Monday, October 4, 2010

Made It: Cash Envelopes

My hubby and I have tried and failed (ok, more like not cared) about budgeting over and over again. Well, now we're serious about it (well, going to be once we start. lol). I asked some friends for advice and a lot of people suggested the cash envelope system. Another suggested Dave Ramsey's Total Money Makeover. So, I searched online for some cash envelope ideas and found quite a few:

Paper envelopes:

Here is one with envelopes and a case if you want it in it's own separate case.

Here is a how-to for the actual envelopes and how to bind them together. This one is cute because you can place in it your wallet and keep it nice.

Some separate little pouches.

And a fabric version using oil cloth.
I ended up making the last one, but used cotton instead of oil cloth (thus needing to add seam allowances and stuff). but it was still pretty simple. My friend contacted me the other day and told me that the blog is now private, but wanted to know how I made mine. So, I'm planning on making up another one so I can add the tutorial on my blog. (why is the link still there if it doesn't work? So they can still get credit for their beautiful work, and maybe one day it won't be private). :)

Anyway, here is mine version that I made: :)

 I lined it with cardboard to help give it some shape.

 I love the pocket in the back for your checkbook or whatever else.

 and pockets in the front for cards and DL

It was a little trickier making all the pockets out of different fabric, but it I love having variety. :)

The pockets all have little clear vinyl pockets so you can label all of the pockets. :) (you can kind of see it on the purple pocket, or the blue pocket in the picture above.)

Here's the tutorial post:

Check out all the buttons on my sidebar to see where I'm linking up, and to check out all the other great stuff out there!

Thanks for stopping by!! :) Have a great day!
and stay tuned for the tutorial!! :)


  1. That's a way good idea!! Great job!! I need one of these too:)
    BTW, I'd love for you to stop by and check out my fun giveaway this week:)

  2. This is so pretty...might make budgeting seem more fun, right??

  3. I love these! I also love the envelope system, its worked so great for my husband and I! You cant spend what you dont have right?! Plus, when I go the store Im always afraid I will have to put stuff back cuz I dont have enough money so I add up the prices as I go! You are so creative!!

    - Michelle @ Bunch of Craft

  4. You did a really great job. I'm always afraid of having cash on hand and losing it. Also, I never know if you should take all the money out for a month or for a week?

    Visiting from The Girl Creative's link party.

  5. What a crafty little idea! I need to make myself one of these - then I could carry that around instead of a million envelopes!

  6. its SO cute! I need to make one for me! thanks for linking up.

  7. Having something fun to use made it easier for me to use the cash system...and now I can't imagine NOT using cash anymore. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dave Ramsey! :)

    I actually had one of these made for me on Etsy and LOVE it (her user was iSew). (I'm not a I have to outsource anything that involves a sewing machine, LOL).

    But yours turned out adorable!!

  8. I think going back to carrying cash instead of cards (debit/credit) would make a huge difference, but it's a scary idea! I hope the envelope works out for you, it's adorable. :)

  9. Hi there! I am your newest follower from the Wednesday link up. Lovely blog:) You can find me at

    I LOVE these. Love the fabric

  10. I love this idea! I've done the envelope system and I hated carrying around those big envelopes. Hubby and I are trying to work out another budget, this could come in handy. I'm looking forward to the tutorial! :-)

  11. Thanks for sharing your envelope system with us at A Crafty Soiree. I've seen the ones by Kelleigh but I like the idea to make them more permanent that paper. Hope you will share a tute eventually, bummer the one with oil cloth is gone. I have some in my stash. See you next time:)

  12. We listened to a lot of Dave Ramsey's advice on getting debt free. We did it our way, kind of picking and choosing the things that worked for us. It was hard as could be, frustrating, irritating, infuriating and terribly wonderful. We are debt-free except for the house, and now looking for ways to squeeze some extra $$ into the house payments to get out from under the mortgage.
    It's fabulous to be free from the slavery of payment making. Truly. It's a big change in the way we live that some folks don't understand. It works for us, though. Much happier marriage, too, without all that weight on our shoulders.
    I wrote this (a link follows) a while back, but thought you might enjoy it since you are contemplating the big, scary budget. :)
    Good luck to you.

  13. GREAT ideas!!!!! We all can use some budgeting advice and having a darling place to store our money is even better!

  14. Ooooo fabulous ideas! I love the fabrics that you chose to use! Pretty. Thanks for linking up!

  15. what a great take for yourself. I love Dave and his ideas! Way to be proactive :)

  16. What a wonderful idea! I might be a better budgeter with something cute like this to keep me organized. Thanks for linking to A Crafty Soiree... hope you share again tomorrow. I'm your newest follower (-:

  17. I can't wait for the tutorial! As soon as you post it I'm trying it! We STINK at budgeting - A LOT - and recently thought of using the money envelope system. Having this cute thing around would only add to my desire to do it! Thanks!

  18. LOVE this idea! Our church is doing a Dave Ramsey series at the moment and we are going back to cash. I can't wait for you tutorial!!!

  19. The girl who made the oilcloth one must have been getting some requests for the tutorial of the one you posted. She posted a link to her tutorial for it from her etsy shop.. Here is it for free download...

  20. Excellent job! I'm sick of our envelopes and am so going to make this! If you don't mind, I'd love to feature you on my blog.


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