Wednesday, October 26, 2011

W.i.P. Wednesday #16

Wahoo! We are back online, and boy oh boy do I feel like I have accomplished a lot! :) I'm so excited for WiP Wednesday today! :)

In Progress:

I received all the blocks for the do.Good Stitches quilt for September, arranged them and have sewn the top together! It is totally awesome how fast a quilt comes together when most of the blocks come from other people! I am definitely liking being a quilter! :) Now to decide how to do the back, and how to quilt it. :)

Here's the top:

do.Good Stitches - Harmony Cirlce


and.... just out of reach. :)

I am sewing like crazy on Mikaela's quilt! In the last two days I cut the rest of the fabric, and am just about finished with all the blocks! I don't think it will take me long now at all! Then comes the fun part of arranging them! :) I think this will be a fun and VERY colorful quilt!

{sorry no pics. I forgot to take some. 
I'll post more in a day or so when I start arranging them on my wall. :)}

I did have a few etsy orders that I sent out. One was some Match Game Cards. I love these little bags!

DSC_0906 Match game cards bag

and another Name Mobile! I hadn't made one for a while, but it was so much fun! The hardest part is figuring out how to ship it! But I love how it turned out! (She ordered it right as my health was going down the drain, and I am so grateful for her patience!!)


the best thing for these for the finishing touch is to fold the edges out just a little to give it some extra dimension. I also have a tutorial here if you want to make your own (with a LOT of pics!). They are actually pretty easy!

I am also trying to come up with some cards that I can send out with my orders with my info on them... ug. I don't know what I think about this. I've still got some tweaking to do. What do you think?

add some color? change the font? I really don't know where to go from here...

Now I'm off to sew up some bee blocks, and see if I can finish a quilt or two! :)

Thanks for stopping by!
and don't forget to stop by Freshly Pieced to see what everyone else's got going on!



  1. Love the quilt top! I like those kinds of pictures where the sun shines through and you can see all the seam allowances. Very cool!

  2. I love how the do.Good Stitches quilt came out! Great choice of block...I might have to make myself one. : )


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