated! ;) 
A more comprehensive list is in the group. I know this all sounds really rigid. It's really not! and I'm really not. But I need to share the technical stuff upfront so just so we're all on the same page.

If you are interested in being a tester, simply add your name and email (and the other questions are optional, but give me an idea of what kind of help I have available) so I can add you to the group.

Thank you!!

Update 6/11/16:

WOW! I'm overwhelmed by the response! You guys are AWESOME!!

Due to the huge number of people that have signed up, I'm going to cap the Facebook group for now and see how this goes. Feel free to still add your name to the list. But just know that for right now, you'll be added to the waiting list. As people drop out, and as I see how this works out, I'll definitely add more people to the group. So stay tuned. Thank you!!!

Be a From Blank Pages pattern tester

* indicates required

Testing Interests

* See Update above. :) Be sure to signup for my newsletter to stay updated on all the new happenings.

Do you want to see a little bit of what I've been working on? I came with a slogan/motto:

I have a lot of ideas on what I'll be doing with this and I'm REALLY excited to start sharing those things with you. soon. ;)

Thanks again for being willing to help me! 
Have a great day!!


1 comment:

  1. Love the idea of a Facebook group. Your slogan/motto is awesome. It would make a great project for a wall hanging - maybe some embroidery and appliqué.


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