Sunday, September 12, 2010

Sharing the Love

Real Quick: I finally made a button!! :) Grab it over on the right!
Also, if you've been featured, grab a "Featured" button from the very bottom of the side bar! If you need a different color, just let me know! :) (I made all the buttons so they won't be so big on your blog as on mine. Just in case you're worried. ;) )

Now onto the good stuff!

I'm so excited!! Kimbo, over at A Girl and a Glue Gun, gave me an award!! :)

isn't that the nicest thing ever?!?! ;)
Thank you Kimbo!!! You Rock!
(now go check out her blog)

Now, the guidelines for accepting this award are...
thank the person/people who gave it to you. Thank you again and again! ;)
tell 7 things about yourself.
pass the award onto other bloggers, whom you have recently discovered and think are fantastic!

1. Lilacs are my favorite flower. My hubby hates them because they smell like "grandmas"
2. I hate planning meals = I hate making dinner. Though I really do like to cook.
3. I can bend my toes backward to touch the top of my foot, as well and bend my fingers back really far, and pop my shoulder out of place. Yuck. ;)
4. I LOVE fall! (and that is an understatement!)
5. I love wearing sweaters and jackets! and would be happy if I owned a million of them! (also why I love sweater weather!)
6. I stress out way too much about money.
7. I have a love/hate relationship with sleep. I love to sleep. I hate it when I can't - which is way too often.

I'm trying to specifically feature my favorite blogs separately for my Bloggity Blogs, so even though I have my fave's on here, don't be bugged if I feature them again later!! :)

Here are my favorite new found blogs:

She is so much fun! and her quilting style is just the same! Check out her beautiful blog, and don't miss the Gracie Jane Project! The quilts are so beautiful and for a wonderful cause!
(and she has a Fabric Linky party every Tuesday!) :)

This is actually my BF's brother. I love all of their engagement pictures and am totally jealous that Kayleen wasn't our photographer. (I used this photo in case they didn't want their faces on here. They are a dang cute couple though!) Can I just get married again??? (to the same man of course). Her photos are awesome!! :)

So many cute projects. Just go check it out.

I found her through a linky party, and LOVE this! :)

Great quote, loverly frame. I like her style.

She has so many 'to-do' projects that are now on my list. But I can't resist.
Like this cool book art above.

Ok, honestly, looking through all my bookmarks, trying to find favorite blogs, I found too many to post here. So check these out! Because I do really enjoy them!
Thank you for your beautiful and inspiring work!

...and stay tuned for more Bloggity Blogs.


  1. Thanks so much for the award!! You are so sweet!

  2. I love Courtney's blog, too! She has such great ideas. Congrats on your award!

  3. Thank you so much for this awesome shoutout! And I'll definitely check out these other blogs!

  4. Thanks for the award! You just made my day!!!! :o)

    Have a great night,

  5. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and for the lovely words and award! :)


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