Monday, March 19, 2012

Giveaway Week: Happy Birthday!!!

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

giveaway week

Well, I am officially 30! Can you believe it?! Ha. Probably since we've probably never met. ;) lol. Anyway, I had a fantastic birthday weekend, thanks to my wonderful hubby!!! :) And so far, so good. :) I think I had a harder time turning 28 than I am turning 30. I don't think anything can worse than turning 28. But that's a different story.

Are you ready for giveaway week?!!! I took the weekend off from sewing and blogging and all things related, so I had to wait until nap time today to get everything ready! Boy am I excited for this week. I hope you all like the selections I've picked for the giveaways this week. :)


First up on the list, to celebrate my birthday, I am giving away a charm pack of Nicey Jane! (I've cut the charm pack from my stash of fabric, just so you know.) That's 39 - 5" x 5" squares - one of each print (I am missing one print - the leaves in blue - the print on the far right, second row down). I LOVE this line! It was my very first FQ bundle that I bought well over a year ago. I made Little M's quilt with it (that I'm hoping to finish this month. lol.) 

the back. aren't those fabrics and colors so pretty?!

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Leave a comment telling me how your dream birthday would go! :)
  • Follow my blog and leave a separate comment to let me know that you do.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Make sure to come back tomorrow, and each day this week to see all the other giveaways! 
And don't miss the Traveling Stash Giveaway here!

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!



  1. Well, I would have liked to imbide just a bit at #30 less than a month ago, but baby#1 is incubating, so that spoiled that plan! My ideal birthday would probably be spent at Disney World!

  2. Happy birthday, welcome to the 30 Club! I follow via google reader...

  3. Firstly, Happy Birthday!! ;-)

    Second, I follow you via Google Reader.

    And yes, the colours are gorgeous!!

  4. What happened when you turned 28?

    What did you do for your birthday weekend?

    And you know I stalk you on a regular basis... quoted from yes man "Your new furniture looks great from the lawn!" ;-) Ok ok only blog stalking!

  5. My dream birthday? I would wake up and look like I was 18 again - hot mama! lol

  6. My dream birthday would be my husband waking up and saying, "Babe, let's go buy a long arm quilting machine!" Haha .... it's definitely a dream!

  7. I blogged about you and your wonderfulness!

  8. Happy birthday to you! Funny you mention turning 28 being hard, my birthday is next week, I am turning 28, and I was just talking to my BFF about how 28 just seems like a really bad age, lol.
    My dream birthday would be...chillin in my sweats around the house all day, hubby waiting on me hand and foot, sewing some fun projects, and family/friends coming by for food and fun!

  9. My dream birthday would involve sleeping late, spending lots of time with my family, taking a trip, spending a lot of time sewing, eating much great food...not at all possible all in 1 day - that is why it would be a dream! Happy birthday and thanks for the giveaway!

  10. I'm a new follower! Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. My dream birthday would involve me actually living with my fiance (finally) and spending the day with him and my friends :) Going out to dinner, going to see a show (maybe Les Miserables) - or even being in another country!!

  12. I'm a new follower. Oh, to be 30 again.

  13. My dream birthday would be for my husband to get up first and make coffee and scones with my daughter. Then they would drop me off at the spa for a day of pampering. My daughter would go to a friend's house for a sleepover, and my husband & I would go to dinner at our favorite restaurant and enjoy a nice evening out.

  14. My birthday is in November and I would love to spend it with lots of food and family! I'd also love to go to the beach again. It's been too long since I've been to the beach and I miss it! That's how I'd spend my birthday. A feast with family at the beach!!

  15. Happy Birthday to you!! I'm glad you had a good one, what did you do? I follow your blog and love it! Thanks for the chance, I love this line more and more as I accumulate it!

  16. My dream birthday would be getting lots of fabrics and then sewing all day!

  17. My dream birthday would involve sewing, shopping, and sleep! So excited about this giveaway prize!!

  18. 28??! That's what I'll be turning next month. My dream bday would involve no work, dinner being cooked for me and some mellow time hanging out with my hubby.

  19. P.S. I follow you in my google reader. :)

    Happy happy birthday!

  20. congrats with your birthday! hope you had a great day!
    i absolutely love the nicey jane line, i've been looking for a charm pack for a while, everywhere online, but can't find one? :-/ would be great to win !

    my dream birthday is organizing a bday party with all my international friends presents. I haven't seen them for 3,5 years, so really it would be a fantastic party!

  21. My dream birthday would be spent with my family and friends...good food and lots of fun!
    Happy Birthday and many more!

  22. i'm now a follower of your blog :)

  23. My dream birthday (which is me turning 33 on May 3) is me waking up to gifts of beautiful fabric and quilting supplies. Also, I hope to have a RN (registered nurse) job by then, so maybe some scrubs or a giftcard. Then I would get to spend all day with Ash, my daughter, and Tom-a guy I've been seeing for a month. Then have the best steak dinner with my fam-and Ash always bakes me a cake. Then a walk by the lake. Simple things.

  24. Following your blog...Happy Birthday :)

  25. I shared this give away on facebook :) Happy Bday. I hope my Bday week is this cool.

  26. Oh, I love Nicey Jane! One of my all time faves. Congrats on your birthday - 30 isn't so bad. It's weird to realize that my daughter will be 30 this year. THAT's scary. A perfect birthday? Hmmm... Definitely NOT what we did this year for my b-day which was DH having rotator cuff surgery. Totally un-fun. Don't recommend it. Glad your day was great. Happy 31st year! And thanks for the chance to win.

  27. Eu sou seguidora.FELIZ ANIVERSÁRIO!!!Obrigada pelo presente.

  28. Eu lá vou 54 em setembro,afff!Tenho três filhas que são este ano:30,28 e 26,hum neto de 18 meses e neta chega em abril.Meu sonho é comprar e aprender BRAÇO LONGO QUILT,hárra é sonho mesmo.Acho que vou me contentar com sonhos menores e viáveis,tais como:passar trinta dias na praia,hum carro popular 0km só meu,ou conseguir terminar reforma da casa antes de minha neta nascer.Que neste e todos os seus aniversários:DEUS TE ABENÇOE,beijos e

  29. My dream birthday... no snow on the ground, flowers blooming, bees buzzing, the sun shining so hard it smiles, strolling along, playing croquet in the garden, and other such nuances while enjoying a 5-day mini vacation with loved ones and without the worries or hassles of daily life. or clocks. or phones. or shoes.

    Just over 2 more months and counting...

  30. I'd follow you to the moon! Well, I'd read about you going anyway ;)

  31. My dream birthday would be a surprise birthday dinner. I have never had a surprise birthday party and I think it would be fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I am a new follower! Thanks again.

  33. In my dream birthday, I wake up in Bora Bora.

  34. I tweeted your giveaway @catrancher.

  35. Does not having another birthday count??? My birthday is in December, so I would love to go anywhere warm!

  36. Right now my dream birthday would involve not changing a single diaper for 24 hours, and eating a meal without a toddler trying to "share" it with me!

    I miss 30, it was a great year!

  37. Well I think a day at the beach surfing and sipping margeritas would be amazing. Well one can dream!!

    Happy BDAY!!!!



  38. Happy Birthday to you. I am almost thirty too! Eating chocolate and sharing life with my husband and son would be the best birthday ever.

  39. I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance.

  40. My favorite birthday would be a destination birthday! Someplace warm with a beach where I get the chance to have people pamper me instead of having to pamper others. I'd even love to drag it out of for a week. That would make it the best birthday ever. Thanks for the chance.

  41. I like to have quiet birthdays now that I am over 50 :) Take me out to breakfast, my favorite meal to have out; have a few hours with the children/grandchildren visiting and doing all the serving themselves; let me shop for fabric online and take me for a ride for an overnight stay in some quiet bed and breakfast....I just might not come home! :)

  42. My ideal birthday is just a nice day relaxing and the kids all getting a long and behaving. Being able to quilt all day with no interuptions. Maybe going out to dinner.

  43. Happy birthday! I'm glad that 30 isn't so bad. I have about 6 more months before that hits! 28 hit me pretty hard too, but just because I could see 30 approaching more quickly than ever! My dream birthday would be going on a cruise. My husband has kind a 24 hour kind of job and no one can reach us when we are at sea! Plus, I love beach destinations!

  44. My dream birthday? Would involve sleeping in until at least 9. And a big breakfast. There would be chocolate. I'd do no chores all day. There would be a nap. Supper out. And of course, time spent with the people I love - close friends and family. :)

  45. Happy Birthday. I turned 50 in January and my dream birthday would be anything but what happened on my birthday. 50 wasn't the issue, everything else was. My BIL died, we almost got guns pulled on us crossing the border because I made a wrong turn, etc etc. So, the ideal birthday would be a quiet, trouble-free one. I'm not greedy, but I would love to win the charm pack. :)

  46. I just had a birthday on the 11th. I would have liked to have had my hubby here to celebrate it with me. He's currently deployed for a year. Needless to say, it wasn't a stellar day for me. But, there's always next year, right?

  47. My dream birthday would be a morning run, after snuggling with the babies in bed followed by a quiet shower, a picnic someone else made, playing all afternoon in perfect weather, planting some flowers and then a nice dinner out with my husband. Some time to sew in there would be a bonus! I adore your nicey jane quilt - one of my favorite fabric lines ever, would love to win your amazing charm pack. Happy Birthday!!!

  48. My ideal birthday would be to have all my kids and grandkids together with me for a fun filled short vacation somewhere. We don't get together that much because of where we live, school schedules and work schedules.

  49. happy birthday! 30 is fun! i have been 30 for 5 months now ;) i think my dream day would be to have a good night's sleep, have my dad make his delicious crepes for my breakfast, play at the park with my son and husband, eat lunch at home, nap, go to the river with my dog along too, then out to dinner with my extended family, with tiramisu for dessert. busy day, but sounds like fun!

  50. Happy Birthday!! mine is this month too but 30 was a long time ago!!
    I'd like a trip to the sew with all my children,a picnic and a walk on the beach!!

  51. Sleeping in, scones and coffee for breakfast with my husband, lunch with friends, sightseeing in a Europe in the afternoon, dinner and evening with family.

  52. Dinner with George Clooney, of course! Happy Birthday week.

  53. Am a follower; thanks for chance! (marshudson at comcast dot net)

  54. My dream b'day would probably be a day doing fun stuff with my hubby, maybe without the kids ;>) Thanks for chance to win! (marshudson at comcast dot net)

  55. Happy Birthday. I think just dinner with my family would be a great birthday!

  56. My dream birthday... hummmm.... basically doing anything surrounded by family and friends! :)

  57. My birthday is coming up this Thursday. hands down having it surrounded by all my love ones including the seven nephews & nieces.

  58. Dream birthday!!...mmm I concur that I would be happy surrounded by family and friends as well.

  59. dinner with my family would hit the spot

  60. Happy birthday to you :)

    Thanks for sharing this gorgeous fabric with us !

    I don't have a dream birthday... as long as I am with friends/family/boyfriend it's ok !

  61. I follow your blog!

    Vicki @ Quilting Lodge

  62. My dream birthday would be spent with all my family! We haven;t lived close to home in 18 years. Someday...

    Vicki @ Quilting Lodge

  63. Wow...this is crazy-awesome, Diane! Nicey Jane is my favorite line ever! I don't even have girls...but I just love the colors and patterns. Thanks for the awesome chance! I think the perfect birthday is hanging with the hubs and kiddos, maybe with a little ice cream cake. Oh, and on a tropical island with a margarita in hand wouldn't hurt!

  64. This comment has been removed by the author.

  65. Had to delete the last comment...didn't want you to think I was already partaking in margs this afternoon! I spelled "crossing" "crozzing". Yikes! Anyway, I'm a follower...and croSSing my fingers!

  66. My dream birthday would be a train trip across Canada - getting off occasionally & staying at fabulous hotels. Thanks for the chance to win. And Happy Birthday!

  67. I'm a follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

  68. Happy birthday! They says your 30s are the new 20s.

    My ideal birthday would be winnin the lottery so I could be set for life. Not asking much huh?

  69. And of cpurse I follow along on all your adventures :)

  70. Happy birthday and yay for your giveaway! My dream birthday - this would have to be to visit an all-you-can-eat-desert buffet with tiramisu, creme brulee, chocolate roulade, cheesecake, chocolate milk, chocolate trifle etc etc!! Yum. Oh and there would be no weight gain or guilt associated with the trip(s) to the buffet!

  71. Hello again - I am a follower - and thank you for the giveaway!

  72. My dream birthday would include a vacation at a beach with my family.

  73. I signed up to be a follower with Google Friends Connect.

  74. My dream birthday would be something simple, sewing and a nice meal with my parents and my partner :)

  75. And I'v mentioned this giveaway on Facebook :)

  76. My dream birthday would either be spent in the German Alps or Las Vegas (I may have a bit of a split personality, but that is OK!). Both would have a good meal. One would have a beautiful walk in the country side admiring the sunset and the beatuy of nature. The other might involve a couple of fun beverages - I will let you figure out which is which :-)

  77. My dream birthday would involve all three children being perfectly behaved all day (think one of those floaty movie moments, where the lighting is all misty, and everyone is sickeningly happy), dinner with my lovely man. And uninterrupted quilting time. Lots and lots of it, :o)

  78. My dream birthday would include a whole day pass of no cooking. Breakfast and dinner out with my family and a surprise package of lovely fabric in the mail! (maybe a nice glass of wine to sip while I ohhh and aweeeee over my fabrics).

  79. My ideal birthday would start with a sleep in, followed by brunch at my favourite cafe, some fabric shopping & then dinner with all the family. Hope you have a lovely 30th & thanks for the giveaway.

  80. I follow via Bloglovin & email. Happy birthday & thanks again.

  81. My ideal birthday has endless sewing time, high caloric foods, adult beverages and time with friends and family. New fabric wouldn't hurt either!

  82. I thought I was already a follower - but I am now.

  83. My 50th was almost ideal. Mission trip in Mexico. Only thing that would have been better is if my children could have been with me. Great giveaway - thank you.

  84. Belated happy birthday! I am glad you had a good weekend! My ideal birthday? Hmmmm.....a week at a quilt retreat---which coincided with a retreat for one of DH's hobbies! (then I wouldn't feel guilty for being away! LOL) Oh, of course with an unlimited budget for purchasing fabric!

  85. I also posted it on FB> kimberly rennie

  86. Hmm dream birthday...A big party with all my friends and family who are scattered across the USA and of course a giant chocolate cake :) Thanks for the chance to win!

  87. I would wake up and my house would be clean, the dishes done, and a hot shower waiting. Then a leisurely cup of tea, a few hours reading blogs, and then a surprise visit from an old friend. A huge present delivered to the house.....a new Burninea sewing machine. The top of the line. And an unlimited gift card to my local quilt store. That would be the best birthday ever. It would be even better if both my kids showed up for a dinner out.

  88. It would definitely start with the cats letting me sleep past 5am before demanding breakfast, and then when I finally got out of bed, the husband making pancakes.

  89. I feel positive that my dream birthday would include a trip to Paris!

  90. I feel positive that my dream birthday would include a trip to Paris!

  91. My dream birthday would be a trip to Italy!

  92. Happy Birthday!! Sorry I missed it yesterday! i already had my dream birthday! @ years ago ALL of the people I love gave me a surprise birthday party for the big 40. It really knocked my socks off. I had no idea :) Hope you had a good one! But for another dream birthday, I would love to spend it in Hawaii!

  93. I am a new email blog follower!

  94. Happy Thirty! I shudder when think I will be turning twice that later this year. Thanks for the lovely giveaway. This is a line that predates my knowledge of designer fabrics. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  95. Happy 30th!!
    My ideal birthday would be in Mexico.....or maybe Hawaii.....
    Somewhere warm since my bday is in dec and I live in Michigan and I'm not a fan of snow.
    Should prolly move then huh??? Someday....

  96. Happy Birthday! My dream birthday would involve a sleep in, a warm beach to chill on and read a book, some time with the kids in the waves and my hubby and I having a romantic dinner!!

  97. Happy Birthday! My dream birthday (which is in 10 days) would be a warm sunny day (a rare occurance where I live), and spending the day with my hubby on a road tour.

  98. If dream about a favorite b'day it would be a posh hotel spa night / day with no cleaning, cooking, or home things to clutter my mind. I would spend it with my mother and we would be driven everywhere and can shop and visit exhibits. We both would have electric scooter chairs towards the end of the day when will be overtired. Then I wake up! Enjoy your 30th. alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  99. I turned 30 just over a month ago and it was definitely smooth. Turning 25 was much worse. My dream birthday would involve a day at the spa receiving every massage you can think of, followed by a spicy dinner and beer.

  100. Ok, my dream birthday begins in a small cottage overlooking the Pacific Ocean. I wake up listening to the sound of waves pounding the shoreline, eat pancakes and have a diet coke (don't be a hater!), then wander around through the tidepools and pick shells all morning. Lunch is sweet potato fries, then a massage, mani/pedi followed by a soak in an outdoor jacuzzi tub and a margarita or two. Yep, that sounds pretty good to me!

  101. And I follow your blog! I'm an RSS feed subscriber.

  102. And I tweeted the giveaway! @Jennyroo1

  103. My ideal birthday includes handmade gifts from my daughters, some surprises (I don't know what, they are surprises!!) and no cooking for me. It's always a good day when I don't have to cook!

  104. I'm a new follower!

  105. I shared on my giveaway page!

  106. I'd love to get lost in a museum or spend all day at Color Me Mine...

  107. ...tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet...!/binkiege/status/182399736207261696

  108. I'm a follower.


  109. My dream birthday was recently (I turned 40!). We went to San Diego, Disneyland and Las Vegas. It was awesome!!!

  110. I shared you on Facebook. Happy Birthday!!!

  111. I've actually had my dream birthday :) Years ago, when my 6 children were ages 1-18, my husband threw me the usual (for our family), the kids, a few friends, all over for a nice dinner I didn't have to cook and cake and ice cream and gifts. Lovely! But the stand-out this time was my husband's gift, which was a 2 night stay at a nice hotel...all by myself. Ahhhhhhh. 3 days and 2 nights of soaking in the tub with a cocktail, watching the TV the hotel so graciously provided RIGHT IN THE BATHROOM. Room service. Jacuzzi. Sitting by the pool. Dinner and a movie down the street. I came home a new woman, ready for another 40 years of marriage and motherhood ;) Happy birthday. I'm glad it was fabulous for you!

  112. I've blogged your giveaway at :)

  113. Happy Birthday! Mine was the 18th and, well, it wasn't my dream birthday. But here is my current dream version: it has to be in Seattle (my former home). I get breakfast from my favorite bakery. I get to spend the day sewing and shopping. Dinner is at my favorite Greek place and dessert is at my favorite pie place (I don't want to have to bake my own cake). Yeah, that sounds good to me. Doesn't have to be exotic, just my favorite things, and favorite people!

  114. I am now a follower too - so glad I found your blog!

  115. I dream to celebrate it with my hubby at Paris..but, that was just a dream :)
    Happy Birthday! And thanks for the generous giveaway!

  116. Tweeted -

  117. My dream birthday would involve a trip to somewhere (probably China) and holding a baby giant panda. Obviously with my family. Thanks so much for the giveaway - hope you have an amazing birthday!

  118. Happy Birthday! My favorite way to spend the day would be: not going to work, having time to sew or read or watch some movies, taking a nice hike with my hubby and then going out to a pretty place for dinner including wine and dessert. (I suppose this is my favorite realistic brithday. If money were no object I'd love to jet away somewhere new and exciting for the weekend!)

  119. Happiest of Birthdays to you.. my 30th was so long ago I don't remember how I spent it! LOL Dream birthday would be just a day where no one wanted anything from me!!! BTW- Love Affair with My Brother sent me your way

    email is :

  120. My dream birthday would go just like my birthday went this year (March 17) much family and much love.

  121. I tweeted this giveaway!/shelitha2/status/182505242427015171

  122. My dream birthday would include one day to sew all day with no interruptions or other obligations, and the next day would be time spent with my family, having lunch, going to the park, seeing a movie, I'm not picky.

  123. Happy birthday! I'm a follower!

  124. My dream birthday would involve some place tropical, with gorgeous sunsets, fruity drinks, a chef and water....

  125. Dream Birthday. Day off, Sleep in, Nice no drama dinner with the family maybe a nice outing in the mountains. No work.


  126. My dream birthday would be my husband and I wandering around a beautiful spring day in London. No agenda, just.... wandering ;)

  127. I am lucky enough to get to have my dream birthday pretty much every year. My family has a house on a lake in the mountains of New Hampshire, and every year for some time now my family and friends all gather up there for the weekend on or right around my birthday, which is in the middle of July. I get to spend the whole weekend relaxing, having fun, enjoying good food and drinks and all with the best people in the world. I am truly blessed.

  128. I am a follower of your blog :)

  129. The 21st was actually my 30th Birthday and it was pretty awesome.
    My dream birthday though would be a "BIG KIDS" Party. All of my friends from far and wide for a whole weekend. There will be a Jumping castle, inflatable slippery dip, dodgem boats, Bungie Trampolines & A giant ball pit.
    Good friends, Good Food and lots of fun together creating memories that will last a life time.

  130. I am a new Follower of your blog : )

  131. I am a happy new blog follower! Great giveaway!

  132. My dream birthday would definitely include a fun-filled day with my husband and two little girls. Perhaps a trip to the park for a picnic, followed by playtime at the jungle gym. Then the kids would be whisked away to my parents so my hubby and I could have a quiet, relaxing dinner and evening together followed by a wonderful morning sleeping dream birthday!

  133. My dream birthday would be getting to go on my dream trip. I've always wanted to go on a cruise and that would be the perfect birthday gift. Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful fabric. :) Happy Birthday to you!
    bcgeates at netbistro dot com

  134. I'm already a follower via gfc! :)

  135. Happy Birthday! It's funny that WE are getting the presents, tho! I am a new follower.

  136. My dream birthday would involve someone cooking a meal for me. This has almost never been done since I grew up and left home, lo, these many moons ago.

  137. This comment has been removed by the author.

  138. My dream birthday would be spending some quiet time with my hubby in a small
    cabin in the Smokey Mountains. Of course, we would have to spend a few days I could take my hand crank sewing machine and sew in the after-
    noon, and my hubby could go fishing for our supper..(or go buy steaks).
    Thanks for the chance to win!

  139. Happy Birthday to you!!! I am a happy follower of your blog. So glad I
    found you!!!

  140. Hey Diane, I am a new follower - found you right on time through the 5 yard charm swap ;-) I love what I see here!

  141. My dream birthday is easy: OUTSIDE in the sun!!!! My b-day is in December and can be very yucky here in Germany. Last December I thought I had a fair chance since I was in Austin, TX but turns out the weather was the same in Austin and Berlin 12° Celsius and rain :(
    Btw, Happy Belated Birthday!

  142. Dream bday: SLEEP IN, get grits and eggs for breakfast, sew, enjoy the day, take a walk in the sunshine, curl up under a blanket and relax, play with kiddos and chat with hubby, watch the sunset, enjoy a chocolate treat :) Perfect!

  143. My dream birthday would involve a new, expensive sewing machine! I am really lusting after the idea of features such as needle up/down, knee lift, auto thread cutter...a large harp! *sigh* I turned 32 on the 11th...Hubs picked me up the first season of Cougartown on dvd. It was good times... but not quite a dream!
    I just entered your HV giveaway, then I see day 1 is Nicey Jane!? Next you will be giving away some Dewberry I'll bet...a girl after my own heart!

  144. My dream birthday would be a chocolate cake with chocolate swiss meringue buttercream and all my gifts would be gifts of fabric. Delicious, delicious fabric! By the way Happy Birthday and this giveaway is awesome because Heather is my favorite fabric designer ever! My birthday was the 14th so if I won it would be an awesome belated birthday!

  145. I tweeted it:

  146. The 30's are great! Happy Birthday/Birth Week! myideal birthday would involve sleeping in - with two little kids that doesn't happen often - or ever really.

  147. spending time with my children and grandkids would be the BEST!

  148. My dream birthday would involve going on a vacation with my kids and grandkids. I would love it to be somewhere in Europe. Since one of the little ones is only two, that might be hard. It would be awesome to go to Disney to celebrate, too.

  149. My ideal birthday would be a get together with all my extended family who are scattered across several states.

  150. My ideal birthday... I would be woken in the morning to the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, bacon and eggs.. remembering that we were not at home, but in the luxurious mountain lodge my hubby had rented for my birthday getaway!! My whole family-- daughters, their hubbies, and granddaughter, would enjoy that delicious breakfast, then pack up for a day of hiking, picnicing and playing in the icy mountain rivers! In the evening, we'd enjoy roasting hot dogs around the campfire, while watching the fireflies twinkle all around us. ... Oh, and this day would repeat for the next 6 days-- because birthdays *should* be "birthweeks" and celebrated as such! :-)

  151. I do follow your blog-- and just want to compliment your quilt top--- that is GORGEOUS!!! I'm going right now to look at that pattern-- I've never seen it, and it is just beautiful!! I do so love the Nicey Jane fabric too!! Thank you for the chance to win some charms! :-)

  152. I tweeted this giveaway! Thank you again for all the chances to win one of your wonderful prizes!!!/GwenWindham/status/183969681923772417

  153. Oh my goodness! I followed a link to your blog because of your great pincushion tutorial and you are having a birthday (Happy Birthday!!) and a giveaway! Of my favourite fabric! Fate?? here's hoping:))) -oh wow, I just spotted a whole raft of giveaways!
    right: my dream birthday would (it's soon and it's the one before the next big 0) would be a costume party- on the theme of superheroes and their nemesiseses (I looked it up and it's nemeses..hmmm). Outdoors, a gazebo, lanterns, good friends and my family around me. I'll leave you to guess which superhero or villain I would be:))
    xxBettina ibs102(at)hotmail(dot)com

  154. I would love to go to Europe for my birthday, but since that's never going to happen, I'll settle for an overnight babysitter. :)

  155. I'm a follower. :)
    Thank you for the giveaway, and I'm glad you had a good birthday!

  156. My perfect birthday gift would be a trip to Germany to see my daughter (Army girl). It's her second tour there and I've never been able to go over.Seeing here after a year absence would be the best part.. seeing Germany would be icing on the cake!


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