Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Giveaway Week: My Blogiversary!

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Ok, so it is totally NOT my blogiversary. But it was! In August. of last year. I kind of missed it. :) Anyway, I think that's what I like about blogging. You can do it if you want, or don't do it if you don't. Or take a break when you need it. But it's totally worth it, and has been worth it! I can't believe all the good friends I've made through blogging (and flickr and swaps)! It's also been such a great outlet, and a blessing to be able to keep my sanity through all the joys of raising small children. :) (which I love, but sometimes can be crazy. let's be honest.) :)

It's been fun to reflect on how my blog has evolved. It started out crafty. Then I took a break. Then I remember when I first found some great quilting blogs (Stitched in ColorFreshly PiecedCanoe Ridge CreationsDon't Call Me Betsy). I remember feeling like I was sitting on the sidelines dreaming about being a part of the quilting community. And now look at me! I've been in awesome swaps, Bees, have lots of great quilting friends. :) It's been a blast!! Thanks for making it a great experience!! :)

giveaway week

Anyway, welcome to Day 2 of Giveaway Week!  Yesterday's giveaway is here. And if you missed it, there will be a giveaway each day this week. :)

So to celebrate a year of blogging, and blogging in general... here's what I'm going to giveaway:


A charm pack of Denyse Schmidt's Hope Valley! (this charm pack is carefully cut from fabric in my stash, just so you know.) That is 24 - 5" x 5" beautiful squares of fabric. One of each print. This giveaway pick is definitely inspired by the rerelease of Denyse Schmidt's Flea Market Fancy (oh how I want it! Can I get some Aunt Edna's too please?!) ;)

Want to know how you can enter? 
(there are 3 possible entries - leave a separate comment for each)

  • Leave a comment telling me what you love about blogging (or reading blogs), or an awesome experience you've had through blogging! :)
  • Follow my blog and leave a separate comment to let me know that you do.
  • Blog, facebook, or tweet about this giveaway and leave a separate comment telling me you did.

This giveaway will be open until Monday March 26th 2012. 
I will pick a winner that evening.

***This Giveaway is now Closed***

Again, make sure to come back tomorrow, and each day this week to see all the other giveaways! 
And don't miss the Traveling Stash Giveaway here(it ends tomorrow!)

p.s. leave your email if you are a no-reply blogger. I've gotten a few of you without emails! If I have no way to get ahold of you, then I will pick a new winner. Sorry!



  1. i love reading blogs for inspiration and ideas for projects, tutorials and photos, and i love blogging to spread my happiness for finishing a project and to get feedback! thanks for providing my eye candy!

  2. I like blogging because it gets me writing I love to write. It's also so fun to read back through all the adventures we've had. Easy way to "scrapbook".

  3. I love reading blogs because it's a great way to see what quilters from all over the world are up to. I like seeing their new projects and following along with them if its a WIP. I get a lot of inspiration from blogs and am often bookmarking pages with tutorials or random projects to have a go at later!.
    Blogging is a great way to show off my creative side and share my crafty makes with the blogging community =D

  4. I love leaving & getting comments. You just never know what kind of connections spring up from them! Happy Belated Blogiversary & Birthday!

  5. I enjoy seeing how other people view the world, or the crafting corner of it. So many varied opinions. So many neat new projects. Thanks for the 5 days of contests.

  6. I love reading blogs to get inspiration for quilting. Thanks for the giveaway!

  7. I am always inspired by the blogs that I follow!! Thanks for the chance!!

  8. i am a new follower and look forward to your future posts!!

  9. I, like you, like the fact that you can blog if you want too or take a break if needed. I am not the most efficent blog writer :) Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.

  10. I've learned everything I know about quilting (however limited that might be!) from blogs - from how to get started to "oh, this is why my crap looks terrible!?" Where would I be without you guys!? Thanks for the chance to win!

  11. I don't post a blog but have learned a lot from all the tutorials on others' blogs; very educational! Thanks for chance to win! (marshudson at comcast dot net)

  12. Also am a follower; thanks (marshudson at comcast dot net)

  13. Eu me sinto muito bem com todos,claro tenho algumas paixões...Para que me torne seguidora,basta ter uma foto bonita,um trabalho bem feito e uma conversa agradável.Já tive raiva de alguns que tem coragem de reclamar em comentários por fotos de filhos lindos(inveja).Outra por que o dono do blog viajou,(falta de criatividade,tem que copiar).O que eu acho pior e dizer que não ganham prêmios porquê só os grandes é que ganham,independente de critério de sorteio,(é sorte).Eu estou até pedindo um par de meias junto com o prêmio sou pé frio,nunca ganho nada nem rifa de quermesse,e nem por isso deixo de tentar(sou brasileira e não desisto NUNCA),Não reclamo,dou todo apoio quando acho necessário,sempre quero o melhor para o mundo,que DEUS abençoe a todos,que todos tenham lucros se for vender seus produtos,que vivam bem com seus familiares,e acima de tudo que tenham Fé em si mesmo e honestidade.Não.Eu não sou boazinha,eu tenho muito cuidada com todos,mas não me irrite...Meu pai me ensinou muito.claro,como todo pai(espero)mas,três eu levo para minha vida,para minhas filhas ,que são três,CATIÚSCIA CATIENE E CATIERINE.SE VOCÊ APRENDER UMA COISA POR DIA,SERÃO 365 COISAS POR ANO,tente não esquecê-las.O SEU ESPAÇO SÓ COMEÇA,QUANDO TERMINA O DO OUTRO,respeite o próximo.E PERDOE SEMPRE,PENSE QUE TEM UM CARA LÁ DE CIMA QUE VAI TE PERDOAR SEMPRE.Amo o meu pai,mesmo tendo 26 anos de saudades.Entende por que não tem nada postado em meu blog?Eu não perco a oportunidade de fazer postagens na seção de comentários nos blogs dos outros kakkakakak.Muitos beijos,me desculpe,e fique com DEUS,fui....

  14. I get so many ideas and great tips from the quilting and sewing blogs. I also love all the different projects that come out of a single fabric line, or even a single print.

  15. I love reading blogs for inspiration and tutorials! There are some great blogs out there!

  16. I love the caring and sharing that blogs provide! :)

  17. I have learned soo much about quilting from blogs! And as always I am in awe over the generosity of all bloggers, sharing knowledge and taking time to do that. So.. A big thank you!

  18. Blogging is all about sharing - knowledge, projects, inspirations. It has greatly held me up last year when I was so down after losing my job.

  19. I am already following your blog.

  20. What do I love about blogging? Well, certainly not the name! I love the written recording of life in all forms, the instant gratification of posting online & "finding" this community with which to share it. Not something I'd ever thought I'd do, but well, that's life & I certainly have no regrets :D

  21. I was going to follow you to the store today, but then I remembered you live in a different state than me...

  22. I love reading uplifting and inspirational stories. I love getting ideas and seeing beautiful quilts and reading DIY blogs.

  23. I love all the wonderful people who generously share their talents and give so much inspiration! :o)

  24. I am a terrible blogger. But I love blogs that have lots of pictures.

  25. I love blogging for inspiration and to meet other addicts such as you :)

  26. I'm a new follower! Love the charms and thanks for the giveaway!

    Vicki @ Quilting Lodge

  27. I love blogging and reading other blogs. Sometimes it brings about a feeling of inadequacy which is soon replaced with inspiration!

    Vicki @ Quilting Lodge

  28. I LOVE following blogs and just getting inspired and learning new things from them. I do blog, but not super-regularly. I have big plans to but I inevitably get side-tracked by the kiddos and trying to actually make stuff! Thanks for the fab giveaway...Hope Valley is awesome!

  29. For me, the best part about blogging is getting comments on what I've made.
    The best part about reading other crafty/quilting blogs is getting inspired to make things I would otherwise not have thought about doing. And I love big colourful pictures.

  30. I'm also a follower. Thanks for blogging!

  31. I'm not a blogger but I read lots of blogs. I enjoy the quilt tutorials and pictures. I've read some good books that bloggers have recommended. Thanks for the chance to win.

  32. I'm a new follower. Thanks for the giveaway.

  33. I like seeing the same pattern done different ways, like in quilt alongs. I've gotten so many ideas from seeing how others pull stuff together. I like how on the rare occasion I blog, it helps keep track of my projects.

  34. Terrific giveaway and congrats on your Blogaversary. I would love to win so my fingers are crossed! I'm new to blogging and am enjoying writing about my 'crafty' adventures so am loving the connections I am making with people far away and near - what a cool way to meet people with similar interests, leanr stuff ans swap yummy things! Thanks for teh giveaway.

  35. Hello again - I am a new follower - thank you for the chance to win!

  36. What I love about reading blogs is seeing all the things that people are working on, and feeling connected with quilters everywhere.

  37. The thing I love most about blogging is meeting all kinds of wonderful people!

  38. Lovely fabrics! Well my favourite was obviously winning the stuff to make my own Cash-envelope ;) but generally I just love blogging, haven't got time at the moment and I'm really missing it! :(

  39. I mentioned your giveaway in my blog post today!

  40. and I've mentioned the giveaway on my FB :)

  41. I love reading blogs for inspiration! (and camaraderie)

  42. I love the inspirations, the free tutorials and patterns and the peeks at everyone's creative process that I gain through reading blogs!

  43. Tweeted the giveaway, too.
    Thanks for the extra chance to win!!

  44. Blogs are my everything when it comes to quilty stuff. I don't have any local quilty friends, so it's brilliant to meet and make friends with other quilt obsessed peeps across the world :o)

  45. I love reading other blogs, thinking about what I'll put on my blog and just feeling the whole bloggy vibe with all that creativity. I wish I had discovered the whole blog thing earlier! thanks for the give away!

  46. Congratulations Diane and who wouldn`t love 5 days of giveaways? Blogging has been such an amazing experience for me in the same way it`s been for you - one of the best things is the constant source of inspiration and the amazing tutorials and how generous the quilting community is in sharing knowledge.

  47. I love reading blogs because they are an infinite source of inspiration! Of learning new techniques, of finding out about new products and I LOVE seeing what other people are making.

  48. I love reading blogs for all the information and inspiration. As a self taught quilter any and all tutorials and tips are wonderful and add to my quilting knowledge. I also love giveaways, who doesn't?! Thanks for the chance at yours.

  49. I love reading blogs for inspiration! Though I often find that I have spent my entire creative time reading them! LOL I also have a blog, but need to post more regularly. Thanks for the inspiration! Wonderful giveaway too!

  50. I've only been blogging for two months and have been so inspired and motivated by so many bloggers. And have even exchanged emails with a few. I just love that we all have fabric in common :)

  51. Just started following you today!

  52. I love blogging and all the friends I have made from all around the world :)

  53. I am now a follower and look forward to getting to know you.

  54. I love blogging because of the other bloggers. I have 'met' several people that seem to be kindred spirits and I am enjoying it a lot.

  55. I also posted it on my FB wall!

  56. I blog to get other people's opinions for my evolving work. I love looking at other blogs for tons of great inspiration! Thanks for the chance to win - I love Hope Valley :)

  57. I love seeing all the different styles of writing and all the awesome quilts fellow bloggers make.

  58. I like reading about mistakes and screwups and things going horribly awry, and how people deal with it. There just isn't time enough to make every mistake on your own. I'm quite happy to learn from other people's! I also like reading about how people take their "mistakes" and make them into or discover something even better than the original intent.

  59. I like seeing what others are doing. It inspires me!

  60. I love all the inspiration and seeing real people´s work, beautiful things that are doable.

  61. I love blogging because I am "meeting" people who love to sew like me. I'm kinda a loner in that. My sister really wants to, but she has a 1yr old and a full time job. I have been in her boat. It's hard to find time. We sewed together while she was prego. We made her babies bumper pad, sheets, and a quilt. She asked me to help, because she was very inexperienced(not that I'm a pro). I told her that was fine, but she HAD to do the quilt. One, because I already made one for baby Liam, and 2 because I knew the satisfaction she would have knowing she made her first quilt for her first baby. I wish you could have seen the excitement on her face when she completed it. It was priceless!! Ummmm, I kinda veered off the blogging question....oops!

  62. I blogged about your giveaways!! thanks for doing this!

  63. I love all the inspiration out there and what people are doing
    Thanks for the giveaways!

  64. I love being exposed to new things on blogs and having other bloggers re-affirm my own thoughts, ideas and general whimsies--love the community!!

  65. Will done on your anniversary of blogging!! I am now a follower :)

  66. I enjoy reading blogs for quilty inspiration, tutorials, tips, patterns, QAL, fabric info, and giveaways of course! Happy Birthday Week! alternate email mlwright29(at)hotmail(dot)com

  67. I love reading blogs for inspiration and education. (and the pretty pictures don't hurt!)

  68. I started my blog back in November, and I've been amazed by the kindness and support of the community. My favourite aspect are all the learning opportunities out there for those who want to put in the time to participate. My skills are improving daily and I'm having fun doing it.

  69. I love the wealth of ideas I get from blog reading! I don't love the fabric bill, LOL, because there are so many collections that I NEED to have after reading about them online!

  70. And I tweeted the giveaway, too! @Jennyroo1

  71. I love the connections you make through blogging. You leave a comment and then it turns into an e-mail. Those e-mails turn into friendships or collaborations. So on and on!

  72. I'm a brand new follower! Hello! How are you! I'll just take a look around.

  73. I tweeted the giveaway!

  74. I love all the wonderful ideas and tutorials. I find bloggers very encouraging and transparent. Hense, I have been motivated to step out of my comfort zone and try new things. Thanks for sharing.

  75. I have a little blog that I don't update often but It has been so much fun "meeting" new people, learning new crafts and getting inspired everyday.
    Thanks for the giveaway.

  76. Happy belated Blogiversary! My favourite thing about reading blogs are the tutorials (I'm a self/blog taught quilter) & all of the fabulous inspiration. Love the Hope Valley, it came out before I started quilting & stashing, thanks for the lovely giveaway.

  77. I follow your blog, thanks again!

  78. Not really a blogger, but I just love seeing creativity and art. The work and love put into each post and each project is amazing.

  79. ...tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet...


  80. I am a follower! Just think - soon it will be you blogiversary again!!! Thanks for the chance to win!

  81. I am a brand new quilter, and I think what made me take the leap was all of the fabulous blogs out there that give me inspiration, tutorials, and encouragement. I just have to occasionally fight that feeling of "I could never do it as well as..."! Thanks!

  82. I love reading blogs because it reminds me that people go through the same crafting challenges and persevere! I have just started adding more intentional blog posts and I am looking forward to doing blogs posts more often.

  83. I like blogging because I get to talk about my interests. I am sure my local friends are glad I found an outlet for it lol. I like reading blogs because I love learning from others!

  84. what i love is how selfless people are with their knowlage. Unfortunatly in real life people hold on to their knowlage and dont like to share, but in Blogland everyone is so giving.


    cleo (AT) techgear.co.za

  85. I love seeing what others are working on - it's inspiring. :) And all the tutorials - so generous of people to give their time to share knowledge!

  86. Tweeted! https://twitter.com/#!/birdie00000/status/182489152539987968

  87. Inspirations! Great tutorials!
    Thanks !

  88. Tweeted - https://twitter.com/hueisei/status/182490309387755523

  89. I love blogging because it lets me make some awesome friends!! =)

  90. Happy birthday again! It's so generous of you to be giving presents on your birthday. I've noticed that quality among quilting bloggers quite often. :) I'm just starting to get involved, but I can really see how you love it so much!

  91. My favorite part about blogging is all the nice people you meet with similar interest.

  92. I tweeted this giveaway

  93. I love blogging and reading blogs. It is a great way to get inspiration from around the world and a make new friends. We also used it to keep in touch with everyone when we went on a 2 week trip out west. It was a great way to write everything down so you wouldn't forget and everyone would know what was happening. I may even start a quilting blog of my own one day.

  94. i must love reading blogs because i sew a little in between them

  95. I love reading blogs and learning new techniques and tricks. I just learned about two new sewing techniques in the blogs I read before I got to yours!

  96. I love reading blogs cause i learn so much from them and once my sewing room is back to order (redesigning it which is taking ALOT longer the thought due to health issue and my hubby hectic work schedule) I plan to start my blog back up.

  97. Thing I like about blogs is looking at diffident ways to do the same thing I am doing. Different ways, takes or ideas about things. Just love the inspiration.


  98. I love reading blog for so many reasons! Inspiration, ideas, learning new things, and knowing that there are other people having the same experiences I am are only a few of the reasons!

  99. and I like you on facebook as well!

  100. I am totally inspired by the Blogs I read. Creative people who find ways to balance life, kids, work and still find time to produce beautiful things & share them.

  101. I love looking at all the beautful quilts others are working on for ideas and inspiration! awolk@rogers.com

  102. I follow your blog via email! awolk@rogers.com

  103. What I love about blogging and reading blogs . . . it's a great way to express my thoughts, ideas, feelings, favorite things with anyone and everyone who might be listening. I love following blogs to connect with other people with similar interests and to learn new things. I have been blogging myself for a little over a year and love every minute of it.


  104. I love that I am making friends all over the world because of blogs. I joined a couple of swaps and since then have a couple of people that I correspond with all the time now. It is so fun to meet people in line that I have so much in common with.

  105. I love reading blogs for inspiration and tutorials! And it's cool to "meet" people all over the world. :) Thanks for a chance to win this beautiful fabric! :)
    bcgeates at netbistro dot com

  106. I get almost all of my quilting ideas and information online, so without blogs, I'd be one sad lady...

  107. For me, blogs are a great source of inspiration, tips or techniques, and a fun way to interact with the quilting community.

  108. I love about blogging how kind everyone is! I've made a few good blogging friend who for sure would be great real life friends, too. And I love the creativity!

  109. I love all the wonderful friends I have made via blogging. You have a wonderful blog I will be back!

  110. I love getting ideas for new projects! There is so much inspiration out there:)

  111. The best thing about blogging is showing my family at how what I'm doing over here, far far away from them! I just love to keep them updated on my sewing projects!

  112. I love that I can blog about my quilting & there are people out there who actually care enough to comment on it! My husband can tell me "it looks cool" & that's about as far as that goes - lol. I just love the sharing aspect :)

  113. I am now a follower! I found you through 'Adventures in Fabric' & may have gasped a little when I saw you were giving away Hope Valley. I LOVE this line!

  114. What I really love about reading blogs is seeing others' creativity, it inspires me and sparks my own ideas. Not to mention so many talented people out there sharing their knowledge. It's awesome.

  115. I tweeted it: https://twitter.com/IamLilyMunster/status/183105913928945664

  116. I love stalking blogs for inspiration! There are so many great ideas and especially love the tutorials. Even though I don't blog I have participated in a few fabric swaps and have loved the instant community!

  117. I love reading blogs to see what other seamstresses are making. it is always inspiring to me. I'm working on starting my own blog.

  118. I love how blogging allows you to feel part of this wonderful, worldwide quilting community. Living in Australia it is a great way to make friends overseas. Cheers, Karen

  119. I am already a happy follower. Cheers, Karen

  120. I have been participating in Project Quilting recently and it has been fun and educational. If I didn't read quilting blogs I never would have discovered it.

  121. I love connecting with other quilters around the world. So much fun.

  122. I LOVE visiting and reading blogs! Not only do you get introduced to new ideas and projects, and find wonderful giveaways to enter, but you meet some incredible people that you, otherwise, would most likely never have had the opportunity to meet! :-)

  123. I am a blog follower on GFC! Thanks again, and Happy Blogiversary! :-)

  124. I tweeted today's giveaway on Twitter-- here is the link: https://twitter.com/#!/GwenWindham/status/183963986658721793

  125. I am a new follower and what I love about blogging is...

  126. I read a lovely selection of quilting, crafting and sewing blogs and am debating about having my own blog. Last week I was asked to comment on someone's new blog and I thought it was really well designed and mentioned this- I got the loveliest, really long email from the blogger with lots of links and tips she had followed in setting up her blog- and she obviously spent quite some time putting this all together for me! It was so inspiring and such a sweet thing to do, a real random act of kindness.
    xxBettina ibs102(at)hotmail(dot)com

  127. I'm a follower. Thank you for the giveaway!

  128. I love reading blogs for all the eye candy. There is so much inspiration to be found.

  129. I love reading blogs for inspiration. Better than books (though I still love books. I did have a great experience through the blogs of getting to make a gift for another crafter/blogger and she made one for me, all coordinated by another blogger (craftaholicsanonymous). We exchanged emails and had a great time meeting someone new. Plus the bonus of creating and gifting.

  130. I am following your blog, and I love it ;)

  131. I shared this on my Facebook page.

  132. What I love about blogging is that it's like keeping a diary of your successes and mistakes so that it becomes a learning experience.

  133. I love the connections. I feel like I've made a few 'frinds' here and I've even been inspired to go to the sewing summit next fall :) Thanks for the terrific week of giveaways!

  134. tweeted here! https://twitter.com/#!/barzibo/status/184374139585441792

  135. i love the people i've met through blogging - blogging is a source of inspiration and the people i've met are some of the kindest, sweetest and most generous

  136. I have grown so much as a sewist--without all of the amazing tutorials and patterns and pictures that I can find trough bloggers, I'd never have gotten so into sewing, and it's now one of my most favorite things to do!

    Thanks for the chance to win. Hope Valley is amazing!


Thanks for stopping in to say hi! I always love your comments, they make me smile!

If you have a no-reply account, be sure to leave your email address so I can respond to you.