Monday, September 13, 2010

Made It: Personalized Photo Names

Do you remember this?

Did you makes some? (I want to see if you did!!) :) And are now wondering what to do with your left over squares that have letters cut out of them? Well, let me show you! :)

Find a picture of your loved one whose name you made, and crop and size them so they will fit perfectly inside each letter.
Then print them out and cut them square.

Now layer your empty letter squares (they will be reversed from how you made them for the name mobiles), pictures and a blank piece of cardstock to back each 'letter piece'. Trim around them so all the layers fit are nice and tidy - try to keep them all about the same size though, no matter how big the letters are. (You can also wait and do this after the next step. That might in fact be better.)

You don't have to trim them exactly. It's kind of fun how they overlap on the sides too. See it on the E?

See how the paper on top is opposite?

Next run the individual letter papers through your xyron sticker maker, or whatever other method you want to use, and get them all stickied up. Carefully align the letter paper with the narrower letter cut out over your picture and smooth out (make sure your picture is centered before sticking down). Then carefully align the larger letter on top of that. Get your backing cardstock sticky and glue that onto the back. (You made to trim them just a little bit again at this point.)

On each piece of cardstock I wrote a note to my son. Telling him something I love about him, little things he likes to do, whatever. Just a little note, kind of like a journal to go along with the pictures. Something for him to remember.

Now attach/connect them however you like! You could punch a hole in one corner and tie a ribbon through them, or laminate them like I did to make an accordion style book (I also used my xyron for this). You could also, instead of cutting out individual cardstock squares, cut out long strips to glue the squares onto so they are all connected that way. You could bind them, put them in a frame, glue them onto large wooden blocks, hang them on the wall, scrapbook them, or whatever else you want to do!

And walla! No wasted paper scraps! :)

Linking up with all the linky parties on my side bar. :)


  1. Too cute! Such a good idea :) I love the "no wasted paper" concept!

  2. that is a great idea! thanks for stopping by today, too.

  3. This is so clever, I always wonder what to do with the scraps!
    I have a big request for all of you bloggers out there, I am in a contest for one of the posts I did on losing some weight. I just really need to have your vote because I would love to win this contest! All you need to do is go to the link I will put below and first become a fan or push the like button and then go to the right column and under the 14 pictures, click on my picture and make a comment that you vote for me! I know the power of blogland is big, so can you please vote! I would so, so, appreciate it!!!!/pages/Lehi-UT/Kristi-Approved/391083710513?ref=ts

  4. ADORABLE and I love that you used both parts! I am going to feature this today on my Friday Fave Five- you should check it out!

  5. Thank you for joining us at A Crafty Soiree! This is a great way to use up both your positive and negatives. I love how there is no waste. You have such good ideas! I hope you'll come back next week and link up again!

  6. hi-- GREAT idea! Thanks for joining us at A Crafty Soiree last week... hope you'll stop back tomorrow. I'm your newest follower

  7. Love this idea!! You are soo creative!!!


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