Thursday, March 22, 2012

Giveaway Week: 150 Followers Appreciation Day!

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

giveaway week

Day 4 of Giveaway week is finally here!! All giveaways end on Monday 3.26, so you still have time to enter! (Plus there will be one more tomorrow.) :)

I guess perhaps today should be a 200 Follower Giveaway! and then we'd actually be celebrating it right on time! :) Either way, thanks for following!! And for a huge shout out to all of you, I think it's about time we get onto the giveaway! :)  (I think I said everything in yesterdays giveaway. ;) And if not, it's too early to think about anything else to write right now. Maybe I'll come back to this post and add more later. lol.)

The prize for this giveaway was kind of a hard one to decide on. But I finally decided to share some of the love from yesterdays giveaway! Did you see this charm picture that is part of the Charming Travelers???


Well, did you know that this stack is actually two of the same stacks put together? I wanted to get yesterdays giveaway posted before I had finished cutting, so I just put the two piles together. Yep. That's right! I cut out two charm piles! So far they each have 25 fabrics in them. I obviously have more charms to assemble for yesterdays prize, and will cut more for todays. But I'm not sure what number I'll end up with. I have to say, I kind of felt bad yesterday having so many rules and exclusions for the giveaway, that I've decided that today I am just going to give this second pile of charm squares away to one of my lucky followers!! :) No rules, no exclusions, no passing it on. It's yours just because you won this giveaway! :) I know some of you that entered the Blogiversary Giveaway have said you don't blog regularly, or maybe you don't live in the US. Well, now you can still get in on this stack of goodness (and randomness). How does that sound??? 

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Since this is a Follower Appreciation Giveaway, you MUST be a follower. (NEW FOLLOWERS WELCOME!) Leave a comment letting me know you are.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.
  • Leave me a comment telling me one unique thing about yourself! :)

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Make sure to come back tomorrow for the last giveaway! You can find the previous ones from this post.

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!



  1. As to this point I am your newest follower and I am gonna stop stalking your blog now since I have to go to work ;-)

  2. My unique thing: I have tiny tiny ears ;-)

  3. I'm a new follower!

  4. I'm a follower...this is so much fun!! Thanks for the giveaway!!

  5. Hmmm, unique? I guess that I can't smell is pretty unique. I was just born that way. Weird.

  6. Been following you for a couple months now I think and I LOVE your blog.

  7. shared the giveaway on twitter!/acrump05/status/182814987323047937

  8. for something unique about me....? um I am OCD and a complete germ-aphobe. I guess it's not really unique but my husband and family joke the I am just weird because I am the only one in the family like that except for my 2 yr old.

  9. I am a fairly new follower and I am loving your blog!!!

  10. Tweeted the giveaway.!/AlphaBecky/status/182821495091888128

  11. Unique... hmm... that is a tough one. Could it be that I am the only person that does not have something unique about them?? No... because that would make me unique! OK, then - judging from this blog comment, I would say that I am unique because I "seem" to try to include every type (almost) of punctuation in my writing while keeping periods to a bare minimum!!

  12. I guess something that is unique about me (but not really). I'm a military wife that is in the middle of a 1 year deployment with 3 kids, 2 of which are teenagers. We've managed to survive 7 months, and counting! lol.

  13. I'm a follower and my unique thing is that I love Rod Stewart. I am a bit young for this, as I was born in the late 70s.

  14. i adore sharks. i do. i have been in the water with many of them, done research with them, caught and tagged them, and they are amazing. perfect machines for what they do.

  15. My awful singing voice is very unique lol

  16. I'm a follower. The travelling charm pack is a great idea, hopefully someone will be inspired and start a Canadian version. In the meantime I'd love to win these.

  17. When I was a kid and the cats cradle thing yarn was popular where you pass it back and forth with someone - when people stopped wanting to play with me I figured out how to pass it back and forth to my feet. :)

    I know - so wierd but I would imagine it is pretty unique! LOL

  18. I am reading all 7 volumes of Proust's "A la recherche du temps perdu" at an average of 10 pages a day for the 365 days of 2012. So far so good :)

  19. Tweeted your giveaway:!/sewwhatscooking/status/182842931856670722

  20. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway!

  21. Something special about me. I am a middle child and they are always the best? Hum not special enough Let see I am a guy that quilts? Pretty cool but their are a few of us. I know I am the father of 3 (almost 4) wonderful children.


  22. something unique about me - I love numbers.

  23. Thanks for making this one available to internationals. I would love these pretty charms and then I would keep it simple and probably start a dead simple quilt. Just to show off the colours I see already in the stack.

    1. oops, meant to say that I am a follower! :)

  24. Unique...hmmm...I hate the sound of my own voice on any electronic devices. I refuse to leave messages unless I have to and I will avoid drive-thrus if at all possible.

  25. Something unique about myself... I am learning Dutch. My hubby is from Holland and I've been learning his language for the last three years. I can have conversations now!

  26. Thanks for the chance, I'm a happy international follower! :-)

  27. Something unique about me: when the summer comes and the sun brings out all my freckles, I have a bunch of them that practically join together and it looks like I have a black eye!

  28. And my unique thing is that my bunny is like my child - he has his own room, he gets special treats at the supermarket, and when he chews my favourite shoes I can't be cross cos he is just so darn cute!

  29. One unique thing about me? I have no belly button.

  30. I'm a brand new follower - love the look of these charms and can't wait to check out everything else! :)

  31. Something unique about me... Hm. I don't know that it's unique, but I got a sizeable raise yesterday and am SUPER DUPER excited about it! I told my aunt and her first comment was that it was time for a fabric shopping spree, haha! :) Thanks for the chances.

  32. I follow you daily, and not always on purpose ;)

  33. let's see, something unique... well, I have a tattoo that no one else has because I designed it! It's Elliot, from Pete's Dragon, in a sitting position, with his hands clasped around a lavender daisy (my favorite!). He's even MORE unique because I got a mosquito bite right on his belly the same day I took the gauze off, so his belly's not quite right. Also, the artist has a signature, so I'm pretty sure I've got the only Elliot with a popeye arm!

  34. I'm a follower. :) Thanks!! And Thanks for sharing your birthday celebrations with us. :)

  35. Tweeted!!/birdie00000/status/182882951883796481

  36. I follow via GFC
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  37. Something unique about myself- I can't read a book unless I am reading it out loud. :)
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  38. I would love to make a quilt with these! I am in two other charm swaps--so the collection along with these would give me a wonderful selection!

  39. Something unique about me? I am the only left handed person in my family. (No, I am not adopted!) However, I really use both hands and can write just as well with my right as with my left.

    As a child I was always so disappointed because I thought, if I ever broke my arm--I would still have to write in school because I could use the other hand! LOL (Ironically, I have never broken any bones, except for my two front teeth--are those bones!?)

  40. I'm a new follower. Congratulations on your blogiversary.

  41. I'm unique (just like everyone else). Why, you ask? Well, it's really the combination of several unusual traits and experiences that makes me unique. A few examples: my favorite thing to do as a child was swim in the Pacific (the northern part, near Oregon, not the sunny southern beaches; I studied for a semester in Russia; I was married at a state park; my eyes change color within the range of green to brown.

  42. Something unique would be we built our own house from scratch and love it! Otherwise I am pretty normal I think. :)

  43. Shared your give away on facebook too!

  44. What cute prints! Thanks for a wonderful giveaway from another new follower, I thought I was following already but perhaps that was only on FB :)

  45. I have shared this giveaway on FB, spread the love :)

  46. And my unique thing, hmmm, I have a strange passion for cream cheese on toasted fruit loaf at the moment--cannot get enough!! Is that unique enough ;)

  47. GFC tells me: from blank pages...Congratulations, MarciaW
    You are now following from blank pages...
    My little butterfly avatar is right up there in the followers box.
    Little known unique tidbit about me: we had our first phone installed when I was 15 years old - and it was long distance (and party line) to all my friends in high school so rarely called anyone.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  48. oops - I did both together - I am a NEW follower thru Google Friend Connect.

  49. I'm a follower, too! Thanks for sharing!

  50. And I tweeted the giveaway! @Jennyroo1

  51. Okay, something unique about me.... one of my favourite prints ever is from Demotivator that is a picture of a snowflake and it says "Always remember you are a unique individual.... just like everybody else." Heehee!

  52. One unique thing? I have 2 webbed toes on my right foot!

  53. I'm a follower - and loving your week of giveaways!! Thanks for this one being open to everyone - I'm in the UK so I was totally boo-hooed yesterday that I couldn't enter! Now I'm happy again! Thank hyou :)

  54. Ooo - a unique thing about me? I can read upside down as quickly as I can upside up/right side up. This is because dad hated when we would read the newspaper over his shoulder so I sat in front of him and read it upside down while he read it right side up :) Great giveaway - I love charms fabrics!

  55. Let's see one unique thing about me ...... I believe that pizza satisfies all of the major food groups! :)

  56. I`m a Brit living in North Africa - well that`s as unique as it gets for me!

  57. Thanks for offering this charms to international follower liked me :)

  58. I think my name is unique since I can't find anyone having the same name as me :)

  59. One unique thing - I love to read cookbooks in my spare time!

  60. I am a recent follower. Thanks for your giveaway(s).

  61. Something unique...I've been know to craft out on our pontoon during the warm weather months. It is wonderful! Thanks for another chance at your giveaway.

  62. I am a follower!! Boy, that sounds sort of bad!?! Anyway, love the blog!

  63. hmmmm, unique? i guess my unique thing is I was born with hip dysplasia. My mom found out at my 6 wk check up.You know how the doctors move your babies legs back and forth and bend their knees? Well, apparently, I screamed my head off when he did this to me. They said I would never walk. My Dad took me to the Shriner's Hospital. They fixed me:)I started walking right before my 14month younger sister did.

  64. I am a newer follower. I am enjoying getting to know you!

  65. Unique thing - Well, I am 51 and my children are 11 and 13. Not totally unique, but somewhat unusual. And yes, they are mine (I am sometimes asked if I am the grandma).

  66. I am already a happy follower. Love charms!! Thanks for the chance
    to win!!

  67. I am a new follower. Nice blog. Thanks, Michelle

  68. One unique thing about me: In high school I discovered I could open just about any combination lock on anyone's locker. I'd be standing around talking to friends just turning the combinations to have something to do with my hands and pulled on it and it unlocked. I thought it was weird but I tried it on other lockers and magically they'd open for me too. I never opened anyone's locker of course. I'd always lock it back after it unlocked. But it was a cool little parlor trick I'd do to amuse friends.

  69. I am a follower! Happy blogaversary!

  70. I lost 175 pounds in 9 months and I am a new woman.

  71. I am a recent follower of your blog. Thank you for the giveaway, congratulations on the 200 followers!

  72. I am a recent follower on your blog, thanks for the giveaway! Congratulations on the 200 followers!

  73. Something unique about me: I am left-handed but I cut with right-handed scissors.

  74. peonies are my favorite flower.

  75. I just became a follower on Bloglovin.

  76. A unique thing...I have an aunt who is younger than I am.

  77. I am a follower! :-) Thank you ! We appreciate YOU! :-)

  78. I tweeted! ;-)!/GwenWindham/status/183964918633082880

  79. Something unique about me.... hmmm... I played snare drum in my high school band... not very exciting, I guess, but it's the most unique thing that comes to mind... :-)

  80. Congrats on the blogiversary! Something unique? i"m double jointed in both my thumbs. Thanks for the giveaway!

  81. and I am so pleased you are doing a second stack- I would have loved to take part in the traveling stash, but living outside the US it would have been difficult...

    something unique about me...I have the same name in real life as that of a very famous character on a show about a girl who is not very fashion savvy and starts working at a fashion magazine...and I used to teach in a high school at the height of that show's fame...plenty of giggles from my students...but I never ever wore a poncho, honest!
    xx Bett(y)ina (can you guess my last name?) ibs102(at)hotmail(dot)com

  82. Don't know how unique it is, but I am absolutely petrified of moths. Butterflies creep me out too. :)

  83. I am a recent follower via blogspot and my google reader. enjoying your post.. past and present. looking forward to future posts

  84. My uniqueness may not be totally unique...I inherited from my Grandma. But if a friend shows me a picture of something.. I can make it for them. While patterns and instructions make things easier.. I can "see" how to make something like the picture. Comes in handy for gift giving... No regifting's always what they wanted!

  85. I have lived in five countries.

  86. Honestly, I'm unique most of the time, only because I'm silly :)

  87. I'm already a follower of your blog! :) Thanks for a chance to win these great charms! :)

  88. Something unique... In high school, I played the clarinet in the band for a year and the next year there was no percussion so, I picked-up playing drums with no lessons. I guess I just have a great tempo and can learn things easy. :)

  89. Ooo random charm pack! I'm a follower!! :)

  90. I once had a pet skunk - pretty sure that is unique. I also want to start banjo or mandolin lessons this year - that is a unique desire but doesn't make me unique since I haven't actually started yet :)

  91. I'm a new follower, yay! Cute stuff!

  92. And I"m not very unique... although I'm a bit OCD about bugs (if found in the house), sticky counters/floors, or basically anything out of place. Neat freak might be a better word for it :-)

    LOVE those charm squares!

  93. It's not all that unique - but I have 6 children, am an OB nurse, and had most of my babies at home.

  94. I'm a follower. :)
    Thank you for the giveaways Diane!

  95. Something unique.. i can't whistle? haha

  96. Something unique... I have an extra vertebra.


Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

If you have a no-reply account, be sure to leave your email address so I can respond to you.