Sunday, October 17, 2010

Cash Envelope Tutorial and UPDATE

Ok, I am really sorry for the delay in posting the tutorial for this. I am still a bit sick, cough cough, and it is miserable! I've heard a couple of other people have had the same thing, which drags on and on, so unfortunately I'm not the only one. Hopefully none of you get whatever this is!

Anyway, I was thinking of just drawing up the tutorial, because honestly I have no desire to sew or craft, or do anything besides lay in bed, eat and read. ;) (not so bad I guess) haha. But THANK YOU THANK YOU Julie, who noticed that Walter and Veronica posted a link to their cash envelope tutorial on their etsy site!! Awesome!! :)

You can go to their site and buy the pattern for super cheap! She basically sells it at cost with minimum profits, which is super nice of her! :)

She is expecting their 3rd, so has closed everything down. Congrats!!! :) and hope all goes well!

She of course used oil cloth, which is a little different than using cotton. When I made mine I made some adjustments that I now realize I didn't need to make.

Here are the differences that you DO need to make when using cotton:

I do not want to take away from her tutorial, so I do want to still direct you there, but here is a list of everything you need (this will make it easier to list the differences):

(I originally had the measurements posted here, but took them off since her pattern is now for sale. It would be greatly appreciated if you could support her and buy her pattern, and if you have questions after that, I'd be happy to help you where anything doesn't make sense.)

Oilcloth or COTTON (the black pieces are needed in both projects. What is in red is what you need to cut extra for the cotton version - cut the same size)
(1) main piece  plus (1) same size in lightweight interfacing 
(2) interior large pockets  plus (2) lightweight interfacing, 
(3) card pockets  plus (3) lightweight interfacing, 
(1) driver's license pocket plus (1) lightweight interfacing, 
(1) checkbook/reciept/shopping list pocket plus (1) lightweight interfacing
(2) closure for velcro pieces 
(6) zipper pocket pieces  ***see the end of this post for variation
Optional: (1) decorative piece going across main piece plus (1) lightweight interfacing

You will also need vinyl, velcro and zippers - the same as what is in the pattern.

Each lightweight interfacing piece will help keep the pockets and pieces more durable, and be able to better handle all the wear and tear. Cut the same size of the pieces and iron on the wrong sides of the fabric. 

Make everything the same, until you get to the bottom of PAGE 8.

"With wrong RIGHT sides together of the main piece and large interior pockets, sandwich the velcro closure between them and stitch all around the wallet using a 1/4" seam allowance."  

-- make sure the velcro closure is turned the right way inside so when you turn it inside out, it is facing the right way. (I always do a practice turning before I sew to make sure I get it right.)

On Page 9 - you don't really need to trim and square off any edges, or zig zag around the edges, since they will be turned in. You DO NEED TO TRIM THE CORNERS

I did add another step here as well. After you trim the corners, turn it right side out and sew all the way around the edge of the whole thing - as close to the edge as you can (or at least about 1/8" from the edge - no more. This will help keep it's shape, and adds a nice finished touch. :)

Make everything else the same and you are done!! :)

*** I did make all of my pockets out of different fabric.
If you only want three different fabrics, you can simply cut two pieces of each fabric, and use matching fabrics when making the pockets. But if you want them all different here's what you need to do:

instead of cutting
(6) zipper pocket pieces 
cut (2) each of (6) fabrics 7.75"w x 4.25"h 

which means you'll have 12 different pieces, 2 of each fabric. 
Then figure out what order you want them in your book and put them in that order. Then take the outer two fabrics and put those aside together. Then the next two outer fabrics and put them aside together. And the two fabrics that are in the very middle will be together. (does that make sense?)

Next take one of the sets, take one of each of the two fabrics, and sew them together, right sides facing, along the 7.75" sides. Do this with all of the fabrics, matching one fabric with the other. you will then have 6 pieces of fabric that measure 7.75" x 8" - each consisting of two different fabrics. 

Continue on with the instructions, making sure that when you sew the zippers to the fabric, you match up the fabrics. 
Making the pockets this way makes it a little trickier when sewing the vinyl pockets on. You can wait to sew them on until after you sew the zippers on, but before you sew the pockets closed. (to make sure they all end up in the right places.)
It doesn't matter that the pockets are open (between the fabric) because when you sew the pockets to the cover, you will sew right down the center where the two fabrics meet, and it will look beautiful! :)


I'd love to see all of them when you are finished!!! Leave me a comment and let me know when you've posted yours! :) Or you can send me pictures and I'd love to showcase them! :)

If you have any questions please let me know and I'd love to go into more detail or help you in any way I can! :) Sorry I've been such a lug... Good luck and happy sewing! :)

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Fab Finds: More Halloween

(unfinished post, but I'm posting it anyway.)

Happy October!! :)

There are just too many cute Halloween things out there. I need to clean out my bookmarks so I can save room for more. ;)

Monday, October 4, 2010

Shout Out: THIS

A couple weeks ago, I finished an awesome book! I really do like to read, but until I picked up this book, it had been over a year probably since I had actually finished one. ;) You know how life goes. That, and sometimes it's hard to find that book that draws you in and doesn't let you put it down! This is one of those books! 

It's about vampires, yes. But it's not what you may think! It's very well written, full of surprise turns and events that you don't expect. Great character development, and full of wisdom and ideas that make you think a little deeper than just some corny romance vampire novel. Especially with Halloween coming up, this book would be a great October read, or a November read, or December, or January.... you get the point. It's a great book and very entertaining for the young and old alike. :)

Be sure to check it out at:

It's a vampire book that will be sure to leave you wanting for more! ;) 

I couldn't not do a shout out for such a great book! Be sure to check it out at their website, or visit and order yours today. :)

Made It: Cash Envelopes

My hubby and I have tried and failed (ok, more like not cared) about budgeting over and over again. Well, now we're serious about it (well, going to be once we start. lol). I asked some friends for advice and a lot of people suggested the cash envelope system. Another suggested Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. So, I searched online for some cash envelope ideas and found quite a few:

Paper envelopes:

Here is one with envelopes and a case if you want it in it's own separate case.

Here is a how-to for the actual envelopes and how to bind them together. This one is cute because you can place in it your wallet and keep it nice.

Some separate little pouches.

And a fabric version using oil cloth.
I ended up making the last one, but used cotton instead of oil cloth (thus needing to add seam allowances and stuff). but it was still pretty simple. My friend contacted me the other day and told me that the blog is now private, but wanted to know how I made mine. So, I'm planning on making up another one so I can add the tutorial on my blog. (why is the link still there if it doesn't work? So they can still get credit for their beautiful work, and maybe one day it won't be private). :)

Anyway, here is mine version that I made: :)

 I lined it with cardboard to help give it some shape.

 I love the pocket in the back for your checkbook or whatever else.

 and pockets in the front for cards and DL

It was a little trickier making all the pockets out of different fabric, but it I love having variety. :)

The pockets all have little clear vinyl pockets so you can label all of the pockets. :) (you can kind of see it on the purple pocket, or the blue pocket in the picture above.)

Here's the tutorial post:

Check out all the buttons on my sidebar to see where I'm linking up, and to check out all the other great stuff out there!

Thanks for stopping by!! :) Have a great day!
and stay tuned for the tutorial!! :)

Friday, October 1, 2010

Fab Finds: Oh My Cards!

My hubby is watching the football game at a friends house, and I am here aimlessly wandering around blog land, and have stumbled upon many a great cards! :) I decided that if I'm going to share some new cards, I might as well bring over all the cards I had also noted on my old crafty idea blog. :) So I'm sorry if this is Card Overload! But I think these are fun! :)

First I'll start with Rubies & Pearls:

I really like these cute Yo Yo cards, and the custom envelopes! (She has tutorials for everything, and so many other cute things on her blog. Don't miss it!)

Then there are these really cute Unity Co stamps that I wish I had...


Which made these cards:  

I grabbed these pictures from Crafty as she was selling the stamps.

Then there is this blog that is practically all cards,
Pocket Full of Paper
which has a ton of cute cards.
 Here is a sneak peak:


Northridge  Media puts out catalogs for scrapbooking, cards, and a ton of other fun stuff. They have a pretty fun blog. That's where I found all of these cards: 

This last card led me to another fantastic card blog, 
where I think just about every card, if not all, 
are absolutely perfect!

Here are some other cute ideas for cards...


a nice way to use those scraps that pile up...

And to finish up, I really love buttons, and fabric. So to add them to cards is always a treat!


love this fabric postcard idea!

Picture Links:
Unity Co cards and stamps: ???
Both of the button brad Thank You cards: from